Romania Rugby team at XV – Wikipedia


L’ XV Romanian Romania team is the team representing Romania in major international rugby competitions in XV such as the World Cup or the European Nations Championship. Under the aegis of the Romanian Rugby Federation in XV, it is considered a second -row team.


At , it is classified 19 It is in the classification of national rugby teams.

The Oaks in June 1960.

Exchange of pennants, during Romania-Italia, on June 10, 1962 in Bucharest.

The Romania Rugby team rivaling the major European nations until the late 1980s. Indeed, Napoleon III had contributed, by its diplomacy, to recognition by the European states of Romania. Since then, Bucharest has only one ambition: to be the Paris of the Danube country. And how to achieve it better by sending to Paris, at the beginning of XX It is century, students?

These Romanian students discover a new, booming game: XV rugby. They export it to their compatriots. Product ” Made in France Rugby is very popular. In 1915 the The Romanian stage , offspring of the Stade Français: same high school recruitment, same jersey colors, same omnisport structures with rugby in the center.

Rugby is born in Bucharest, it will long be practiced modestly but resolutely. In 1924, a first victory was acquired against Poland. Pre-war, Romanians and French compete twice: also in 1924, in Colombes, during the Olympic Games, then fourteen years later in 1938, in Bucharest. The Romanian captains were then the three-quarter Center Nicolae Mărăscu in 1924, then the third line Aile Constantin Turut in 1938; THE 3 It is And 4 It is matches will not take place until 1957 between the two countries, under the capitalatanat of the half of the melae dumitru ionescu says Until (This player had already played against Italy 23 years ago in 1934). In 1939, a provincial club existed (the training of Brașov aviation factories), for the seventeen other clubs all located in the capital. In 1945, rugby structures were changed. Clubs officially become corporatist. The state will allow rugby to conquer the province. Significant progress is recorded with the key some international successes. From 1960 to 1963, under the capitalatan 3 It is Line wing Viorel Morariu, Romania even succeeds in a series of 4 games without defeat against the French, while the latter obtained a series of 4 victories in the Five Nations Tournament. The British nations granted the capes to the players called upon to face Romania only from 1983.


1945 – 1990: Romania close to the greatest nations of rugby [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The Romanian team that beat France 15 – 0 in November 1980.

The Romania team before a Wales test match in 1983.

The Romanians improved in the game, establish a series of four matches against the French between 1959 and 1962 (2 victories and 2 draws). Romanians also play frequently against Italians. They began to face the British nations in 1981: they beat the Welsh twice and once the Scottish people during the 1980s. In 1981, they faced New Zealanders with a memorable defeat (14-6) [ first ] .

From 1959 to 1964, Romania recorded a series of 25 games without defeat, which is an unrivaled world record [ Note 1 ] , [ 2 ] .

At that time, players such as the British lion Rob Ackerman described Romania as a team of a level comparable to that of the All Blacks, thanks to players playing rugby as in the army – in fact some Romanian internationals are then also military – with an impressive physical dimension [ 3 ] .

Later, they beat to everyone’s surprise at France at the Jacques-Fouroux stadium in Auch le , as well as Scotland in Bucharest .

In the early 1980s, the country had 13,000 players.

Since then, the Romanian team has been trying to find a place in the international rugby circuit. But the best players have left the country, generally for France, and it is very difficult for the national team to rebuild itself, even if it has participated in all World Cups since the creation of the event in 1987.

1990 – 2010: the plunge after the revolution [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The fall of the dictator Nicolae Ceaușescu in 1989 plunged Romanian clubs into the crisis. Many of them disappear, and the national selection undergoes the consequences. For more than twenty years, Romania tumbled into the world hierarchy.

The Romanians thus make very pale performances in the Rugby World Cup in XV. They finished last in their hen in 1995 and third in 1991 and 1999. If they beat Italy in 1994 and Scotland in 1991, they undergo large setbacks against other major selections, in particular the British nations. Glorious years are now far behind the Romanian selection, which is no longer able to beat nations such as Wales (since 1988), Scotland (since 1991), France (since 1990) or Italy ( since 2004).

After an already resounding failure in Wales at Millennium in (81-9), the Romanians lose 134 to 0 against the English in Twickenham two months later, which constitutes the biggest difference in points ever recorded in a rugby match, while a few months ago, they had held pretty well Head to Ireland during a match test (37-3). This sad record of the heaviest defeat was later broken during the Rugby World Cup at XV 2003 during the Australia – Namibia (142-0) match.

