Romagnol water dog – Wikipedia


Romagnol water dog

Chien d'eau romagnol - rouan et marron adulte
Romagnol water dog – Rouan and adult brown
Region of origin
Region Drapeau de l'Italie Italy
Size 43 to 48 cm For males, 41 to 46 cm for females
Weight 13 to 16 kg For males, 11 to 14 kg for females
Hair Curly over the whole body, woolly texture
Robe Unicolore: broken white, brown, rouan. Two -color: white and orange, white and brown, rouan and brown
Ears Falling, triangular in shape
Queue Short, form of saber at rest
Character Docile, awake, affectionate, attached to his master.
FCI nomenclature

The Romagnol water dog ( Lagotto Romagna ) is a breed of dog from Italy and more precisely from Romagne (sub-part of the Émilie-Romagne, around the city of Forlì). Originally, the Romagnol water dog was used as a water game hunting dog in the marshes of Comacchio and Ravenna. During the gradual drying up of these marshes, the race was converted into a truffle dog [ first ] . It is classified in the category of water dogs.

The Romagnol water dog is a medium -sized breed and a rustic appearance. Curly hair all over the body grows permanently, which requires regular mowing [ 2 ] .

The general constitution is that of a dog whose trunk is part of a square. The skull is curved when it is seen from the front; In profile, it shows a curve which is flat in the occipital region. The muzzle is slightly angular. The eyes are rather large, rounded, of a color that goes from ocher to dark brown according to the dress. The ears are moderately large compared to the volume of the head and drooping; They are brought hanging or slightly raised if the dog is awake. The tail is slightly tapered at the tip, low to rest, high in an alert.

The hair has a woolly texture, mid-dream on the surface, with tight curls, curved in ring and an obvious sub-point, relatively close to that of the poodle. Its color is white, white with brown spots, brown rules, unicolore brown. In some subjects we note the presence of a brown mask.

Before XX It is century [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The Romagnol water dog was originally a water rapporteur, its use was similar to that of well -known rapporteurs; Later this aptitude was lost with the selection in favor of the search for the truffle.

The fact that it is a breed with very old origins can also be deduced from the fact that the image of a dog resembling the current Lagotto has been found in the Spina necropolis, an important city of the ‘Etrurie de la Vallée du Po.

The settlement of the race precedes that, in the Iberian peninsula, of the Portuguese water dog, similar to the romagnol water dog. Linné himself testifies to the presence of a dog very similar to the current lagotto, at a time long before the birth of the Portuguese specimen. In Roman times and subsequent eras, dogs spread in the area that goes from Ravenna and Comacchio valleys to the Plaine du Frioul.

In a famous fresco by Mantegna, the meeting, visible in the room of the spouses of the Ducal Palace of Mantua, we observe a dog very similar to the current Lagotto Romagnolo. In addition, there are many quotes, in many documents from the XVI It is century, of a ” curly retriever “Quite similar to the current lagotto.

The name of the race comes from the Romagnole language: “Càn Lagòt”; Which means: “water dog” or “hunting dog in the marshes with curly and bristling hair”.

P.A. Barbieri, Portrait of Guercino and his sister Lucia Barbieri with a Lagotto dog – XVII It is century

According to other sources, the origins of the name certainly come from dialect expressions, it is actually assumed that it derives from the dialectal term with which the inhabitants of a village of the Comacchio valleys are called: “Lagotti”. This thing is also reported by Giovanni Morsiani who in turn quotes Gian F. Bonaveri in a publication of 1761 entitled: From the city of Comacchio of his lagoons and his peaches. He says the villagers used white dogs with thick and curly hair to bring their game back.

In fact, before XIX It is A century in the Comacchio valleys and in the swampy areas of Romagna, the dog was used for the return of volatile game (in particular the Foulques). In this activity, a decisive role is played by the coat and the sub-point of the race which protect the animal from contact with water, often frost, allowing it an unequaled work capacity.

In addition to this hunting activity, the Lagotto carried out a useful, but less known activity, in search of truffles, which at the time were much more abundant. This activity then took over to specialize the race in this activity exclusively in the panorama of the whole world; Also and above all because the breed is perfectly egustable and has a remarkable smell.

With the disappearance of the swampy valleys, the need to use the lagotto as a dog rapporteur has been lost. In addition, in parallel with the impoverishment of the woods in the plains, the disappearance of truffles in the sets. Because of this circumstance, the search for the truffle has moved to more hilly and wooded areas, and once again the adaptability of the breed turned out to be precious: fur and the sub-point protect the animal Thorns often present in the undergrowth.

The XX It is century and the rebirth of the race [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

In the 1970s, thanks to the activity of four passionate lovers and dog experts, the race began to acquire the original purity, which coupling with other breeds had partially compromised. The four authors of the Renaissance of the race were Quintino Toschi, president of the canine group Imola local, Francesco Ballotta, breeder and judge Enci, Antonio Morsiani, cynologist, judge and breeder and Lodovico Babini, a lover of dogs expert in Romagne.

Thanks to them, the race began its rebirth; A Renaissance which reached its peak in 1988 with the birth of the Italian club Lagotto which today has hundreds of members. The Italian club Lagotto has made a decisive contribution to obtaining final international recognition by the FCI. He also contributed in parallel to the international development of breed members in national clubs, in countries like Switzerland, Austria, Holland, Germany, France, Finland, Sweden, Norway, the Denmark, Great Britain. , Slovenia, Croatia, Hungary, Republic of Saint-Marin, Spain, United States, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa. In order to unite the clubs and fans of this former race at the international level, the Italian Lagotto club, on the proposal of its president Giovanni Morsiani, founded the UMLA (World Union of Lagotto Clubs).

The Morpho-Functional Standard and the official morphological standard of the breed were established in 1991 by Antonio Morsiani, a great cynologist who died in 1995. Comments on the standard, an essential study of the canine zoognostic applied to the breed, were written by Antonio’s son, Giovanni Morsiani and published in his book on the Lagotto Romagnol published in 1996 by Mursia – Milan.

The breed club [ 3 ] was created in France in 2018 under the aegis of the Central Canine company.

Originally hunting dog, the Romagnol water dog was then selected for the search for truffles. As a result, he largely lost his hunter instinct.

It’s an affectionate dog [ 2 ] , very attached to his master, he is of remarkable sweetness and is particularly tender and affectionate on a daily basis. It makes him an excellent companion dog for the whole family.

With very beautiful energy, this dog can play hours and hours, as much with children as with adults. It is however a calm dog: tireless on the outside, it remains calm at home, it is never in excess. Very balanced, he adapts to his master’s mood and knows how to stay quiet when necessary.

The Romagnol water dog is particularly intelligent: docile, easy to educate, it understands very quickly and runs with great pleasure. In addition, he is a high -quality auxiliary for humans since thanks to his incredible flair, he is an excellent truffle dog.

He is a dog who manifests independence because although he is very attached to his social group, he also knows how to stay away and does not necessarily need permanent contact with his masters to fully flourish.

Its average longevity is 13 to 15 years. He presents no predisposition to a disease. However, you have to pay attention to your ears because they are very sensitive.

Lagotto can be subject to neurodegenerative disease, LSD (lysosomal storage in Disease) of genetic origin. The embarrassment is recessive and the parents must be tested: if the two are healthy (they do not develop the disease), the puppy has a healthy chance of being healthy and one in two chance of being sick. If only one of the parents is carrying, the puppy has a chance in two not to be a carrier and one in two chance of being healthy (it will not develop the disease). Responsible breeders should castrate and remove from the reproduction circuit, dogs carrying embarrassment, even healthy. [ 4 ]

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