Rafael Masó and Valentí – Wikipédia


Rafael Masó i Valentí
Image illustrative de l'article Rafael Masó i Valentí
Rafael Masó i Valentí, Avec Le Clocher de Sant Feliu in Arrière-Plan
Girona (Spain)
Death (at 54)
Girona (Spain)
Nationality Spanish
Movement Catalan Modernism, Noucentisme
Activities Architect, poet and writer
Formation University of Barcelona
Achievements Farinera Teixidor, Casa Batlle, Casa Salieti, Casa Masó, Athenea, Casa Masramon, Cemetery, Casa Gispert-Saüch, Casa de la Punxa

Rafael Masó i Valentí , born the in Girona (Catalonia, Spain) and died on In the same city, is a Spanish architect in Catalonia.


Rafael Masó was born in Girona, in a conservative, Catholic, Catalanist and cultivated family. The erudite atmosphere favored by the interest that his father has in literature and the arts, as well as love for his hometown and his traditions, mark the personality and the journey of the future architect very early on. Admirer of Antoni Gaudí, he frequented during his studies in Barcelona a group of artists and writers who, soon after, will base a divergent movement of modernism, newness. Civic attitude, Catalanism and the modernizing and Europeanist character advocated by N thiscentism led Masó to also distinguish itself as poet, urban planner, politician and promoter of art and literature [ first ] , [ 2 ] .

La Casa Masó (white building) in Girona.

Masó lives in Casa Masó until 1912, the year he married Esperança Bru. He will exercise his life in Girona, which is why most of her constructions are in this city and its surroundings. Apart from houses, villas and apartment buildings, he designs all kinds of buildings, from school to hospital through the factory and the store. It also arranges firm and country house and restores medieval architecture. His most remarkable works are, in Girona, La Farinera Teixidor (1910), Casa Masó (1911) and the Athenea cultural center (1912); La Casa Masramon in Olot (1913), Casas Casas in Sant Feliu de Guíxols (1914) and the Jardin Cité de Segaró (1923). Unfortunately, his proposals do not always please his customers and, quite frequently, remain in the state of plans. In addition, after his death, several of his works will be demolished or irreparably modified.

His work is distinguished by its total identification with the Noucentist postulates of a modernity which does not give up the most austere classicism, integrating forms, colors and materials of the local culture, with a pronounced presence of craft techniques. Very influenced by the English arts & craft movement and the new German regionalist architecture, Masó aspire to unite the tradition of vernacular architecture with new ideas that are emerging on the structure and ornamentation of buildings, the decoration of interiors and the Furniture design. Its contribution will be decisive for the introduction in Catalonia of modern concepts in terms of housing design, rehabilitation of crafts, historical heritage and promotion of culture [ 3 ] , [ 4 ] .

Rafael Masó Né Dans La Maison Familiale, La Casa Masó, Où S’installeront Ses Parents, Rafael Masó-Pagès et Paula Valentí-Fuster, Après Leur Mariage in 1877. The Maison était the proprio de la Famille Valentí.

Rafael Masó was the second of a siblings of 11 children. Santiago, Rafael, Artur, Joan, Francesc de Paula, Angela, Josep, Alfons, Narcís, Maria I Paula: they are raised in a conservative family, Catholic, Catalanist and cultivated, in a scholarly environment favored by literary and artistic interest of his father, founder of Girona Diario , an environment in which several different cultural initiatives work [ 5 ] , Being gathered by the same love of the city and its traditions. These influences marked the personality and trajectory of the architect [ 6 ] . In addition, the profession of his father as a prosecutor of the courts, will influence the values ​​received by the architect, in particular his desire to intervene in public life as well as his great religiosity [ 5 ] .


Rafael Masó dies in Girona the . The in -depth study of his work was decisive for the recovery of the architectural heritage of the city.

Schooling and youth [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

He did his high school years and spent his baccalaureate at the Maristas school in Girona. He received a rigorous religious education, in the context of a Costista Girona, which still suffers from the consequences of the Napoleonic wars, which forged his education marked by popular customs, made very well reflected in the poems of the architect . My street, children’s songs, children’s nativity scene or home [ 5 ] .

When obtaining his baccalaureate in 1895, Masó produced a series of materials for the preparatory architecture course: development of physics and general chemistry (1895-96), mathematical analysis I and zoology (1896-97), mathematical analysis II, general geometry, mineralogy and botany (1896-98), analytical geometry and descriptive geometry (1898-99), differential and integral calculation, rational mechanics (1899-1900). He also studied linear drawing and geometric figures, in which he made reproductions of flowers and architectural details.

When he followed the preparatory architecture course, following the obtaining of his baccalaureate, he came into contact with the group Catalanist youth and with Mariana Congregation of the Jesuits. These two institutions marked his style and his commitment to his nation. In the specialized sections of these institutions, such as the art group and letters, Rafael Masó participated through reading poems in the creation of the review Gerund (1901), a scientific, artistic and literary review that would share certain ideas with The Renaissance And The voice of Catalonia , other notable journals of that time. Also through writing articles, he collaborated with the Diario de Girona , review Enderroch (1902) and the review Life (1902-1903, with the publication of texts in 34 numbers). These journals are devoted to art and literature, as well as to various other subjects.