In 2006, Romania won the European Rugby Nations Championship at XV 2004-2006. During the World Cup in France, the Romanians lose their first match of little against Italy (24-18), before being showered 42 to 0 by Scotland. They narrowly beat Portugal (14-10) and are completely helpless in the last match against New Zealanders significantly higher despite the absence of Dan Carter (85-8).

Romania finished last in her hen at the 2011 World Cup. However, in the first match, the Romanians bare the feat against Scotland: after having led 24 to 21 at the 70 It is Minute, they do not hold and collect thirteen points to bow 34 to 24. Then, the Romanians undergo heavy reverse against Argentina (43-8) and England (67-3). The hope of avoiding a spoon of wood flies away when they still bow to their main competitors in the European Nations Championship, the Georgians (25-9).

After 2011: renewal [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Romeo Gontineac leaves the head of the selection after the 2011 World Cup and is replaced by the legendary Hari Dumitras. The results remain average, Romania finished second in the European Championship of Nations 2010-2012 but with four defeats (two against Georgia, one in Spain against the Spanish selection and one in Portugal against the Portuguese. Then it undergoes two losses at home during the tour of respectively against Japan and the United States (23-34 and 3-34). Hari Dumitras will be dismissed at the end of this tour.

His replacement, the Welshman Lynn Howells, made his debut at the head of the selection in 2013, on the first day of the European Nations Championship 2012-2014, with a difficult victory in Portugal (13-19). His team then won three times respectively against Russia (29-14), Spain (25-15) and Belgium (32-14). They end the first leg with a draw in Bucharest against Georgia (9-9). In June, Romania welcomed the Nations Cup, a friendly competition disputed every year in Bucharest, and won the latter thanks to three victories in as many encounters against Russia, and the Argentinian and Italian hopes teams. During the 2013 fall tour, the oak XV impressed by winning against the Tonga (19-18) and Canada (21-20), but bowed against Fiji (7-26).

Romania is very seriously addressed the return phase of the European Nations Championship 2012-2014. After three large successes against Portugal (24-0), Russia (34-3) and Spain (32-6), Romania ensures its ticket for the Rugby World Cup at XV 2015 . After an improved victory against Belgium (29-10), Romania failed in the last match of the tournament, the game for the final victory, against Georgia (22-9). Second in the 2012-2014 European Nations Championship, Romania is gaining its place in group D of the 2015 World Cup, alongside France, Ireland, Italy and Canada.

Here is the selection of the Romania team for matches of November 2022. (Selections and update points on December 19, 2022) .

Front [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Rear [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • The columns In Indicates the players currently selected.

The table opposite gives the list of XV coaches in Romania who have followed one another since 2002.

Selections record [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Point record [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

In fat players still active

Record [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

In fat players still active

Notes [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  1. This series of 25 games without defeat is only approved in 2020. Indeed, two of these meetings were previously recorded as defeats in the archives, by inversion of the scores [ 2 ] .
  2. Caracostea played the Racing Club of France at the start of the XX It is century.
  3. Cratunesco played at the Stade Français at the start of XX It is century.
  4. Iconomu played USA Perpignan at the start of the XX It is century.

References [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  1. Doc geopolitical, Flashback. When Romania was a great power of international rugby » , on , (consulted the ) .
  2. a et b (RO) Chris brass, Rugby: Romania – the unknown holder of a world record » , on RFI.RO , (consulted the ) .
  3. (En-Eu) A beer with a British Lion: Robert Ackerman » , on (consulted the ) .
  4. (RO) English Andy Robinson, the new rugby national coach of Romania » , on , (consulted the ) .

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Bibliography [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • (RO) Constantine Zamfir , The story of the national rugby continuing , Bucharest, Paco Publishing House, , 324 p. , connected (ISBN  978-606-8006-54-3 ) Document utilisé pour la rédaction de l’article
  • (RO) Constantine Zamfir , Marian Burlacu , Christian Fresh , Marius Crayfish the mihai Cojocaru , 1913-2013 100 years of rugby in Romania , Romanian Rugby Federation, 249 p. , connected Document utilisé pour la rédaction de l’article

external links [ modifier | Modifier and code ]
