Reuse – Wikipedia


Example of reuse: electric posts and railway blocks for a bridge.

Example of re -use: sale for reuse of bottles already used in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan.

The reuse is, in the field of waste prevention, all the systems and sectors allowing to recover objects before they are thrown, in order to give them a second life [ first ] . It thus prevents goods at the end of life from becoming waste.


Archeology and history have shown that re -use has always existed, especially in architecture [ 2 ] , [ 3 ] , [ 4 ] , [ 5 ] , and it is not deemed negative to use waste in construction [ 6 ] . Reuse is also a vector of employment and social reintegration, for example in resources, recycleries and within the Emmaüs movement [ 7 ] .

The concept of re -use is distinct from recycling, repair (with or without spare parts) and reuse, which experience various fortunes depending on the country, sectoral contexts and eras [ 8 ] . Generally [ 9 ] ,

  • the reuse Keeps the initial function of the object: a car wheel is re -used if it remains a wheel in its second life. In the field of vehicles, where reuse and the circular economy have recently been encouraged by law [ ten ] , a “re -use piece” is a used spare part (which comes from an object having already been used) [ 11 ] . In France, where the re -employment part market was estimated at around 300 million euros per year in 2015 (2% of the spare part market), the consumption law has imposed since the to professionals to inform consumers of the availability duration of detached pieces products they put on the market when this part is essential for the use of a property [ twelfth ] , this information must appear on “Any commercial document or on any sustainable medium accompanying the sale of movable property. »» [ twelfth ] ;

A reused electric cable coil as a coffee table.
  • the reuse Keep the shape but not the function: an air chamber can be reused as a buoy or float;
  • the recycling keeps only the material: the tire is crushed to recover a reusable rubber powder as raw material and metallic wire which can be melted and reused;
  • the Energy recovery Concerns the energy content of the product: a converted powder tire is cremated in a cement factory.

Reuse may concern a product or all or part of its components.


Certain products, such as batteries and accumulators, are planned to be reused (and not reused), but their quality is nevertheless deteriorated over time. The paper is recycled several times, but the fiber ends up being weakened and must then be mixed with a new pulp. Some new objects may have benefited from innovative ecotechnologies making them less harmful to the environment than a re -employed equivalent object.

Reuse often requires a repair or preparation phase. It is facilitated by the existence of collection, rehabilitation or security networks, then to set up donations, redemptions or products to inject into the second-hand market or from it (including the sales systems from individual to individuals, Dépôt-Vente which represent 112 million euros in sales in France in 2007 [ 13 ] , flea markets, cleaning or garage sales, etc. ).

Reuse can also be a product circuit back in perfect condition. As an example, office furniture or number of computer parks are found on the road to recycling centers, for lack of immediate availability of potential buyers. This is an inadequacy between supply and demand for used article. Emmabuntüs helps Emmaüs communities to recondition the computers given to them to sell them in their stores [ 14 ] .

The professional occasion market acts as an ecological rescue. When the state of the product allows it, returning the market makes it possible to extend the lifespan of these articles.

During the last thirty years of XX It is A century, waste was encouraged by the consumer society and the fashion of disposable objects, the repair was sometimes even disadvantaged by producers, some of which have recourse to planned obsolescence. But the green economy and in particular eco -design seem to find a new interest in reuse.

  • A “functionality economy” type context, encouraged by the Grenelle of the Environment, could encourage the development of re -employment sectors.
  • New technologies bring new development opportunities for reusing or re -use, in particular with web platforms for collaborative recycling (donation and “recycled” objects of all kinds) or barter.

After a long phase of discredit (re -use was made thanks to the ragpickers, scrap dealers, shoemakers, resturers, etc. , trades little considered), reuse seems to find a renewed interest [ Ref. desired] . It is often (according to the eco -bilan of the old product or its new equivalent) one of the means of:

  • Equip at a lower cost;
  • Reduce the ecological footprint of an activity, a community;
  • save natural resources;
  • limit emissions of greenhouse gases or pollutants generated by the elimination of a product at the end of life;
  • Create and maintain local jobs and sectors;
  • Promote a rewarding circular economy and optimizing recycling, with more or less local or distant loops (part of the recovered objects is transported to poorer countries);
  • limit waste;
  • In general, promote a decarbonized economy.