While he was not yet very committed to politics, he was involved in an altercation, and was arrested by the police, as well as his brother Santiago Masó and Xavier Montsalvatge. Indeed the three men had defended the results of the Catalan Center of Girona in the general elections of 1901, ephemeral party created from nationalist ideas [ 7 ] .

Architecture studies in Barcelona [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Rafael Masó began his architectural studies in Barcelona in 1900. Six years later, in 1906, he returned to his hometown with an architect’s diploma, obtained in the same promotion as his comrades: Josep Maria Pericas and Josep Maria Jujol. With them, he shares an admiration for Antoní Gaudí. In Barcelona, ​​with other artists, writers and intellectuals of the city, he changes the movement of modernism towards an alternative, which will lead to newness.

In , Masó moves to Barcelona and registers at the school of architecture. Teaching methods included links with French rationalism, and focused a lot on the study, knowledge and technical application of drawing. In the projects he carried out during his studies, we can note the affirmation of his personality as well as his admiration for Antoní Gaudí, aspect which will cause a break with the lessons received within the school of architecture.

His end -of -studies thesis, devoted to the development of a chamber of commerce, provoked a great controversy within the teaching staff, Masó having already presented a project with elements not being in harmony with the school ‘architecture. This is due to the fact that Masó is culturally and artistically formed outside the classrooms.

Masó considered Gaudí as one of the strongest artistic expressions of the ideals of the group to which he belonged, either Spiritual League of Our Lady of Monserrat. This group, founded by Josep Torras I Bages, highlighted ideals based on religion and Catalanism. In addition, during his studies in Barcelona, ​​Masó was a catechist at the Basilica of the Sagrada Familia, at the time of its construction.

During his studies of architecture, he met Josep Maria Pericas, with whom he will be friends all his life; They are both engaged in the Spiritual League of Virgin of Montserrat as well as in the congregation Mariana .

Masó will also come into contact with the Academy of the Catalan language, linked to Torras I Bages. He also binds with a group of young intellectuals, called the cal-ligeneics (The beautiful generation), which will be the founding nucleus of the Noucentism movement: Josep Carner, Guerau de Liost, Emili Vallès, Joan Alzina-Mélis, Francesc Sitjà-Pineda, and Josep Maria López-Picó. During his stay in Barcelona, ​​Masó did not give up his activities at the Girona Cultural Center, on the contrary he motivates his colleagues to collaborate.

When he was in Barcelona, ​​Masó collaborated with the journals Montserrat And Life . Thanks to the review Life , he wishes to energize urban life, through a decadentist criticism of a “dead Girona”, an image that Masó illustrates in his poems, with the support of Josep Carner.

The civic attitude, Catalanism, as well as the modernizing and Europeanist character that Noucentism defends, will make sure that Rafael Masó will also distinguish himself as a poet, urban planner, politician and promoter of art and architecture.

Professional activity [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

As soon as he obtains his architect diploma, Masó returns to Girona with the desire to act for the architecture of the city, aware of the urban limits already present. In this transformation project, he mixes both his personal, but also sentimental, and professional life, which for him are inseparable.

The difficulties to which the architect collides during his transformation project will be the cause of a relationship of love and hatred with his hometown.

The real art, he will find it in his opinion on traditional, family and cultural life, elements that the city of Girona had already offered him.

His activity as an architect experienced the crisis of modernism movement, so he tried to detach himself from this style thanks to the poetic run of neopopulism as well as the avant-garde experiences of European architecture.

He is closely interested in the English servant of Charles Voysey and the Viennese secession represented by Josef Hoffmann and Joseph Maria Olbrich. These interests and relationships he cultivates them through his readings of European journals and contacts. With this knowledge and experience, Rafael Masó became the author of the general artistic taste change for the Noucentism movement which met a great success in Girona.

The travail of Masó is influenced by the contributions of modern Architects Comme Domènech-Montaner, Gaudí, Puig and Cadafalch.

The Masó Architecture is divided into périods trois [ 8 ] :

· 1906-1911: The works of his first years as an architect are of great diversity. Some are not architectural, but inspired by applied art, such as furniture, flag drawings, as well as certain graphic art objects. In these projects, it is possible to see certain influences of modern architects of the time. For Masó, these works had the same importance as others much more prestigious; He was passionate about applied arts. He also carried out important orders such as the renovation of the dining room of the Masía El Soer (1906-1907) in St-Hilari, also the Masó pharmacy in 1908 (today Pharmacy Saguer). Then one of the most architectural works that the architect will produce in Girona, Casa Batlle (1909), followed by the Flour Teixidor Factory in 1910, as well as the Ensesa warehouse in 1911, Casa Salieti (1910-1911 ), and of the first renovation of the Casa Masó (1910-1912). Rafael Masó has always been concerned about the impact of his work. In 1908, alongside J.B Coromina and Ricard Guino, he organized “the exhibition of Géronais artists”, where some of his architecture work, as well as Coromina paintings, and Guinó sculptures are exhibited. Thanks to this exhibition, Masó presented his achievements as works of art and thus demonstrated his talents and authorized for future achievements.

