Relaunch Mauroy – Wikipedia


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The Relaunch Mauroy is the name given to the recovery plan set up by Prime Minister Pierre Mauroy in 1981, shortly after François Mitterrand’s victory in the 1981 presidential election. It was to support French economic activity, which, since the first shock Oil, underwent a slowdown and an increase in unemployment. Heavy for French public finances, the Mauroy plan makes it possible to double the growth rate of GDP, but does not produce lasting effects.

After the Second World War, Keynesian work and thought dominate the economic thought of developed countries. In Keynesian conceptions, the State occupies a central place in the economy. In particular, via the principle of the investment multiplier, the state is seen as ahead of the production when it weakens [ first ] .

While France is like the other developed countries, mired in the « stagflation » , François Mitterrand, had made a campaign very on the left: the popular classes, which voted mainly for him, expect from the new power a decrease in unemployment and an increase in purchasing power [ first ] .

The Mauroy government decides to replicate the Chirac revival, in proportions similar to the raw recovery.

The plan weighs, between 1981 and 1982, between 1.35% and 1.70% of GDP. It is therefore less heavy for French public finances than the Chirac recovery [ 2 ] .


This plan included an increase of 25% of social minimums, an increase of 8% of the minimum wage, the implementation of the 5 It is Week of paid vacation, and retirement at 60. 170,000 civil servants have also been hired, and many French firms were nationalized.

Total Budget Mauroy revival [ 2 ]
Expenditure post 1981 1982 Total
Total amount Including budgetary cost from before Total amount Including budgetary cost from before Total amount Including budgetary cost from before
Increase in the purchasing power of the minimum wage 2.5 2.5 6.0 1.0 8.5 3.5
Social measures Family services 3 0.3 ten 1.5 13.0 1.8
Retired services 2.3 2.3 10.05 7.0 12.8 9.3
Others (agriculture …) first first 3.5 3.5 4.5 4.5
Measure in favor of employment and investment 4.8 5.6 36.3 32.5 42.1 38
Increase in taxes and social security contributions (revenue) 6.9 6.3 21.3 8.7 28.2 15.0
Difference spending – Revenues (in% of GDP) 0.25 0.17 1.45 1.18 1.70 1.35
Difference spending – Revenue in absolute value (billion francs) 7.7 5.4 45.0 36.8 52.7 42.2

Regarding an isolated revival, it digs external deficits and forces the government then to radically change economic policy and take the “Runner of rigor” [ 3 ] . The failure of the Mauroy revival is permanently starting belief in the capacity of budgetary recovery policies to permanently improve growth outside economic crisis situations [ 4 ] .

  1. a et b The Mauroy plan, or the failed recovery of 1981 , The world
  2. a et b Alain Fonteneau and Alain Gubian « Comparison of French reminders of 1975 and 1981-1982 », Ofce review , vol. twelfth, n O 1, , p. 123–156 (DOI  10.3406/OFCE.1985.1033 , read online , consulted the )
  3. Jerome Buridant , Archangel Childhelter , Marc Montoussé and Isabelle Waquet , History of economic facts , Editions Bréal, (ISBN  978-2-7495-0737-8 , read online )
  4. Alexandre Sine , Budgetary order: the political economy of state spending , Economic, (ISBN  978-2-7178-5126-7 , read online )
  • Denis Clerc, “some historical reminders”, Economic alternatives , .
