Rose Aguilar — Wikipedia


Joaquina Rosa Aguilar Rivero , born In Cordoba, is a Spanish politician member of the Spanish worker Socialist Party (PSOE).


Member of the Spanish Communist Party (PCE) then of the United left (IU), she is invested mayor of Cordoba after the municipal elections of . It is repeated twice.

In , she is appointed adviser to public works by the Andalusian junta, chaired by the socialist José Antonio Griñán and leaves her political party. It became the following year Minister of the Environment, Rural and Marine.

She is elected deputy in , mandate to which she renounces in After Susana Díaz appointed her advisor to the culture of Andalusia. It has belonged to the PSOE since .

Joaquina Rosa Aguilar Rivero was born in Cordoba the [ first ] .

In 1974, she began higher education at the University of Seville, which she completed six years later by obtaining a license. Even before the end of her studies, she worked as a legal advisor to the Syndicate of the Workers’ Commissions (CCOO), to which she joined in 1978. She renounced this position in 1985, when, who became a lawyer, she founded a firm specializing in commercial law , work and matrimonial.

She left professional life just two years later.


Local rise [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

A member of the Spanish Communist Party (PCE) since 1974, she has been elected to the Cordoba municipal council thirteen years later, where she was immediately appointed deputy mayor, in charge of town planning, public roads and transport. At the same time, she held the position of spokesperson for the United left group (IU) to the provincial deputation of Cordoba.

In , she entered the Parliament of Andalusia thanks to a resignation, sitting until the end of the legislature in 1992.

From Congress to Cordoba Town Hall [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

She was elected deputy of the province of Cordoba during the anticipated legislative elections of the following year, being re -elected in 1996. During her two mandates, she is notably part of the permanent deputation of the Congress of Deputies, and occupies the second vice -Pre presidency of the RTVE control commission.

On the occasion of the 1999 municipal elections in Cordoba, the list of the united left which it drives arrives second with nine municipal councilors, against six to the socialists and fourteen at the conservatives. She then formed a coalition with the PSOE, which allows her to become mayor. Four years later, she managed to rank first by obtaining thirteen elected officials, then governing in the minority until the 2007 elections, where she was again preceded by the right but returned to her alliance with the socialists, which allows her to maintain in power.

A critical voice within the United left [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Within IU, she has often adopted a critical posture with regard to the positions of the coalition, in particular concerning the role of “United left-the Greens” (EBB), Federation of IU in the Basque Country or the refusal of the treaty establishing a constitution for Europe. Support by Gaspar Llamazares as general coordinator, she regularly faced the anti -capitalist current of IU, remaining the only main protagonist of the coalition to openly support the parliamentary monarchy. She notably held the position of coordinator for institutional relations within the federal executive committee, being renewed in 2008, during the Federal Assembly responsible for choosing the successor of Llamazares. She had also refused to succeed him on this occasion.

Entry to the government of Andalusia, then Spain [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The , the new president of the Andalusian junta, the socialist José Antonio Griñán, appoints her advisor to public works and transport. She then renounces the town hall of Cordoba and leaves the united left. Less than a year later, the , an important reshuffle gives her the title of “advisor to public works and housing”, thus recovering the skills of the Department of Housing and Regional Planning [ 2 ] . His entry to the Andalusian Government Council has been the subject of many criticisms within his former party [ 3 ] .

On the occasion of the important reshuffle of the Spanish government operated on , Rosa Aguilar becomes Minister of the Environment and the Rural and Marine Middle to replace Elena Espinosa [ 4 ] .

Passage to the Congress and return to the Andalusian junta [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

It is re -elected at the Congress of deputies in the early elections of November 20, 2011, at the top of the PSOE list in the province of Cordoba, then left the government Because of the PP victory. She resigns the congress , after being appointed advisor to the culture of the Andalusian junta by the president renewed, Susana Díaz. She adheres to at the PSOE and is part of the Cordoba section [ 5 ] .

She is appointed advisor to justice and inside, recovering the skills relating to gender violence, during a reshuffle of the Council of Government orchestrated by Díaz le [ 6 ] .

Withdrawal of politics [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Rosa Aguilar announces the – Shortly after the convocation of early elections in Andalusia – that she put an end to her political career, renouncing to request the renewal of her mandate as a Cordoba deputy in the Parliament of Andalusia. However, she specifies that she does not completely abandon political life and indicates that she will be responsible for coordinating “Christian socialists” , an internal movement of the PSOE [ 7 ] .

  1. (is) Two lawyers and a doctor go for the mayor’s office » , on , (consulted the ) .
  2. (is) Griñán remodes the Andalusian government and reduces the number of councils », 20 minutes , the
  3. (is) Rosa Aguilar will leave IU and enter as independent in the Andalusian government », The country , the
  4. (is) Zapatero puts his future in the hands of Rubalcaba », The world , the
  5. (is) Toñi Caravaca, And at five years, Rosa joined » , on , (consulted the ) .
  6. (is) Olga Granado, Susana Díaz reinforces her vice president and Rosa Aguilar with new competitions » , on , (consulted the ) .
  7. (is) Rosa Aguilar announces her political farewell » , on , (consulted the ) .

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