1912-1922: In 1922, on the return from his honeymoon in Europe with his wife Esperança Bru, he decided to devote himself again to the definition of his own architectural style, as in his early days in 1906, after the end of his studies. The main objective of the wedding trip was the study of German architecture. During this trip, they will go through many cities: Avignon, Lyon, Geneva, Lausanne, Zurich, St-Gallen, Stuttgart, Darmstadt, Bietigheim, Frankfurt, Rothenburg, Nuremberg, Dresde, Munich, Innsbruck, Vérise, Bologna , Florence, Pisa, Genoa, Nice, Menton, Monaco, Monte-Carlo, Marseille, Nîmes, until arriving in Barcelona, ​​where they will also visit Montserrat. During this trip, Masó will be able to see with his own eyes certain architectural styles that he knew through journals, and this momentary influence is found in his works dating from this time. In these influences, we find traditional or industrial architecture, as well as the architecture of ancient Rome, and the secession of Vienna. We consider this period to be the most interesting of his career, during which he produced modernist works, which today became references of Catalan architecture. Some of these achievements are: Athenea, Can Cendra, Masramon, Ensesa, Casas I Teixidor, and Maison Gispert-Sauch.

1923-1935: Rafael Masó strengthens this idea of ​​idealization of Catalonia, as well as its expression through the use of elements specific to Catalan culture, such as terracotta, sgraffitis, columns, with symmetry and a baroque style. He tried to renovate the city permanently, with the intention of preserving the character of the old district, organizing the civil and commercial zone, and also to gain importance in the future districts of Girona. During this time, he also devoted himself to the study, recovery and protection of heritage. Some of his works of this period are for example: the cooperative La Económica Palagrugellenca, Casa Cots, Casa Colomer, Urbanization Teixidor in St-Eugénie, and the urbanization of Sea Agaró in Castilla d’Aro.

Literary heritage [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Before being an architect, Rafael Masó was a poet. Even if this facet of his person is little known, he was quite famous among the young people of his generation, although he was not yet known as an architect. His poems were so known, that in 1911 he was included as a poet in the famous Almanach of the Noucentistes d’E eugeni d’Ors.

His poems reflect various influences, like that of Josep Carner, Josep Maria López-Picó, and Jaume Bofill. In his achievements there are sonnets as well as Alexandrians, but also decasyllables.

The majority of poems written by Masó were published in the review Magazine of Catalonia , Almanach of the Noucentistes , Montserra t, Life

We could classify his poems in the following themes: urban landscapes, love and friendship, faith and religion, traditions and circumstances, and finally the carters. We can find most of these poems in the compilation made by David Prats: Poetic anthology , published in 2006 [ 9 ] .

La Casa Masó in Girona organizes a literary itinerary, thus through the poetic work of Masó and texts written by other poets and authors, a course is made within the house, which was also a place as Meeting of the most famous poets of the Noucentism Movement [ ten ] .

During his life, Rafael Masó, through letters, maintained contact and even friendships with various people known to the time:

· Écrivains Notoires: Jaume Bofill (Guereau de Liost); Josep Carner, Lluís Carreras, Martí Genís, Josep Maria López-Picó, Eugeni d’Ors, Josep Pla, Llorenç Riber, Joaquim Ruyra, Maria Antónia Salvá, Ramon Vinyes, Francesc Viver.

· Notoires artists: Enric Casanovas, Joan Llongueras, Esteve Monegal, Joaquim Pecanins.

· Scientifiques: Joan Alzina Melis, Ignasi Casanovas, Joaquim Folch-Torres, Diego Ruiz, Josep de C. Serra Ràfols, Emili Vallès.

· Political hommes: Lluís Nicolau d’Olwer, Enric Prat de la Riba, Josep Puig i Cadafalch.

Cultural and civic actions [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Rafael Masó, outside his architect’s profession, also stands out for his quality as a writer. In Girona, he frequented the group of Xavier Montsalvatge, Carles Rahola, Miquel de Palol, and Prudenci Bertrana, who together write and collaborate with different journals of the time. In Barcelona, ​​he returned to contact with certain intellectuals of the moment, such as Josep Carner, Jaume Bofill Mates, Josep Maria López-Picó and Emilie Vallès, the latter will integrate a literary center, which will be one of the engines of the change of their artistic movement, ending up leading to newism.

In 1913, the Géronnais nucleus founded cultural society Athenea , in order to promote the emerging movement of newism [ 11 ] . This company was the soul of a group of art craftsmen and artists, who brought together for example the sculptor Fidel Aguilar, the painter and ceramist Joan Baptista Coromina, the blacksmith Nonito Cadenas, and the two busquet brothers, decorators .