In countries where they exist, resources contribute to their territory to recovery, enhancement and resale of these objects, often in a parallel approach to environmental education and within the framework of a waste management scheme of the territory [ 15 ] . On a daily basis, they give priority to prevention, re -use, then recycling waste by raising awareness among their audience to acquire environmentally friendly (eco -citizenship) behavior. Free stores also allow the exchange of re -employed objects, without monetary participation.

The repair of goods (excluding vehicles) is not favored by producers and has decreased since the years 1980-1990. One of the indicators, the money spent on repair, shows this; He fell to 2.1 billion euros in 2008, after a decrease of 24% between 1990 and 2008. He even dropped 40% for the repair of household appliances. It nevertheless seems that the money devoted to repairing audiovisual goods has re-engaged after 2000 and remains in progress (but perhaps because of the growing number of these frequent goods and breakdowns). Certain devices not designed to be repaired have a prohibitive cost of repair or update (for example, by adding memory card, united battery to the product, etc. ).

Certain polluted, polluting or contaminated materials (bacteria, viruses, radioactivity) can only be re -employed with suitable precautions, or should not be. Numerous industrial waste such as chews [ 16 ] And sterile mining are recycled.

The 2008/98/EC directive of the Behind waste management solutions by asking to prefer prevention as much as possible, then preparation for re -use, then recycling, which can generate secondary raw materials (MPS) replacing virgin raw materials, the Other valuation methods being in the last resort of incineration with energy valuation and finally the elimination of ultimate waste.

In France, re -use and reuse could affect ten million tonnes of waste in 2011, but only 825,000 tonnes were the subject. The domestic recovery sector then represents 70,571 companies in all sectors combined [ 17 ] .

In France, the law “Grenelle 1” aims by 2012 a decrease of 7% of the production of household waste and assimilated per capita, in particular by encouraging the donation of objects of which we no longer use and repair . The anti-winning law for a circular economy (AGEC) of 2021 aims to deploy alternatives before 2040 for the reduction of plastic packaging, by prohibitions and devices such as instructions and bulk [ 18 ] .

Sales of equipment, clothes, etc. Used, from individual to individual, would amount to 5 billion euros in 2007, compared to the 284 billion euros estimated in sales of manufactured retail trade (excluding automotive) [Ref. necessary] . Perhaps because of the effect of the economic crisis of 2008, these sales of new objects would have increased by 1.5% in 2008, that is to say much less quickly than those of used goods ( +6%) [ 13 ] .

