Relations between the United States and Vietnam-Wikipedia


THE relations between the United States and Vietnam are mainly marked by the Vietnam War (1954-1975). After twenty years of passive diplomacy, the Clinton administration initiated in 1995 warming relations. American economic embargo has indeed been lifted in , followed by the development of the volumes of exchange between the two countries in the following years [ first ] . Failure to comply with human rights and the repression of dissidents by the Vietnamese government remains a major point of discord between the two states. The United States has a consulating-general at Ho-Chi-Minh-Ville and Vietnam A Consulate in San Francisco.


It is from That economic relations have really started and have since increased constantly. This year, the United States exported 172.9 million US dollars of goods to Vietnam and imported USD 50.5 million from goods from Vietnam.

In 2006, American exports to this country amounted to US $ 1.1 billion in Vietnam and imports to USD 8.6 billion.
Likewise, American companies continue to invest directly in the Vietnamese economy. In 2006, the US private sector hired $ 444 million in Vietnam in foreign direct investment. This number should increase spectacularly after the membership of Vietnam to the World Trade Organization (WTO).

American banks have also injected $ 1.5 billion in Vietnamese infrastructure this year.

In 2015, the United States was at 7 It is Rank of investors in Vietnam [ 2 ] . American goods exports this year are $ 7.071 billion and imports of Vietnamese origin of 37.993 billion USD [ 3 ] .

The two countries are among the signatories of the transpacific partnership agreement.

American and Vietnamese flags.

The Vietnam War is still present in many heads due to the use of Orange agent by the Americans. However, cooperation has been established between the two states concerning the defense, non-proliferation and the fight against terrorism. In 2007, 5 ships from the United States Navy visited a port of đà Nẵng, including USS Helicopter Carrier Turn over (LHA-5), transporting a multinational contingent of medical personnel and engineering. 1,763 Americans are also always declared Pow or Mia according to the United States Department of Defense since the end of the Vietnam War.

In , in a movement aimed at bringing the two ancient enemy countries closer and to counter the “aggressive” actions of China in the conflict in the Sea of ​​Southern China in progress between the People’s Republic of China and the Vietnam, the United States have Approved a relaxation of the arms embargo in Vietnam which had been implemented since 1984 [ 4 ] , to help him improve her maritime security [ 5 ] .

In , American forces plan to establish deposits of equipment to respond to humanitarian crises in Vietnam [ 6 ] . The of the same year, a new major step in the rapprochement between the two countries was crossed during a visit by President Obama to Hanoi announcing that the American embargo on arms sales to Viet Nam is lifted [ 7 ] .

However, according to the historian Pierre Journoud, “The question of agent Orange remains sensitive between the United States and Vietnam” [ 8 ] .

In August 2021, the visit of the American vice-president, Kamala Harris in Vietnam was criticized, especially by right commentators, for her bad timing; Concordant with the American debacle in Kabul, largely compared to the TET offensive [ 9 ] . But the American administration underlines that the choice of this country results from future geopolitical challenges, far from the trauma of the fall of Saigon in 1975 [ 9 ] .

Before 1975, around 3,000 Vietnamese resided in the United States. The 1990 American census reports 854,725 Vietnamese residing on the soil of this nation, a priori underestimated figure, representing more than half of the Vietnamese diaspora in the world [ ten ] . In 2000, there were 1,169,672 Vietnamo-American and the 2010 United States census indicated 1,737,433 [ 11 ] .

In 2013, 19,591 Vietnamese students were in universities in the United States, the second host country after Australia [ twelfth ] .

In , 40 years after the end of the Vietnam War, polls give 78% of the Vietnamese population with a favorable opinion from the United States [ 13 ] and 71% favorable to their military strategy of “Pivot to Asia” , the highest rate equally with the Philippines of the ten countries taken into account [ 14 ] .

[When ?]

  • Ambassador – David Shear
  • Consul-general-Rena Bitter

The United States Embassy in Vietnam is located in Hanoi. The US consulate general is at Ho-Chi-Minh-Ville. The Vietnam Consulate General in the United States is located in San Francisco.

  1. Nancy K. Napier Et Quan Hoang Vuong , What we see, why we worry, why we hope : Vietnam going forward , Boise, ID, USA, Boise State University CCI Press, , 140 p. (ISBN  978-0-9855305-8-7 , read online ) , p. 140 .
  3. (in) Trade in Goods with Vietnam » , on United States Census Office , (consulted the ) .
  4. (in) US to partially lift Vietnam arms embargo , BBC News , October 3, 2014
  5. (in) US Eases Arms Embargo Against Vietnam for Maritime Security , Voice of America , October 2, 2014
  6. (in) Franz-Stefan reptiles, Deterring China: US Army to Stockpile Equipment in Cambodia and Vietnam » , on , (consulted the ) .
  7. AFP, Vietnam: Obama raises the embargo on arms sales » , on , (consulted the )
  8. Arnaud Vaulerin, «  Vietnam: Agent Orange scrutinized in situ », Release , ( read online , consulted the ) .
  9. a et b Kamala Harris promises a “sustainable commitment” of the United States in Asia » , on The East day , (consulted the )
  10. The Vietnamese diaspora in the United States of American » , on Paris Foreign Missions Information Agency , (consulted the )
  11. (in) The Asian Population : 2010 , Office of the United States census, , 23 p. , p. 15
  12. (in) Number of Vietnamese students abroad up 15% in 2013 » , on Icef monitor , (consulted the )
  13. (in) Mostly Favorable Ratings for U.S. » , on Pew Research Center , (consulted the )
  14. (in) U.S. Defense Pivot to Asia Welcomed, for the Most Part … But Chinese See U.S. as Trying to Limit China’s Power » , on Pew Research Center , (consulted the )