His willingness to improve Géronaise will push him to engage in political life [ twelfth ] . With his friend Jaume Bofill Mates, in Barcelona, ​​he militates in the Catalan young people of the Regionalist League. In the 1920 elections in Girona, he joined the electoral list of the Regionalist League, which won the municipal elections. Rafael Masó will then enter the town hall as a municipal councilor, with the double objective of normalizing the city’s urbanization but also increasing the amount of cultural developments. Masó was convinced that the town hall of Girona could only create cultural infrastructure with the support of the state.

In 1923, with the arrival of Primo de Rivera in power and the start of the dictatorship, democratic life hung. Rafael Masó and other Catalan Municipal Councilors are imprisoned, because they join a Catalanist act, organized by the Autonomist Center for Traders. Once released, Masó is forbidden to exercise his profession in the official sector. But he will not stop being in favor of the Catalanist cause as well as the resistance against the dictatorship.

In addition, Rafael Masó was also the delegated architect of the Institute of Catalan Studies in the Catalogging and Conservation Service of Monuments, as well as correspondent for the development of decorative arts in Girona, but also a member of the Real Academia des Beaux Arts of San Fernando, and finally a member of the Regional Monument Commission.

Work [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

In his work, Masó incorporates the artisanal tradition of ceramics, wood, stained glass, and wrought iron. Thus he defines a clean style, which will give his cachet to the city. Except for houses, villas, and buildings, it also conceived schools, hospitals, factories and shops. Finally, he also devoted himself to the renovation of farms dating from the medieval era.

Masó was not content to draw the plans of the buildings, he also took care of the decoration of the interior of the houses and drew the furniture. The stained glass windows of the Casa Ensesa vestibule, currently exhibited at the Museum of History in Girona, are a good example.

Rafael Masó also drew a tombstone for Guillem Colteller, doctor of Casa Real Catalana of the IV It is century, and one of the greatest connoisseur of medical science of the time. This tombstone was exhibited in the sessions room of the town hall of Girona, but was withdrawn in 1940 [ 13 ] . Currently she is on display at the Museum of History in Girona.

His most notorious works are probably the Teixidor Flourra (La Fabrique de flour), made in 1910, also Casa Masó in 1911, then in 1913, the Athenea cultural center. Other notorious works outside the city are also to be emphasized, such as: Casa Masramon (1913), Casas Casas (1914) in Sant Feliu de Guíxols, and the garden city of SEGARó (1923 ). It happened that because of a bad understanding with its customers, the project did not see the light of day. Over time, some of the buildings were destroyed or altered in an unusual manner; Others were preserved.

Year Name Municipality Localisation Description Current state Photo
1903 Ca n’ragó [ 15 ] Santa Coloma de Famers Calle Jacint Verdaguer, No. 26 Complete house renovation Has been kept entirely in the original state
1906-1907 1909-1910 Renovation of the El Soer farm St Hilari Sacalm English road Renovation of a farm XVIII It is century, property of Tomàs Cendra. The renovation mainly concerns the interior and design of the dining room furniture Kept well
1907 Joséfine sisters altar Girona Lledoners Plaza Lateral altar with altarpiece. Masó had also planned a major altar and a holy holy holy holy sector. Has been kept in full in the original state
1907-1908 Renovation of can quintana Torroella de Montgrí Ullà Street, No. 31 Interior decoration of the house of D. Pompeyo de Quintana. The house was only kept in part.
1907-1908 Doctor Vinyes House (connue comme «Can Peix» English Calle del Castell, No. 6 Construction of the house, managed by Faustina Cairó. The house as a whole has been kept well.
1908 Pharmacie Masó Puig Girona Calle de la Argenteria, No. 29 Renovation of an old premises to transform it into a pharmacy. Interior space and facade. The interior has been kept in good condition
1908-1910 Casa Battle Girona Calle Fontanilles, No. 2 Renovation of a house containing several apartments in XIX It is century, with views of three different streets. R.MASó abandoned the project before the end. The house is well preserved but has undergone significant changes
1909 Ramon Boix Girona Calle Ballesteries, No. 43 Renovation of the rear facade, where galleries were added overlooking the Onyar river. The building was well preserved.
1909 St-Gregori schools St-ragori Ensemble made up of schools and the town hall. But he only built himself the two parts of the school intended to welcome young children, separated by land where the town hall should have been. The schools have been well preserved but have undergone many modifications and enlargements.
1909-1910 House Blog General road, n ° 24 Renovation of a house XVIII It is century, known as “Cal Governador”. Masó drew the garden, the interior of the house and the furniture. Masó’s work has been well preserved, but has undergone changes. As for the furniture, they changed owners.
1909-1910 Sarrià de Ter schools Sarrià de Ter Sarrià road, No. 59 Renovation and reorganization of three houses, at the request of Alfons Teixidor. The interiors have been modified and the facades restored.

