René Gallina — Wikipedia


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René Gallina is a French footballer born on In Nice and Death on in Cagnes-sur-Mer. He played as a goalkeeper from the early 1960s to the late 1970s.

Trained in Cavigal Nice Sports, he made his debut at the Stade Français then joined the SCO Angers where he is nicknamed the “King René”. He was with this French champion team of division 2 in 1969. After also playing in Paris FC and the Girondins in Bordeaux, he ended his career at Olympique Avignonnais.

René Gallina joined Cavigal Nice Sports in 1956 at the age of eleven years following an inter-school tournament [ first ] . He carried out all his training in this club and played in 1962 the final of the National Cadet Cup with the Southeast League against the Northern League. The northerners led by Georges Lech won on the score of two to one on René Gallina and her teammates notably Charly Loubet and Jacky Novi [ 2 ] . The following year, he was selected for the French junior team to compete in the European championship. Young French people fail to get out of their hen.

AS Saint-Étienne, AS Monaco and OGC Nice then wish to recruit it, but it finally joins the Stade Français as a lining of Georges Carnus [ 2 ] . He competed in his first meeting in division 1 in the 1963-1964 season but only competed in two and a half years, seven championship games. With the Paris club reserve, he won the Paris Honor Division Championship in 1965 [ 3 ] .

René Gallina signed in November 1965 at SCO Angers [ 3 ] And arrives with his club in the semi-finals of the French Cup. The Angevins are eliminated at this stage of the competition by FC Nantes on the score of three goals to one. The following season, the club finished 3 It is of the championship but in 1967-1968, he was relegated to Division 2 finishing 18 It is Following an unfavorable goal-awakening of a goal with the RC Lens. The Angevin club remains only one season at the lower level. He won the championship by scoring 128 goals including 55 by Gérard Grizzetti. During the last match of the season against AS Cannes, René Gallina, nicknamed the “King René”, played center-forward and scored a goal, the only one in her career [ 4 ] . The SCO Angers also reaches the semi-finals of the French Cup where Olympique de Marseille, it bowed on the score of two goals to one on the two games. René Gallina’s good performances opens the doors of the French team to him and, he is selected in by Georges Boulogne for a meeting between French hopes and Romania. Replacing Yves Chauveau, he attended the stands of the French victory over the scoring of a goal at zero [ 5 ] , [ Note 1 ] . The Angevin club then stabilizes in division 1 and ranks 4 It is In 1972. During this season, he was called in France B by Georges Boulogne the . Opposed to Tunisians, the French won on the score of two goals to a [ 6 ] .


At the end of the contract with the SCO, René Gallina entered Paris FC but the Parisian club descends at the end of the 1974 season. He then joined the Girondins de Bordeaux where in competition with Philippe Bergeroo he only competes for 21 games. René Gallina then signed with Olympique Avignon who has just rose in Division 1.

The Avignonnais finished last in the championship in 1976 and returned to division 2. The 1978, during a meeting against AS Béziers, René Gallina was the victim of a serious injury following a shock with Joseph Yegba Maya. All the ligaments of his knee are cut and he must then end his professional career [ 7 ] .

He then spent his Inf Vichy coach diplomas in 1982 and led the following season the Avignon reserve. This experience lasts only one season and then retires from the world of football. He died the of a long illness [ 8 ] , [ 9 ] .

René Gallina disputes 291 Division meetings 1 and 110 games for a goal scored in division 2 [ ten ] . He won the French Division 2 championship in 1969 with the SCO Angers and with the Stade Français reserve, he was champion of the Honor Division of Paris in 1965. He was also a finalist of the National Cadet Cup in 1962 with the Southeast League.

René Gallina has selections in junior French team, three in hopes [ 2 ] And one in the France B team obtained in 1972.

The table below summarizes the statistics in the official match of René Gallina during her career as a professional player [ ten ] , [ 11 ] .

Notes [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  1. This meeting was a posteriori considered as an A selection.

References [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  1. Florent Gauzeau « René Gallina: “Form men” », Cavigal Mag , n O 3, , p. 14 ( read online )
  2. A B and C Jacques Touched « L’Age d’Or de René Gallina », Football Magazine , ( read online )
  3. a et b René Gallina sheet » , on (consulted the )
  4. René Gallina » , on , (consulted the )
  6. Tunisia 2 – 1 France B » , on (consulted the )
  7. What do you become? René Gallina », France Football , (ISSN  0015-9557 , read online )
  8. ONCROLOGY. The former SCO goalkeeper, René Gallina, died » , on , (consulted the )
  9. Disappearance – Gallina is no longer » , on , (consulted the )
  10. a et b René Gallina sheet » , on
  11. René Gallina sheet » , on (consulted the )
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