Red petrol – Wikipedia


The Petrol with lead (commonly called “red” petrol ) is a type of petrol whose main feature is to have added, as an anti -high agent, the tetraethyle lead. It was very widespread until the end of the twentieth century, when it was replaced by lead -free petrol. The red color is not really of the fuel, but it was added to distinguish it from lead -free petrol and to underline its exclusively motor use [4] [5] . Subsequently, the red went on to identify supercarbulants and, with the disappearance of petrol normal (which also contained lead but was colorless), petrol with lead in general.


Before the Community regulations, each European country possessed its standards in this regard. However, to allow easy movement between the boundaries of petrol vehicles, the rules were similar.

Regarding the number of octane, the Italian standards have imposed these values ​​from the post -war period [6]

Based on the octane number, two types of petrol were placed on sale: the normal , cheaper, with octane research 84 ÷ 86 and the super or supercarburant, used in engines with higher compression relationships and better and more expensive performance, with 98 ÷ 100 [7] [8] , in recent years reduced to 97. However, intermediate values ​​were possible, thanks to particular pumps that mixed the two species [9] [ten] .

Once abandoned, after the successful introduction of the tetraethythy lead, the gas -free petrol, the red color went on to no longer report petrol with lead in general, but only the higher quality one [11] [twelfth] . If for gluttonous benings normal The anti -condemning properties of lead were less requested, the lubricating and protective characteristics of the valve seats remained useful, allowing to use the alloys of leagues of lower resistance and cost for the heads.

The situation in the United Kingdom was peculiar, where the qualities were more and marked with stars [13] . There was 2 -star petrol (Ron 90), 3 stars (94), 4 stars (97) [14] and 5 stars, abandoned during the 70s-80s [15] .

As the concerns grows on the toxicity of the tetraethyle lead, since the 70s the western states began to lower the concentration of the antidetonant in petrol. In 1971, before the new rules on the subject, in each liter of petrol sold in federal Germany, 0.635 grams of tetraethyle lead were present [16] , who was the maximum admitted in Italy [17] . In the UK the limit was greater, with 0.84 g/l [18] .
The last country to dispose the use of Algeria was the use of lead on the largest one on 15 September 2020 [19] And from 1 July 2021 the sale has been prohibited, once the stocks are finished and the lead residues from the production and distribution systems are eliminated [20] .

In Italy [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

A Super Petrol Distributor with Lead (“Red”) from 1990

On 1 July 1981, the lowering of the concentration of metal in petrol, brought, in line with European directives, began, at an autonomous initiative of the oil industry, at 0.40 grams per liter. The octane number in petrol was affected by this change and Calò, for the super , and 98 at 97 [21] . In the absence of a precise government address in this regard, there were problems on the quality of fuels, that in the early days he degraded so that they have generated detonations in the engines [22] . The oil houses, in fact, had never had to distil fuels with such a high octane without resorting to the usual quantities of lead, therefore it took time to perfect the techniques and return to an acceptable quality product. In 1982 the Community standards were incorporated and the 0.40 grams became the maximum admissible by law [23] , reduced in 1989 to 0.30 grams and in 1991 to 0.15, the European minimum to be able to define as a “with lead” petrol [24] .


The limitation to the use of petrol with tetraethyle lead began in 1992, with the ban on the sale of gasoline with lead containing an octane number research less than 95 and the green petrol conversion of the pumps that paid it, decreeing the end of the normal , which had a market share of 36,000 tons out of a total of 14 and a half million tons of petrol sold [25] [8] . On 1 October 2001 the production of gasoline ended super And from that day, once the stocks are finished, the pumps of the super They would have disbursed unparalleled rainfall contaminated by the one with lead remained in the tanks. The intermediate lead tenor mixture between “red” and “green” obtained was vulgarly called “benzinone” and sold at a reduced price. [26] The super with lead (if it could still be called) continued to be distributed extensively until 31 December 2001; From the next day its trade was forbidden, except “for a maximum annual quantity of 0.5% of total petrol sales of the previous year”, intended for historic cars [27] , then lowered to 0.03% [28] .

Consequently, green petrol is not the only type of legal gasoline in Italy, as the owners of vintage vehicles is still allowed to supply fuel with lead. Considering the consumption in 2018, in 2019 the “red” petrol mass of which has been salable was 2 200 tons. [29]