Sarrià de Ter schools
1909-1911 Ferme de la Riba Le Vall de Bianya Expansion of a farm from the Burch family. The interiors have been completely transformed and the facade has also undergone modifications.
1910-1911 Casa Salleti Girona Calle Citizens, No. 8 Restoration of a house XVI It is century. The work was concentrated on the patio and the stairs giving access to the upper floor. The house has been well preserved. The vestibule tiles were removed from the ground but subsequently delivered. The lamp is currently in the church of St-Feliu



Farine Teixidor Usine Girona Road of Santa Eugènia, No. 42 Industrial complex formed by two parts connected by a bridge, connecting the factory with the owner’s house. The factory is partially preserved, and has undergone changes
1911 Bianya’s self Sant Salvador de Bianya Parish church Restoration and construction of an altar with altarpiece for a Romanesque church in XI It is century. The altarpiece was destroyed during the civil war. The church and the altar on the other hand have been well preserved.
1911 ENESSA ENTERPARY Girona Barcelona road, No. 57 Construction of a new floor intended to store flour. The warehouse has disappeared today.

Ensesa Warehouse (Crt. Barcelona)


House Girona Calle Ballesteries, No. 29 Renovation of three houses that Masó Unifia in one. He also adapted the interiors of the house for his family The house has been well preserved and is visible.
1912 Schools

of Vilablareix

Village Calle Perelló, No. 142 Construction of a new building in front of the school and the town hall. The work has undergone several renovations and changes over time.
1912; 1916;


Masó-Bru house Girona Road of Santa Eugènia, No. 5 Renovation of the interior and furniture on the first floor. The furniture was divided between the descendants of Masó.
1912-1913 House pérez figure Girona Bonaventura Street, Carrera Peralta, No. 2 Mansion dating from XVIII It is century. Masó reorganizes space and has a stucco facade. Good conservation of the house.
1913 Athenea Girona Calle Anselm Clavée, n ° 30 Realization of an exhibition room / concerts Disappeared.
1913-1914 Masramon House Olot Calle Vayreda, No. 6 Construction of a new house in the Malagrida district. The house is well preserved but has undergone modifications.
1913-1914 Casa Oller St-Martí Sapresa (Brunyola) English Road, Santa Coloma de Farmers Enlargement of a farm. Good preservation of the farm.
1913-1915 Ash house English Girona Street, N ° 7 Renovation and enlargement of a house with garden. Good conservation of the house with modifications.
1913-1915 Home ensesa Girona Road Barcelona, ​​No. 68 Renovation and enlargement of an existing house, intended to be the place of life of the ENSESA family and to house the offices of the La Montserrat flour factory. Good conservation of the house but with modifications and adaptations to become the municipal music school.
1914-1916 Block Saltie Girona NEU STREET, N ° 1 Set of housing for rental. Well preserved together.
1914-1916 House houses St-Feliu de Guíxols Carretera de St-Feliu à Palamós. Quartier cloccusa Insulated house in an area in front of St-Pol beach Bad conservation of the house.
1916 Arts and Crafts Schools Girona Calle Anselm CLAVED, n ° 32 Building intended to become the Arts and Crafts School next to Athenea Gone
1915-1916 Boutique adroher Girona Shotgrowers Realization of the facade and the interior of an electrical equipment shop. Did not keep
1917 Psychiatric clinic Santa Coloma de Gramenet Domaine Torribera Project presented for a call for tenders, with the collaboration of Josep M.pericas Project later carried out under the Directive of Josep.m Péricas

Mental Clinic of Sta. Coloma de Gramanet
1918 Maison de Vacances Saliet Set Sea paste, n ° 62 et 63 Isolated house with garden, made up of two outbuildings, Correct conservation of the house, with modifications.

Salieti Estartit Salieti House
1918 Casa Ribas Girona Calle Peixateries Velles, No. 7 Renovation of a house with a view of the Rambla, construction of an access staircase, and closing an old passage between the Rambla and rue Peixateries Velles. Good conservation without modifications.
1918-1919 Cemetery facade Girona Girona cemetery Project for carrying out a new gateway to the Girona cemetery as well as the facade. The door was not built but the facade yes. It was restored, which explains its good conservation.
1918-1922 Casa Teixidor (La Punxa) Girona Road of Santa Eugenià, No. 19 House with several apartments for rent, as well as a warehouse on the ground floor. The building was preserved, but the warehouse was demolished.
1919-1920 Gallery of the beautiful trades Girona GERMans Busquets Street Renovation of a small space intended to become an art gallery Partial conservation.

Gallery of the beautiful trades, Girona
1921 Vilyal house Girona Calle Nou of the Theater, No. 2 Renovation of a house containing several apartments in XIX It is century. Good conservation without modifications.
1920-1921 Pórtula-Xargay House Sarrià de Ter Calle Major de Sarrià, n ° 116 et 118 Renovation and enlargement of certain existing houses Good conservation.
1920-1923 Viny power plant Flap St-Llorenç de les Arenes road Thought by Masó, this industrial building aimed to generate electricity to hydraulic energy. Good conservation as it is, including machinery.


