Romain Cazes – Wikipedia


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Romain Cazes , pseudonym of Jean François Étienne Joseph Victor Cazes , born the in Saint-Béat (Haute-Garonne) and died on In Saint-Gaudens (Haute-Garonne), is a French painter.

Romain Cazes is the grandson of the deputy and public accuser Jean-Barthélémy Cazes (Montrejeau, 1747-1806) and the son of the poet Gascon Victor Cazes (1778-1861), curator of the basilicas of Saint-Bertrand-de-Comminges and Valcabrère, who created, in Saint-Bertrand-de-Comminges, a Pyrenean museum with Nérée Boubée [ first ] .

After a first training in the workshop of the Toulouse painter Joseph Roques who notices it, Romain Cazes became in 1829 pupil of Ingres. History painter, he painted numerous religious sets in the churches of the South West (Bagnères-de-Luchon, Saint-Mamet, Bordeaux, Oloron-Sainte-Marie, etc.) and Paris (La Trinité, Notre- Dame de Paris, Saint-François-Xavier).


He would have come in 1848 convalescence to the thermal baths in Bagnères-de-Luchon to cure cholera. The Caré Carrère to whom he would have offered two drawings of angels then asked him to make the frescoes of his new church in the small neighboring village of Saint-Mamet [Ref. necessary] .

He also painted the frescoes of the new Notre-Dame de l’Assumption de l’Assomption de Bagnères-de-Luchon, built between 1852 and 1856 to replace the old church destroyed in 1850. He asked for a price of 15,000 francs, paid Half by the Luchon factory, and half paid directly by the state and by Charles de Morny, Minister of the Interior [ 2 ] .

It was decorated with the Legion of Honor in 1870.

The , the great Catholic daily newspaper The universe founded in 1833 by Father Jacques-Paul Migne, devotes an important NECR article to him following the disappearance in Saint-Gaudens, of the painter of History Romain Cazes.

  • bleach
  • Bagnères-de-Luchon:
    • Notre-Dame de l’Assomption church:
      • Marie’s coronation ,
      • The Litanies of the Virgin ,
      • The divine liturgy . These three canvases bring together a set of 83 characters, many of whom are Luchonnaise personalities: two kneeling monks are embodied by the Curé Vidaillet and the architect Loupot. Mayor Charles Tronc is a saint near the supervision. Saint Catherine is M me Cazes herself. The angel wearing blessed breads was the “pigette”, a bathroom from the thermal establishment [ 2 ] ,
      • The healing of the blind and the paralytic , canvas given by Minister of State Achille Fould;
    • Thermal establishment: The eight thermal sources [ 3 ] , Bagnères-de-Luchon [ 4 ] ;
    • [Or ?] Seventeen allegorical frescoes personified by women: Medicine , Chemistry , Hydrology , L’Architecture , Port of Vénasque , The Lis Valley , The Mountain Massif-Maudits , The nest of oueil , Mount born , Lake Oô , The Val d’Esquierry And The city of Luchon .
  • Bordeaux :
    • Saint-André cathedral: frescoes;
    • Notre-Dame church:
      • Triumph of the Virgin adored by angels and saints , 1870 and 1873,
      • Presentation of the Virgin to the Temple, Visitation, Deploration , 1872 and 1875,
      • Assumption , around 1873-1874,
      • Annunciation.
  • Chamboulive, Saint-Cosme-Saint-Damien parish church: The Virgin and the Child , 1841.
  • Montauban, Ingres museum:
    • Abandoned Ariane or Psyche 1847 – Salon of 1847;
    • The Virgin appears in Saint Ignace , 1866-1867, oil on canvas;
    • Rachel ;
    • Judah’s women crying for their massacred children .
  • Oloron-Sainte-Marie, Sainte-Croix church: frescoes.
  • Paris :
  • Puisieux-et-Clanlieu, Saint-Martin parish church:
    • Resurrection of Jaïre’s daughter ;
    • Virgin and child adored by angels .
  • Saint-Mamet, church:
    • The flight to Egypt ;
    • Group of Jesus Christ, Mary and Precursor ;
    • The Friends of God , church columns, and The Holy Apostles . For the twelve apostles, on each side, Cazes added saints whose worship is much more local: Saint Mamet on the left and Saint Bertrand de Comminges on the right. Cazes also liked to give his figures the features of people around him. Some of these models are known: Father Carrère has lent his features to Saint André; Doctor Lambron, doctor in Luchon posed for Saint Peter; M lle P. S for Saint John; An old Luchonnais, soldier of the first empire for Saint Jacques; M. B… for Saint Paul; M lle Marcus T., M. V. And M lle B. posed respectively for the Virgin, Saint John the Baptist of the Coupole and for Saint Simon.
  • Toulouse,
  • Unknown location:
    • Four Muses , painted for a bathing establishment (Luchon?);
    • Louis Philippe I is , king of the French , copy of an disappeared original from Baron Gérard, paid 800 francs by the State.
  1. Jean-Marc Chaduc, The valley and the city: the barousse and Saint-Bertrand de Comminges. Two millennia of history , Pyrégraph, 2006, (ISBN  2-90-8723-70-0-0 ) .
  2. a et b Henri Pac, The churches of the Pays de Luchon , Privat editions, Reissue Lorisse, 1997 (ISBN  2-84178-143-7 ) .
  3. Raphaël Neuville, ” Paint waters », Midi-Pyrénées Patrimoine , , p. 56-60 ( read online )
  4. Henri Gadeau de Kerville, Bagnères-de-Luchon and its canton (Haute-Garonne) , Toulouse, Édouard Privat, 1925; Lorisse, 2003 (ISBN  9782843733543 ) .

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Bibliography [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Georges Vigne, Romain Cazes, 1808-1881, secret painter of the Second Empire , Montauban, Ingres museum, 1995 (ISBN  2-901405-24-X ) ; (BNF  35832695 ) .
  • Henri Gadeau de Kerville, Bagnères-de-Luchon and its canton (Haute-Garonne) , Toulouse, Édouard Privat, 1925; Lorisse, 2003 (ISBN  9782843733543 ) .
  • Henri Pac, The churches of the Pays de Luchon , Privat editions, Reissue Lorisse, 1997 (ISBN  2-84178-143-7 ) .
  • Jean-Marc Chaduc, The valley and the city: the barousse and Saint-Bertrand de Comminges. Two millennia of history Pyrégraph, 2006 (ISBN  2-90-8723-70-0-0 ) .
  • Raphaël Neuville, “Paint the waters [the monumental decor of the thermal baths of Bagnères-de-Luchon by Romain Cazes]”, In Midi-Pyrénées Patrimoine , n°36, 2013, p. 56-60.

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