  • The Emmaüs movement, one of the major players in re -use, organizes collection of equipment and sales to individuals.
  • The bicycle self-repair is facilitated by several participative and solidarity workshops.
  • Self-repair coffees learn and supervise the self-reforation of everyday utensils.
  • In art, the New York program Materials for the Arts (in) And the French Association La Réserve des Arts organize re -use for cultural environment.
  • The instructions for the instructions of bottles or containers grouped in the instructions as well as my bottle is called come back in Drôme-Ardèche
  • Re-creative workshops open to the public to repair, reuse and re-use, such as Atelier Mad in Auch in Gers [Ref. necessary] .
  1. Re -use and reuse » , on Ademe (consulted the ) .
  2. J. J. GLOTON, Transformation and reuse of monuments of the past in 16th century Rome: ancient monuments , 1963.
  3. A. Hartmann Virnich, «  The role of ancient materials in re-use in monumental antique sculpture in Romanesque Provence: the example of Arles and Saint-Gilles-du-Gard », Narbbonnaise archaeological review , n O  33, volume 1, p. 288-292 , 2000.
  4. Mr. Fincer, “About the re-use of architectural elements during ancient reconstructions: some examples in Belo”, Pallas, 50, 263-283, 1999.
  5. J. M. Huygen, The trash and the architect: towards the re -use of the materials , South events, 2008.
  6. H. Motteu, E. Rousseau, “The re -use of waste in the construction industry”, CSTC Revue, n O 2, 1992.
  7. S. Mabileau, V. Fayard, “Emmaüs: from the biffe to reuse: prevention in the service of integration”, Techniques Sciences Methods , urban engineering rural engineering, n O 9, 2010, p. 32-39 .
  8. A. Perrat, “reuse, re -use, recycling; What works? “, Francophonie energy link , number 90, 2011, p. 51-55 .
  9. Reuse: look at the material differently (Interview with the organizers of the “Gray Matter” exhibition (Arsenal pavilion, Oct 2014 to January 4, 2015), Construction 21 France
  10. Article 77 of the law relating to the energy transition for green growth has modified article L.121-117 of the Consumer Code by specifying: “Any professional who markets maintenance or repair services of motor vehicles allows consumers to opt for the use, for certain categories of spare parts, parts from the circular economy instead of new parts” .
  11. CNPA, P as a re -use part , 2015.
  12. a et b Jorf n O 0286 of December 11, 2014 Page 20707 text n O 38 – Decree n O 2014-1482 of December 9, 2014 relating to the information and supply obligations concerning the spare parts essential to the use of a property NOR: EINC1424543D
  13. a et b Xerfi group, quoted by Recycling and re -use, an economy of natural resources [PDF] , Observation and statistics, March 2010, note of the General Commission for Sustainable Development (Observation and Statistics Service (accessed March 17, 2010).
  14. WIKIMBUNTÜS, Computers re -use under GNU/Linux (Accessed April 22, 2014).
  15. Paris Resourcery
  16. S. Dalager, O. Hjelmar, J. Haukohl, Danish legislation re -use: Danish legislation and experiences , Techniques Sciences Methods, Urban Engineering Rural Engineering, (5), 422-426, 1995.
  17. National waste prevention program 2014-2020, p. 50.
  18. The anti-gaspillage law for a circular economy » , on Ministry of Ecological Transition (consulted the ) .

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Self -repair workshops

Bibliography [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Document utilisé pour la rédaction de l’article: document used as a source for writing this article.

  • National waste prevention program 2014-2020 , Ministry of Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy, , 145 p. ( Online presentation , read online [PDF] ) . Ouvrage utilisé pour la rédaction de l'article
  • A. advance, Reuse, repair, reuse: environmental, ecological and social issues , N ° 76 (“the circular economy: the economic issues of an ecological transition”), ( (fr) (in) (of) (is) résumé) .
  • Collective, Folies Liège and European Reuse network, 2008 and seminar proceedings, Liège, Group T, 2009
  • F. Dalpé, Reduction, re -use, reuse, recycling and valuation of residual packaging in Quebec (Doctoral thesis), University of Sherbrooke, 2000 ( résumé ).
  • J.M. Huygen, The trash and the architect – towards the re -use of materials , Arles, Actes Sud, coll. The unthinkled, 2008.
  • I. Michel, Prevention and reuse in waste policy , Techniques Sciences Methods, Urban Engineering Rural Engineering, n ° 9, 2010, p. 18-22.
  • (in) Pawley, Building for tomorrow – Putting Waste to Work , Sierra Club Books, San Francisco, 1982 (ISBN  0 87 156 324 X )
  • Y. Sieffert, J.M. Huygen, D. Daudon, Integrate sustainable development in GC training: from collaborative design to the re -use of materials , XXX It is Augc-Ibpsa Chambéry meetings, Savoie, 6 at , 10 pages [PDF] .
  • (in) Mr. Vaucouloux, Use of the potential of the natural environment for the purification of domestic wastewater and their re-use in the United States: mission ratio carried out in the United States of America ( At ) , 1982 ( AgroParistech sheet ).