Agricultural cooperative La Canetense Canet de Mar Gram Street, No. 22 Building made up of three facades and a porch at the corner of the building. On the ground floor are commercial dependencies, and on the upper floor an auditorium with wooden frames. Today fell in ruins.
1922 Municipal cemetery Flap Hexagonal cemetery with a diagonal space organization. The access portal was built other than initially planned.
1921-1922 Jaume Massaguer House Albon Bellcaire path Construction of a new building designed as a Catalan farm. With two garden salons. Good preservation of the premises.
1921-1923 Gispert-Saüch House Girona Calle Álvarez de Castro, No. 9 Gran Via Jaume I House made up of two floors and a terrace, with an apartment and a warehouse. Good conservation with modifications.
1921-1924 Rigau house Girona Marquis Plaza de Camps n ° 14 House made up of three floors, with the vocation of shops and housing Good conservation but the house was denatured following modifications.
1923 Ensesa flats house Girona Marquis Plaza de Camps No 16 et av. of James I, No. 1 House project containing several apartments, with a ground floor warehouse. Destroyed in
1922-1925 Pension box for old age and savings and women’s institute working Girona Santa Clara Street, N ° 9 Renovation of a building to install the offices of the Caixa y del Dispensari per Dona There is almost nothing left of the interiors, as for the Sgraffites they were restored a few years ago.
1924 Casa Cadenas Girona Calle St-Anthony M.Claret New house project containing several apartments The house has not been preserved.
1924 Prat house Girona Calle del Nord, n ° 10 Expansion and renovation of a house containing several already existing apartments, with a new floor. Correct conservation of the house.

Casa Francesc Prat i Bosch


Home Girona Santa Clara Street, No. 53 Building of five apartments. The ground floor contains a warehouse. Correct conservation of the building with modifications.
1923-1924 Pension box for old age and savings St-Feliu de Guíxols Rambla Vidal n ° 9 Et Calle Mayor No. 2 Construction of a new building. The ground floor is intended to house the Caixa offices and the floor the library. Correct conservation of the house with some modifications.
1925 St-Feliu de Llagostera Lobster Plaza de la Vila Renovation of the interior and project to build an annex chapel. The project to build a new chapel has never seen the light of day, and nothing remains of the renovations made in 1925.
1925 Church of St-Feliu de Girona Girona Plaza de St-Feliu Renovation of the Santísimo chapel Good conservation of the chapel.
1925 Farm to two St-this St-Esteve Road à St Feliu de Pallerols Renovation of the house. Good conservation of the house.
1923-1935 Cité-Jardin of S’Agaró Castell-Platja d’Aro St-Pol beach Quartier with pension (later called La Gavina Hotel) and Family Mono villas with garden. Good conservation despite some modifications.
1924-1925 St-Julià Et-Basilissa’s Église Verges Internal renovation and reorganization. Renovation and reorganization of the Church. Adding paintings and stained glass on the facade. Good conservation of the whole.
1924-1925 Omedes house Girona Calle St-antoni M.Claret No. 12 Mono Family House on one level with garden on the back. Disappeared.
1925-1926 Gabaldà house Girona Calle de las Ballesteries, No. 23 Renovation and enlargement of an existing house Correct conservation of the house.
1925-1927 Coopérative the Economic Palafrugellenca Palafrugell St-Martí Street, No. 18 Single-storey building intended to house the headquarters of the cooperative Correct conservation but with modifications
1929 Armengol Lloret de Mar Villa in a district in the suburbs of Lloret de Mar. Correct storage but with significant modifications.
1927-1928 Ribas-Crehuet House Girona Calle de la Força, N ° 6 Construction of a new house using the portal of a previous building. Four floors in addition to the ground floor Good conservation.
1927-1928 Corominas house Girona Marquis Plaza de Camps, No. 2 Renovation and enlargement of an existing building. Rafael Masó builds a new structure with a facade overlooking Sequia Street. Renovation of the facade overlooking the Place Marquès de camps with the famous tribune that characterizes the house. Good conservation.
1927-1928 Casa Colomer Girona Road Barcelona, ​​No. 7 Full renovation and enlargement of an existing building, with housing and a business on the ground floor. Verticality dominates on the facade, marked by the openings, the vertical bands and the central body which rises towards the frieze. Good conservation
1928-1929 Quartier weaver Girona St-Eugenia road No. 21 et 23; Iberian Street No ° 1 ET 5 Next to the Casa Teixidor, Rafael Masó draws a neighborhood for workers at the Farine Teixidor factory. The whole was made up of four houses and an isolated villa, the latter was intended for the factory director. The whole has not been kept over time.
1923-1931 House vineyards Calle Núria et Circunvalación Baja de Cerdanyola Unifamilial accommodation. The main body is a cubic volume of one level. Upstairs, presence of an attic, galleries and porches. Good conservation
1929-1932 Arab Bains of Girona Girona Archaeological passage Restoration of Arab baths. Change for a more modern reorganization.

