Renaud César de Choiseul-Praslin-Wikipedia


Renaud César Louis de Choiseul , 2 It is Duke of Praslin, born in Paris on and died at the Belle-Isle hotel [Ref. to confirm] [ n 1 ] (Paris the , is a French soldier, diplomat, and politician of the XVIII It is century.


Son of César Gabriel de Choiseul-Praslin (1712-1785) and Anne-Marie de Champagne (1712-1783), Renaud César, viscount de Choiseul was menin of the dolphin and ambassador to the court of Naples [ 2 ] .

Already heir to the castle of Sainte-Suzanne, in Maine, which he kept from his father [ 3 ] , he entered possession of the castle of Quintin by his marriage (1754) with Guyonne Marguerite Philippine de Durfort [ 2 ] . To show the interest they have at the Modern Château de Quintin [ n 2 ] , they are doing work there between 1785 and 1790, notably installing the current dining room. As early as 1756, city assemblies stood there.

He began with a military career, a lieutenant second at 14 years in 1749 in the King Infantry Regiment, Cornette in the La Rochefoucauld Cavalry regiment, he was made of gendarmerie. After being colonel at the Grenadiers de France the .

During this year 1757, the beginning of the seven -year war, he began the campaign in the army of the Marshal of Estrées, he passed under the Marshal of Soubise and was appointed colonel of the infantry at the age of 22. The same year he was injured twice, the first in Hastembeck by loading with the Count d’Eu brigade, the second “who left him for dead twelve hours on the battlefield of Rosback (Rossbach) and of which he is Remained three years [ 4 ] ». Picked up by enemy troops he was taken prisoner. THE The king is colonel of the Poitou regiment, who is responsible for paying it 40 000 books.

His father the Marquis de Choiseul tries to bring Voltaire to the King of Prussia, in vain since he remains prisoner for three years, before being exchanged.

He was released in 1760 and received the cross of the Order of Saint-Louis. In 1761, after a visit to his father at the French Embassy in Vienna, he served again and in 1762 he participated in two battles “in the second of which he had his horse killed under him by piercing with his phalanx three English lines, and by this helping hand the retirement of the French army which was cut [ 4 ] ». Infantry brigadier in 1762, at 27, he was appointed Menin du Dauphin.


During the Choiseul ministry, he was first sent in Congratulate the emperor, the Empress-Reine and the King of the Romans on his election. In He was appointed extraordinary ambassador to the court of Naples, where he stayed until 1771 [ 5 ] , after his father’s disgrace. In this position, he received the rank of camp marshal in 1770, but was not served in this quality.

He was elected, the , by the Sénéchaussée d’Anjou, deputy of the nobility at the Estates General of 1789 [ 6 ] . Nobleman “Liberal [ 2 ] » nourished by the encyclopedia , favorable to new ideas even the most advanced, his correspondence, is the proof, the viscount of Choiseul, who became Duke of Praslin in 1785, did not fear the Revolution [ 2 ] .

He sits in the Assembly among the supporters of the Constitutional Monarchy, voted for the admission of twelve deputies of Santo Domingo, and claims for them deliberative votes [ 6 ] .

«Organs» From the province of Anjou, he develops observations on replacement in the gallery, which this province proposed, of the gabelle tax by another less expensive tax for the people [ 6 ] .

In 1790, he exhibited the causes of the ruin of the India Company, and declared that the right of peace and war was conferred on the king [ 6 ] .

It was he who made decree, in 1791, that he would be attached to the flags of all the regiments of the tricolor ties. In June of the same year, he proposed to approve the conduct of the Assembly commissioners who brought in Paris Louis XVI to Paris arrested in Varennes. He died shortly after the end of the legislature [ 6 ] in its Paris hotel [ 3 ] .

His name was found, as well as that of the Duchess of Choiseul, on the list of protégés of Queen Marie-Antoinette [ 6 ] .

