Revolution of 1934 – Wikipedia


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Column of Civil Guards, with prisoners, during the 1934 Revolution, in Brasoñera.

The 1934 Revolution (in Spanish : Revolution of 1934 ), or Revolutionary general strike from 1934 (in Spanish : 1934 Revolutionary General Strike ), is a general strike movement that took place At during the Black biennium Radical-cedist of the Second Spanish Republic (second biennial exercise 1933-1936 with a majority of right-wing and center deputies).

In 1930, the Spanish left organized an insurrection.

In 1933, despite the victory of the right in the general elections, the President of the Republic refused to the winners the formation of a government.

This movement has been launched for many sectors [not clear] , by important leaders of the PSOE (Socialist Spanish workers’ party) and the UGT (General Union of Workers) such as Francisco Largo Caballero and Indalecio Pieto, as well as unevenly, by the CNT (National Confederation of Labor), by the ISP (Iberian anarchist federation) and by the PCE (Spanish Communist Party).


The main households of rebellion are located in Catalonia and in Asturias, the region where the most serious events take place.

The mining basins of Castille-et-León and the cities of the province of Valladolid were also mobilized.

The novelist Joseph Kessel, who attended the events, stages them in his novel A lost ball [ first ] , published in 1935.

The play Revolt in Asturias Albert Camus, Jeanne-Paule Sicard, bourgeois and poignant describes these events.

  • Ignacio Díaz ( trad. of the Spaniard by Pierre-Jean Bourgeat), Asturias 1934. A revolution without chefs , Toulouse, Smolny, , 256 p. (ISBN  978-2-490793-04-4 )
  • (is) Emilio García Gómez, Asturias 1934. History of a tragedy , Portico, Saragosse, 2009 (ISBN  978-84-7956-056-0 ) ; 2 It is ed (ISBN  978-84-7956-065-2 )
  • (is) Antonio Maria Caer, “Istering Octave by right » Dans October 1934. Fifty years for reflection , 21st century, Madrid, 1985 (ISBN  84-323-0515-4 )
  • (is) Julián Casanova (is) , Republic and Civil War , flight. 8 by Josep Fontana and Ramón Villares (dir.), “History of Spain”, Critic/Marcial Pons, Barcelone, 2007 (ISBN  978-84-8432-878-0 )
  • (is) Ricardo de la Cierva, Essential history of the Civil War , Fénix Editorial (ISBN  84-88787-35-9 ) ; (ISBN  978-84-88787-35-4 )
  • (is) John Paul Fusi Aizu use, « nationalism and revolution: October 1934 in the country’ October 1934. Fifty years for reflection , 21st century, Madrid, 1985 (ISBN  84-323-0515-4 )
  • (is) Diego Hidalgo and Durán, Why was I launched from the Ministry of War? Ten months of ministerial action , Espasa-Calpe, Madrid, 1934
  • (is) Gabriel Jackson  (is) , The Spanish Republic and the Civil War , RBA Editores, Barcelone, 2005 (ISBN  84-473-3633-6 )
  • (is) Gabriel Jackson An all. , October 1934. Fifty years for reflection , 21st century, Madrid, 1985 (ISBN  84-323-0515-4 )
  • (is) Stanley Payne, The collapse of the Republic: the origins of the Civil War (1933–1936) , Sphere of books (ISBN  84-9734-327-1 And 978-84-9734-327-5 )
  • (is) Paul Preston, The destruction of democracy in Spain. Reaction, reform and revolution in the Second Republic , Turner Editions, Madrid, 1978 (ISBN  84-85137-76-0 )
  • (is) David Ruiz, Defensive insurrection and workers’ revolution. The Spanish October of 1934 , Labor, Barcelone, 1988 (ISBN  84-335-9406-0 )
  • (is) David Ruiz, October 1934. Revolution in the Spanish Republic , Madrid, synthesis, , 400 p. (ISBN  978-84-975661-4-8 )
  • (is) Juan A. Sánchez García-Saúco, The 1934 revolution in Asturias , National Editor, Madrid, 1974 (ISBN  84-276-1217-6 )
  • (is) Hugh Thomas, The spanish civil war , Heated, Barcelona, ​​1976 (ISBN  978-84-9908-087-1 )
  • (is) Manuel Villar, Anarchism in the insurrection of Asturias: the C.N.T. and the F.A.I. In October 1934 , Anselmo Lorenzo Foundation, Madrid, 1994 (ISBN  84-86864-15-1 )