  1. ^ MSDS of the Q8, Rev. 0 of 01/12/2010
  2. ^ The classification as “carcinogen” or “mutageno” (phrases H 340 and 350) does not apply if it is shown that the substance contains less than 0.1% p/p of benzene. Source: petrol card ( “gasoline” ) are IFA-achievements Filed On October 16, 2019 on the Internet Archive.
  3. ^ Dispose of the product and container in accordance with current laws.
  4. ^ Marino Rozzententi, The controversial story of Tetraethyle lead , in Industry and environment: Annals of the Micheletti Foundation , n. 9, Brescia, 2008. URL consulted on February 14, 2020 (archived by URL Original December 25, 2017) .
  5. ^ The red color of the supercarbule is clearly noted on Filmato audio AD FIAT 132 – Yellow Taxi (comparison) 1974-75 ITA VV . are YouTube , April 19, 2016, at 0 min 33 s. URL consulted on February 17, 2020 .
  6. ^ Davide Faedo, p. 22 .
  7. ^ Ferruccio Bernabò, “Normal” or “super” petrol? , in The print , September 29, 1962, p. 9. URL consulted on 11 February 2020 .
  8. ^ a b g.r., Good petrol goodbye but nobody used it anymore , in The print , 2 September 1992, p. 11. URL consulted on 11 February 2020 .
  9. ^ Filmato audioInfon week, The new Banzina distributors (sic) . are YouTube , Cinecittà Luce Institute, June 21, 2012. URL consulted on February 14, 2020 .
  10. ^ Four supercarburants from a single pump (BP advertising) , in The print , Turin, 9 July 1960, p. 12. URL consulted on June 17, 2020 .
  11. ^ See the different colors of the two fuels, normal It is super , which are disbursed to mix them. Filmato audioInfon week, The new Banzina distributors (sic) . are YouTube , Cinecittà Luce Institute, 21 June 2012, at 0 min 12 s. URL consulted on February 14, 2020 .
  12. ^ The petrol that comes out of the tank, plausibly normal since it would have been a waste to use the super , is colorless Filmato audio Continuous security . are YouTube , Cinefiat, 10 December 2013, at 14 min 53 s. URL consulted on February 17, 2020 .
  13. ^ Secondo lo standard BS4040 “Specification for leaded petrol (gasoline) for motor vehicles”
  14. ^ Four wheels , Milan, May 1981.
  15. ^ Five-Star petrol , in Motor Sport , London, August 1978, p. 1155 (electronic numbering 85). URL consulted on February 14, 2020 .
  16. ^ c.g., Also in Germany Petrol without lead , in The print , Turin, 1 May 1971, p. 19. URL consulted on 11 February 2020 .
  17. ^ Arturo Barone, For the new rules on petrol Bonn is in contrast with the EEC agreements , in The print , Turin, March 21, 1972, p. 12. URL consulted on 11 February 2020 .
  18. ^ ( IN ) Kris Culmer, Throwback Thursday 1989: the switchover to unleaded petrol . are , 19 October 2017. URL consulted on February 13, 2020 ( filed February 13, 2020) .
  19. ^ ( FR ) Technical day on the generalization of the use of unleaded petrol on June 21, 2021, conference room, Tour B, Ministry of Energy and Mines . are Ministry of Energy and Mines , June 21, 2021. URL consulted on 1 September 2021 .
  20. ^ Mara Magistroni, The era of petrol with lead is finally over , in Wired , August 31, 2021. URL consulted on 1 September 2021 . ( FR ) Generalization of the use of unleaded fuel from next July , in Algerian radio , June 22, 2021. URL consulted on 1 September 2021 . ( FR ) End of the super with lead at the pump , in Algerian radio , 1 July 2021. URL consulted on 1 September 2021 .
  21. ^ The petrol sold in Italy has been less “super” from 1 July , in The print , 23 September 1981, p. 7. URL consulted on February 14, 2020 .
  22. ^ r. sc., Motorists protest “petrol has less octane” , in The print , Turin, 6 September 1981, p. 27. URL consulted on February 15, 2020 .
  23. ^ Decree of the President of the Republic March 10, 1982, n. 485 , in the field of ” Implementation of the Directive (EEC) n. 78/611 relating to the lead content in petrol for commanded ignition engines intended for the propulsion of motor vehicles
  24. ^ Ministerial Decree May 28, 1988, n. 214 , in the field of ” Implementation of Directive no. 85/210/EEC relating to the lead tenor in petrol
  25. ^ Legislative Decree January 27, 1992, n. 96 , in the field of ” Implementation of Directive no. 87/416/EEC relating to the lead tenor in petrol
  26. ^ Super petrol, from today stop to production , in The Republic , 1 October 2001. URL consulted on June 16, 2020 ( filed May 22, 2017) .
  27. ^ Decree of the President of the Council of Ministers of the Italian Republic November 23, 2000, n. 434 , in the field of ” Regulation containing transposition of Directive 98/70/EC relating to the quality of petrol and diesel fuel
  28. ^ Legislative Decree March 31, 2011, n. 55, article 1 , in the field of ” Implementation of Directive 2009/30/EC, which modifies Directive 98/70/EC, as regards the specifications relating to petrol, diesel fuel and diesel, as well as the introduction of a mechanism intended to control and reduce gas emissions a Serra effect, modifies the Directive 1999/32/EC as regards the specifications relating to the fuel used by ships used for inland navigation and repeals Directive 93/12/EEC.
  29. ^ Ministry of Economic Development, Oil consumption . are . URL consulted on February 13, 2020 .

Davide Faedo (edited by), The regulating of fuels for automotive: over one hundred years of history ( PDF ), in U & C: Unification & Certification , n. 6, Modena, Logos Publishing, Giugno 2015, pp. 10-1 19-38, ISSN 0394-9 ( WC · Acnp ) . URL consulted on February 13, 2020 .