Arabic baths Rafael Masó
1929-1932 Palais Mirador Torroella de Montgrí Passage of the church, n ° 1 Rectangular building with a central patio. All around the patio are the outbuildings of the palace. In 1929, after various renovations, on order of the Marquis de Robert, Masó will work there until 1932 Good conservation with modifications.
1930-1933 Doctor Coll clinic (currently: Clinica Girona) Girona Calle Joan Maragall, No. 26 Construction of a new building to create the clinic there. Completely reshaped. There remains only a stone base, and part of the grid.
1929-1934 Single Palais Torroella de Montgrí Calle de la Iglesia, N ° 8 Et 12 Between 1929 and 1934, Rafael Masó carried out the renovation work on order by Joaquim by Robert. Correct conservation with modifications.
1933 Dalmau hair salon Girona Calle Alameda, Angle of the Wine Plaza Good conservation.
1931-1932 Warehouse, access control grid in Ensesa Girona Road Barcelona, ​​No. 68 Wayness in the grounds of the flour factory, caretaker’s accommodation, and grille delimiting the perimeter. Speed ​​destroyed. The goalkeeper’s grid and accommodation are partly preserved.
1934 Casas marked Quart Road from Girona to St-Feliu, No. 113 Set of two single -family houses, for the two brothers Frederic and Pere Marcó. The two houses are well preserved.
1933-1934 Maderas Coli-Viader Girona Santander Street, N ° 5 Guardian house delimited by a grid. Disappeared.
1932-1933 Oliveras house Girona Calle Juli Garreta House intended to accommodate a workshop and a warehouse. Standard arranged in an apartment. Part of the facade is well preserved.
1932-1935 Raïmat castle Lleida Raïm Renovation of a building of medieval origin, concentrated on the inside of the vestibule, the entrance and the dining room. Masó also drew the fireplace and several furniture. Very good conservation.

The Rafael Masó Foundation was created in 2006 as a non-profit public entity, following the sale of Casa Masó to the town hall of Girona by its last owners, Narcís-Jordi Aragó y Mercè Huerta Busquets, the nephews of the architect. The Foundation is supported by the successors of Rafael Masó, by the town hall of Girona, by the College of Architects in Catalonia, by the College of Architects – Technicians of Girona, and by the University of Girona.

Its mission is to take care of the conservation and dissemination of Casa Masó, promote research, the dissemination of Masó’s work and Catalan Noucentism. But its goal is also to educate the public about the importance of architecture and town planning for society and the people who compose it. This is why the Foundation organizes exhibitions, performs various publications and educational activities for all audiences [ 16 ] .

The Rafael Masó Foundation is located in Casa Masó, the birthplace of the architect Rafael Masó. Within the Foundation, we strive to keep the memory of the Masó family, but also that of the historical context which favored the development of newism in the city of Girona [ 17 ] .

Casa Masó in its current state is the result of the simultaneous union of four houses acquired by the Masó family during the XIX It is century and beginning of XX It is . Her current state is very close to the one she had following the last intervention of Masó in 1919 [ 18 ] .

Foundation heritage [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Casa Masó possessed UNE surface of 1,000 m 2 , divided between the ground floor and the four floors, with 200 m 2 Upstairs. The ground floor and the first two floors are open to the public. The collection of the Foundation contains 1100 cataloged objects (including 42 original works by Rafael Masó) dating from the period 1880-1940. The collection contains paintings, sculptures, drawings, engravings, ceramics, furniture, stained glass, metals, textiles and various utensils. The Foundation’s library and hemérotheque contains 3000 books and 5000 journals, as well as other publications. This set is available to researchers or students, who can also have a consultation room on the second floor of Casa Masó. In addition, thanks to an agreement with the library of the University of Girona, we are cataloged these works, so that in the near future, they are integrated into the collective catalog of the universities of Catalonia (CCUC) [ 19 ] , and available online.

The archives contain nearly 3000 documents and photographs, dated between 1628 and 2012. Through these documents, it is the testimony of the life of more than six generations linked to the Casa Masó.

Activities [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The Foundation organizes temporary exhibitions [ 20 ] :

· Casa Masó: The architect’s drawings (of At ). The exhibition presented more than 40 original drawings from Masó as well as photographs of the work of the house, with special attention for the furniture and the decoration of the interiors with Noucentiste style.

·      Athena 1913 : The Temple of Novecentism (of At ). The exhibition commemorated the centenary of the creation of the association and the building which over time have become the symbols of newness.

· Masó: Public architecture during the Commonwealth (of At ). Exhibition that presented the public works that Masó produced during the time of Mancomunitat.

· Medal portraits: The bronze spectator (of At ). Exhibition of the collection of more than 300 artists and medalists from Catalonia and Europe during the Model Modernismo, Noucentism and Art Deco.

· Art in the book: ex-libris of modernism and novecentism (of At ). Exhibition of more than 300 ex-libris of the best artists of modernism and newism, from various public and private collections of Catalonia as well as Casa Masó even.

