Richard Forrest — Wikipedia


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Richard Forrest , born the in Orange, New Jersey, and died the In Charlottesville, Virginie, is an American author of detective novel and childhood literature and youth. He signed three titles of the pseudonym Stockton Woods .

He entered the New York Dramatic Workshop (in) In 1950. From 1951 to 1954, he served in the infantry of the American army and participated in the Korean War with the rank of sergeant. Between 1953 and 1955, he was also registered at the University of South Carolina. After trying without success to become playwright, he worked for ten years for an insurance company in Connecticut. Between 1969 and 1972, he became vice-president of his insurance company in Chicago. He resigned after this date to devote himself to writing.

In 1974, his first detective novel, Who Killed Mr. Garland’s Mistress ? , is a finalist for obtaining an Edgar awarded by the Mystery Writers of America. The following year appeared Haunt , the first part of a series of ten titles having for hero Lyon and Béa Wentworth, a couple died by the death in a car accident of their little girl. Béatrice, who is both a feminist and politician elected state senator, has a problem of deafness and makes hot air balloon to relax in her free time. Lyon, her husband, is a former English teacher who has become the author of children’s books. Rather than staying at his table to write and discuss on writing, he prefers to help his friend, Rocco Herbert, the strong police chief of the little locality of Murphysville, in Connecticut, to elucidate criminal affairs that give him wire to a hard time. The two men knew each other during the Korean War, while Lyon was an intelligence agent and Herbert, captain of the guard. Really, Béa Wentworth, assisted by her secretary Kimberley Ward, transmits to both men data, authorizations or precious information to which his political status allows him to have access. The adventures of the Wentworth hold both classic whodunit, by promoting the puzzles in a closed room and the apparently impossible crimes, and the black novel by approaching the corruption of the spheres of power and the loss of the values ​​of an entirely subordinate American society at the dollar.


Richard Forrest also published in the police vein some works of childhood literature and youth. He died of pulmonary complications in 2005.

Romans [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Series Lyon and Béa Wentworth [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • A Child’s Garden of Death (1975)
    Posted in French under the title Haunt , Bookstore of the Champs-Élysées, the mask n O 1488, 1977; Reissue, Paris, Librairie des Champs-Élysées, the Masks Club n O 471, 1982
  • The Wizard of Death (1977)
    Posted in French under the title Death strikes randomly , Bookstore of the Champs-Élysées, the mask n O 1537, 1978
  • Death Through the Looking Glass (1978)
  • The Death in the Willows (1979)
  • The Death at Yew Corner (1981)
  • Death Under the Lilacs (1985)
  • Death on the Mississippi (1989)
  • The Pied Piper of Death (1997)
  • Death in the Secret Garden (2005)
  • Death at King Arthur’s Court (2006), posthumous publication

Other novels [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Who Killed Mr. Garland’s Mistress ? (1974)
  • The Killing Edge (1980)
  • Lark (1986)

Other novels signed Stockton Woods [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • The Laughing Man (1980)
  • Game Bet (1981)
  • The Man Who Heard Too Much (1983)

Series Thumbprint Mystery of childhood and youth literature [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Sign of the Beast (1999)
  • Sign of the Blood (1999)
  • Sign of the Terror (1999)

News [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Mark of the Beast (1976)
  • Return of the Beast (1976)
  • Whit Forked Tongue (1977)
  • The Headmaster Helps One of His Boys (1982)
  • A Very Small Rasher (1994)
  • Lazy Man (1998)
  • Jacques Baudou et Jean-Jacques dresses, The true face of the mask , vol. 1, Paris, Futuropolis, , 476 p. (OCLC  311506692 ) , p. 207 .
  • Claude Mestsmen ( you. ), Dictionary of police literature , vol. 2 : J – Z , Nantes, Joseph K; coll. “Black time”, , 1086 p. (ISBN  978-2-910-68645-1 , OCLC  315873361 ) , p. 337-338 .
