Rahmatou Keïta — Wikipedia


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Rahmatou Keïta is a Nigerian journalist and director, Born in 1957 [Ref. necessary] .

Family [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Sahelian born in Niger, she is little, Songhai and Mandingo. His paternal aunt was Zinder’s sultana having married Zinder’s sultan [ first ] .


Divorced by journalist Antoine Silber, she is the mother of actress Magajyia Silberfeld, born in Paris in 1996 [ 2 ] .

Career [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

After studying philosophy and linguistics in Paris, she settled there and begins a career as a journalist in the written press and the radio, on France Inter in the Daniel Mermet show entitled “If by chance, at the piano bar” [ 3 ] , before working on television.

Columnist, presenter of television news, program host and reporter, she worked for French and international television channels, including the cultural magazine of Antenne 2, The English plate [ 4 ] .

In 2009, she was honorary president of the Pan -African film festival [ 5 ] .

In 2010, Al’lèèssi , his documentary dedicated to the pioneers of African cinema, released in French theaters, after being presented in Cannes in 2005 [ 6 ] .

In 2012, on RFI, it was presented as the first journalist from the “visible minority” [ 7 ] , [ 8 ] .

In 2017, his defense of the report of the fallen leader of Zimbabwe, Robert Mugabe, against journalist Pierre Haski in a debate on TV5 Monde, causes controversy [ 9 ] .

  • 1990 [ ten ] : Djassaree – Documentaire, 13 min (Ortn – Black)
  • 1993-1997: African women (26 × 26 min series) Program on several national television channels in Africa
  • 1999 : Just because of a shot (the nerve of pain) – Documentaire 26 min (SONRHAY Empire Productions / Ortn – Black)
  • 2000: A School Day at Gustave Doré (one day at the Gustave -Doré school) – Documentary 12 min (Sonrhay Empire Productions)
  • 2001: All about Psynachalysts (The Estates General of Psychoanalysis) – Documentary 90 min
  • 2003: Al’èceni … an African actress [ 11 ] , [ twelfth ] – Documentary, 70 min
  • 2014: Surfly isonâ € ™ (The Golden Ring) – Court Mercrage, 12 min (Best Short movie Award At Aaff – Tanzania)
  • 2016: The Wedding Ring ( Zin’naariyâ! or L’Alliance d’or [ 13 ] – Function, 96 min (Sonrhay Empire Productions)
  • Tabu Ley “Rochereau”: innovator of African music , de Jean Mpisi,
  • A new Burkina Faso , de Ben Effects Dislikes, 2006
  • Frame by Frame III: A Filmography of the African Diasporan Image, 1994-2004 , d’Audrey Thomas McCluskey et Edward Mapp, 2007
  • African Cinema Festival of Asia and Latin America , d’Al Alexandra Special, 2007
  • Social issues and urban issues , 2010
  • Historical Dictionary of Niger , from Abdourahmane Idrissa, 2012
  • 100 women in Niger , by Stéphane Tesson and Monica Clesca, 2013
  • Female Narratives in Nollywood Melodramas , d’Elizabeth Johnson et Donald Culverson, 2016
  • Polarity of the terrestrial magnetic field and inversion, the reconstruction of the cross and the two modes of communication , by maternal pendou, 2019
  1. In major soil , RFI
  2. Lea Move , Interview the magaajyia syllable field, action maturity! » , on Little Frenchies , (consulted the )
  3. Africa Elite Information – N ° 157 to 162 – Page 36
  4. Portrait , on TV5 world
  5. Portrait , on the FIFP website
  6. Interview , in the inrockuptibles
  7. Interview , on rfi.fr
  8. Interview , on Africa24
  9. [first]
  10. Rahmatou Keïta talks about love movies » , on international mail , (consulted the ) .
  11. Allessi , on the world.fr
  12. Interview , on tonight or never
  13. Nigerian cinema at the Cannes Film Festival for the second consecutive time, thanks to Rahmatou Keïta “Archived copy” (version of July 3, 2016 on Internet Archive ) , Niger Diaspora

Bibliography [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

external links [ modifier | Modifier and code ]