Torn apart, in 1 and 4, from azure to the “Billet cross” Golden ; 2 and 3 gules with a lion crowned with gold which is sour. [ 7 ]

  • Son of César Gabriel de Choiseul-Praslin (1712-1785) and Anne-Marie de Champagne (1712-1783), Renaud César, viscount de Choiseul married, the , Guyonne Marguerite Philippine ( ), daughter of Guy Louis de Durfort (1714-1775), Duke of Lorges and Marie Butault de Marsan (1718-1788), of which he had:
    • Antoine César de Choiseul (1756-1808), 3 It is Duke of Praslin, married on With Charlotte Antoinette O’Brien (1759-1808), of which:
    • César Hippolyte (Paris, -Neuilly-sur-Seine, ), count of Sainte-Suzanne, married, the , with Louise Joséphine de Choiseul-Bussières († 1837), of which:
      • César Gabriel François (Paris, – Saint-Sulpice (Paris), );
      • Albéric César Guy ( ), count of Praslin, peer of France (chamber of peers) (baron and hereditary peer the , letters patent of ), married the With Éléonore Louise (1791-1878), daughter of Charles Joseph Fortuné, Marquis d’Herbouville (1756-1829), without posterity;
      • Appoline Marie Nicolette ( – Paris, ), married to Augustin Marie Élie Charles (1788-1879), 2 It is Duke of Périgord, 11 It is Prince of Chalais, great of Spain, commander of the Legion of Honor, knight of Saint-Louis, including posterity;
    • Guyonne (29- );
    • Good desired ( – Saint-Epain, ), Charles-Eugène-Antoine, count of Grollier, including posterity;
    • Julie Alix (1777 – ), married in 1798 to Amédée Louis Frédéric, count of Hautefort (1776-1809), including posterity;
    • César René ( – Paris, ), Count of Choiseul-Praslin, married:
      (1 °) ( ) Amélie Cécile Charlotte Courtin de Maucounant
      (2 °) (November 1815) Catherine Innocent de Rougé (1780-1847), daughter of Olivier, count of Rougé (1756-1816), count of Plessis-Bellière, Marquis de Faÿ-lès-Nemours, lieutenant general of the King’s armies, knight from Saint-Louis, mayor of Bouray,
      • (1 °) César Corentin Ferri (1808 – ), married the with Jeanne Adélaïde Valentine (1813-1890), daughter of Eugène de la Croix, count of Castries (1790-1825);
      • (1 °) A girl, married to Léon de Choiseul d’Aillecourt (1812-1879);
      • (1 °) A girl, married to Georges, count of Nédonchel (1813-1901), including posterity;
      • (2 °) Marie Elisabeth Charlotte Louise ( );
      • (2 °) Clotilde Éléonore Josèphe Marie (Paris, – Mesnil-Voisins, ), married, the in Paris, with Jules (1812-1856), count of Polignac, including posterity;
      • (2 °) Marie Alice (1823 – ).

Sources and bibliography [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Document utilisé pour la rédaction de l’article: document used as a source for writing this article.

  • “Choiseul-Praslin (Regnaud-César-Louis, Duke of)” , in Adolphe Robert and Gaston Cougny, French parliamentary dictionary , t. II , Edgar Bourloton, , 640 p. [Edition detail] ( read online ) , p. 102-103 [ Text on Sycomore ] Document utilisé pour la rédaction de l’article;
  • Michel Popoff ( pref. Hervé Pinoteau), Armorial of the Order of the Holy Spirit: according to the work of Father Anselme and his continuators , Paris, the golden leopard, , 204 p. (ISBN  2-86377-140-X ) Document utilisé pour la rédaction de l’article;
  • Francis de poisdefre , Sixteen families around the Montalembert d’Essé , Paris,, , first re ed. , 467 p. (ISBN  978-2-9531165-6-4 ) Document utilisé pour la rédaction de l’article;

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