Raymond Léon rivore — Wikipedia


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Raymond Léon Rivoire , born the at Cusset [ first ] (Combine) and died on in Paris ( ten It is arrondissement), is a French sculptor.

Antoine Joseph Léon Raymond Rivoire was born in a bourgeois family; His father, Pierre Barthélemy Arthur Rivoire, owns Cannes and his paternal grandfather was a Division Head at the Rhône prefecture. It was on the side of his mother, Clarisse Victoire Alice Millet, that he has Bourbonnais ties; His grandfather, Louis Léon Millet, was admitted to Cusset.

Pupil of Injalbert at the Fine Arts in Paris, he exhibited at the Salon des Artistes Français in 1905. He received a silver medal in 1921 [ 2 ] and gold in 1929. He exhibited in France and abroad (London, Rome, Buenos Aires).


One of his major works is the Diane in greyhound , said again Artemis [ 3 ] . A monumental copy of this statue was enthroned in the large liner of the liner Atlantic [ 4 ] (1931-1933). Scattered memories of the work were found during the demolition which followed his fire. Lower prints are found in several museums (Louvre museum, Newark Museum (New Jersey, United States), as well as at the Cusset Museum which retains several of its productions.

Subsequently, he realizes for the liner Normandy (1935-1942) a bronze representing Neptune pulled by a sea horse (disappeared in the fire of the ship in New York in 1942), a second copy of which adorned a fountain in Cannes.

He was appointed knight of the Legion of Honor on December 29, 1932 [ 5 ] and decorated on January 13, 1933 by Jean Gautier, assistant director of the National Conservatory of Arts and Crafts.

At the end of his life, he was a resident, in Ris-Orangis, of the retirement home of the artists founded by Dranem.

  • The child at the turtle , first work presented at the Salon des Artistes Français, at 20 years old [ 6 ] , [ 7 ] .
  • Centaur , exhibited at the 1914 French artist show.
  • Bignoner [ 8 ] Asiiving, Middle you.
  • Jehanne d’Arc , Cathedral of Moulins.
  • Gillet Chapel , Cemetery of Père-Lachaise, Paris.
  • World War II monument de Cusset (Allier), 1921 [ 9 ] .
  • Wounded soldier , low relief for the war memorial of Châtel-Montagne (Allier), 1927.
  • Bacchante or Woman with Pampres basket , bronze.
  • Woman in greyhound ( Diane or Diane Chasseresse , or Artemis ), bronze, Louvre museum, 1928; Cusset, Museum of the Prisoner Tower [ ten ] , [ 11 ] , [ twelfth ] .
  • Neptune pulled by a sea horse or Rivoire fountain [ 13 ] , [ 14 ] Cannes, 1930.
  • Tantal’s torture , Museum of the Valery-Larbaud Cultural Center [ 15 ] in Vichy, 1935.
  • Saint Louis Juvenile , Saint-Louis church in Vichy, 1944.
  • Marble statues of 1914 [ 16 ] arranged in various green spaces including the Saavedra park at La Plata (Argentina) [ 17 ] : The kidnapping of Europe by Zeus , Agriculture , The Atlantic Ocean [ 18 ] , LE RIO DE LA PLATA , …
The kiss of glory

The work, dated 1907, is a carrare marble group [ 19 ] , [ 20 ] Presentation at the town hall of Riom.

  1. His birth certificate specifies: “Born in the pied-à-terre of his father and mother, in Cusset, Cours Tracy, Maison Bessay-Martin”. The usual residence of his parents is in Cannes.
  2. Prevent war: pacifism in the early 19th century on the eve of the Second World War – Nadine Josette Chaline – 2016 [first]
  3. Artemis » , notice n O AR451866, Arcade base, French Ministry of Culture .
  4. Fonds Patout, Pierre (1879-1965) , online on Archiwebture.
  5. Cote 19800035/707/80639 » , Base Léonore, French Ministry of Culture .
  6. Monique Kuntz and Georges Jet , Famous men and women from Allier , Paris, Bonneton, , 160 p. (ISBN  2-86253-189-8 )
  7. Exhibited at the Buenos Aires museum
  8. Bignoner » , notice n O AR451863, Arcade base, French Ministry of Culture .
  9. Veterinary week , , online on Gallica.
  10. Sculpted group: Artemis » , notice n O IM34001877, Palissy base, French Ministry of Culture .
  11. Diane au lievier, from Raymond Rivoire » , on artnet.fr (consulted the ) .
  12. Museum brochure – 2013 » , on www.ville-cusset.com , (consulted the )
  13. Rivoire fountain » , notice n O IA06000521, Mérimée Base, French Ministry of Culture .
  14. Argonaut » , notice n O AR600964, Arcade base, French Ministry of Culture .
  15. Group exposed in a Vichy museum » , (consulted the ) .
  16. City monuments » , on www.laplata.gob.ar (consulted the ) .
  17. Alongside Victor de Pol (Argentinian), Mathurin Moreau (French), Pietro Costa (Italian) appear among the artists who have adorned the parks and districts of Buenos Aires.
  18. They save a sculpture left in a hangar , Eldia , June 6, 2009.
  19. The kiss of glory » , notice n O PM63002947, Palissy base, French Ministry of Culture .
  20. The kiss of glory » , notice n O AR451862, Arcade base, French Ministry of Culture .