· Masó: Interior (of At ) Exhibition dedicated to the immense work of Masó as an interior architect.

· Mercè Huerta (1929-2015): The Essence is to look (of At ). Exhibition presented by the FITA Foundation, the Valvi and Casa Masó Foundation, as a tribute to the painter, educator and illustrator Mercè Huerta (1929-2015), who was also the honorary president of the Masó Foundation.

· “Of love is the garden”: Masó and the Tejidos (du At ). Exhibition that explores for the first time precisely Masó’s work in the textile field, with a double perspective: private and public.

· THE MASÓ: artists and collectionists (of At ). Exhibition presenting for the first time a selection of works from the Masó family acquired at the end of XIX It is century and beginning of XX It is .

· Puig i Cadafalch, Masó and Los Baños Arabes de Girona: (of At ). Exhibition coinciding with the year of Puig-Cadafalch, for which in Girona there is an exhibition dedicated to Arab baths.

· The novelty house: single-family architecture in Catalonia (1913-1932) (of At ). Exhibition which presented a selection of the 18 most representative houses in newness, in order to show to what extent the political and cultural substrate gives shape to the movement of newness. This same movement also gave birth to a new architecture and interior decoration in the service of the new Catalan bourgeoisie.

· “WE WORK FOR ART”: THE MASÓ DE GIRONA PRINT (1889-1992) (of At ). This exhibition is an anthology in the century of visual, literary and journalistic culture of the city of Girona.

The Foundation organizes, and also collaborates in a journalistic way, temporary exhibitions outside the Casa Masó, these exhibitions relate to the work of Rafael Masó, its contemporary side as well as other aspects related to its life and its era [ 21 ] .

In parallel, the Foundation has created an educational program intended to promote Rafael Masó’s work and disseminate architecture, to all generations combined, with particular attention for young and secondary young people. In the continuity of this idea, at Casa Masó we organize visits and workshops, as well as teaching lessons. He also signed agreements so that students from the universities of Girona and Barcelona can carry out internships at Casa Masó.

Finally, the Foundation also develops a cultural volunteer program, with people collaborating in several areas and activities: guided tours, home tourists, educational workshops, research in the biographical and artistic field of the Foundation, etc. [ 22 ] .

  1. Aragon Narcís-Jordi, Falgàs Jordi and Gil Rosa Maria, Casa Masó: Vie et Architecture Noucentista , Gérone -Sant Lluís, Fondation Rafael Masó – Triangle Postcards, 2012
  2. Aadd. Rafael Masó i Valentí, architect (1880-1935). Catalog of the exhibition. Barcelona: La Caixa Foundation, 2006.
  3. Falgàs, Jordi, Welcome à Casa Masó , Gérone, Fondation Rafael Masó 2012
  4. Bassegoda and Nonell, Joan. “The Viennese architecture of Rafael Masó and Valentí”. Girona at reach [Girona], March 14, 1991, p. 32 .
  5. A B and C Tarrús Galter; Comadira, 2007, p. 14.
  6. Falgàs Casanovas, 2012.
  7. Tarrús Galter; Comadira, 2007, p. 15.
  8. Tarrús Galter; Comadira, 2007.
  9. Prats, David “Poetic Anthology”. CCG Edicions, Girona , 2006.
  10. “Link to the website of Casa Masó” (in Catalan).
  11. Vázques, Eve. Athenea, a modernity experiment . quoted by: Aragon, Narcís-Jordi. “Rafael Masó Citizen of Girona”. In: Exhibition catalog . Girona: City Council, 2006.
  12. Bohigas, Jordi. “A future Catalanist policy”. In: Exhibition catalog . Girona: City Council, 2006.

    Aragon, Narcís-Jordi. “Rafael Masó Citizen of Girona”. In: Exhibition catalog . Girona: City Council, 2006.

  13. Christmas and Farreras, Joaquim “Rafael Masó and the Commonwealth”. Diari de Girona , 09-05-2014 [Accessed: 8 August 2017].
  14. Tarrús and Galter, Joan; Comadira, Narcissus. Rafael Masó Noucentista Architect . Barcelona: Brau Edicions, 1996, p. 275. (ISBN  9788496842038 ) .
  15. “Ca n’Aragó”. Inventory of Architectural Heritage of Catalonia . Directorate General of Cultural Heritage of the Generalitat de Catalunya. [Accessed: March 28, 2013].
  16. Masó Foundation
  17. Official Casa Masó website
  18. “The house Masó”.
  19. Vázques, Eva “Open House”. Presence , 27-04-2012, p. 26-29.
  20. “Historical exhibitions”.
  21. Falgàs, Jordi “La Casa Masó: evoke, discover and disseminate (through) architecture”. Geieg , No. 784, May 2012, p. 44 [Accessed: August 30, 2017].
  22. “Volunteering” (in Catalan). Rafael Masó Foundation . [Accessed: August 30, 2017].
