Route Nationale 106 (France) – Wikipedia


The Route Nationale 106 , or RN 106 , is a French national route connecting Nîmes (Gard) to balsièges, near Mende (Lozère).

Originally, the RN 106 linked Nîmes to Saint-Gérand-le-Puy, via Villefort, Langogne, Ambert, Thiers and Vichy. A large part of the primitive route has been downgraded (mainly by RD 906 ) in 1972 and a new route was defined towards Mende and Saint-Chély-d’Apcher, serving the Cévennes and Gévaudan.

The main cities crossed by RN 106 are: Nîmes, Alès, Florac three rivers and Mende.

Creation and construction of the road [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The national route 106 was created in 1824 and succeeded the imperial road n O 126. It is defined as the road “From Nismes [Nîmes] to Moulins by Le Puy” ; a length of 261.735 km [ first ] , his distribution by department is as follows:

  • 85,911 km In the Gard ( via Nisms, Calmette, Boucoiran, Alais, Portes and Genolhac) [ 2 ] ;
  • 35,955 km In Lozère ( via Villefort, La Bastide, Luc and Langogne) [ 3 ] ;
  • 5,404 km In Ardèche (commune of La Verune) [ 4 ] ;
  • 37,860 km In Haute-Loire ( via Pradelles, Puy, Saint-Paulien and La Chaise-Dieu) [ 5 ] ;
  • 64,673 km in Puy-de-Dôme ( via Arlant, Marsac, Ambert, Olliergue, Courpière, Thiers and Ris) [ 6 ] ;
  • 31,932 km In the Allier ( via Cusset et Saint-Gerand) [ 7 ] .

The historical route thus passes much further than the current route, from Alès, and followed to Langogne the line of Saint-Germain-des-Fossés in Nîmes-Courbessac subsequently built.

As part of the construction of the national road 106, in Vichy, a plot plan of the land to be acquired is presented the For the Vichy link to Cusset to replace the old Chemin de Cusset (which continued in a straight line from rue de Paris to the current avenue de la République); Construction is only ordered the [ 8 ] .

The road was arranged from Vichy to Cusset in 1846 along the Mesdames aisle and the Presles district with construction of the Paptery bridge over the Sichon [ 9 ] .

Itinerary developments [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

In 1972, a first wave of downgrades led to the transfer of 55,000 km from national roads to departments.

In the Gard department, the downgrading is effective the On the portion between its intersection with the national road 104 (in Alès) and the limit of the Ardèche department (44.203 km ) [ ten ] .

In the Lozère department, the On the portion between its intersection with national roads 101 (in Villefort) and 500 (in Langogne), or 52,037 km [ 11 ] .

In the Haute-Loire department, the out of 41,152 km [ twelfth ] .

In the Puy-de-Dôme department, the out of 94.420 km [ 13 ] .


In the department of Allier, the on 26.876 km Between the national road 7 (in Saint-Gérand-le-Puy) and the national road 493 (in Creuzier-le-Neuf) and between Place Victor-Hugo in Vichy and the limit of the Department of Puy-de-Dôme [ 14 ] .

All the declared sections (Alès-Langogne, Saint-Paulien-Thiers ( N 89 ), Thiers (downtown)-Vichy, and Magnet-Saint-Gérand-le-Puy) take the number D 906 , except for the Creuzier-le-Neuf-Magnet section which becomes the D 907 and two sections of road reassigned to two other nationals:

  • Langogne – Pradelles: following a modification of the route of the national road 88, this section becomes the N 88 ;
  • Vichy-Creuzier-le-Neuf: This section was integrated into the new national road 209.

The new national route 106 now continues to Saint-Chély-d’Apcher, taking up part of the RN 107 UNTIL Between Alès and Florac and part of the RN 107 Between Florac and Saint-Chély-d’Apcher via Century.

Decree n O 2005-1499 of Maintains in the national road network the national route 106 between the interchange of the A9 motorway in Nîmes and the national road 88 in Mende (more precisely with shinys) under the link of Nîmes to Mende via Alès [ 15 ] . Mende’s section in Saint-Chély-d’Apcher is downgraded on the departmental route, taking the name of RD 806 , the state confident management of this section in the department of Lozère.

The first section, from Nîmes to Calmette, is particularly dangerous (winding line, three -way overrun sections, strong slopes and crosses of other roads which are dangerous).

From Calmette to Alès, the road is drawn in the Gardon alluvial plain and the “historic” route (before 2 × 2 lanes) is quite sensitive to fall floods linked to the Cévenols episodes.

After Ners, the point of view is magnificent, on the right, on the medieval village of Vézénobres hung on the side of the hill.

The road crosses the city of Alès. Beyond that, the route becomes that of a mountain road, winding and narrow. Alone south of the Grand-Combe are developed 3 km of 3-way portion.

Liability transformation between Nîmes and Alès [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The road is being put in 2 × 2 lanes between Alès and Nîmes.

Of [ 16 ] At , only the section of Boucoiran in Alès was open [ 17 ] .

Since , an additional section extends the area fitted out to calm. The opening of this section was made 18 months behind the initial schedule. This delay is due to resizing and a refoundation of the project. Indeed, while the work had started, the exceptional flood of 2002 required an enhancement of the project so that the road is unsubstantiated. Because of this enhancement, it was also necessary to allow hydraulic transparency. The latter is provided by the 22 works of art (cumulative length neighboring kilometer) that this section of 9.5 has 9.5 km . The realization of these works also delayed the commissioning. The 2 × 2 -way development work of this rampage of the fast lane cost 76 million euros [ 17 ] .

When it was put into service, the connection of this new section with the old route was not direct but was done via an exit exchanger [ 17 ] . The commissioning of a direct connection intervened in 2010 following the construction of new works of art and 2.5 km additional tracks [ 16 ] .

The completion of the transformation, to Nîmes, will be subsequently will be, by enlargement of the current route.

When opening the 2 × 2 -way sections, the old tracks are downgraded first in RN 2106 , then are donated in the departmental roads (currently RD 936 Between Alès and the Ners bridge).

The architect work of art of RN 106 , André Mascarelli, notably for the architectural treatment of the Ners viaduct, will receive the silver ribbon in 1999.

Traffic [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The RN 106 is the main connection axis between Alès (and more generally the Cévennes) and Nîmes. Due to the interconnection of employment pools, traffic is very important between these two cities before and after office hours.

It also constitutes, via Alès, one of the main access points to the Cévennes. During summer as well as in the fall, she received significant traffic in conjunction with the south of the Gard department and the Bouches-du-Rhône. This traffic, focused on weekends, is linked to green leisure activities (second homes, walking, picking).

Beyond Alès, most of the traffic is generated by activities related to green leisure. However, we can cite a low connection traffic between Alès, Florac and the A75 motorway.

Regarding goods traffic, on its South-Lozérienne part, this route is mainly taken by trucks from Quézac waters, fuel oil and fuels, and wood or derivatives, notably to Tarascon stationery.

The northernmost section (from Mende to Saint-Chély-d’Apcher) presents low traffic, justifying its downgrading [ 18 ] .

In the crossing of Nîmes, the national route 106 plays the role of Urban Boulevard and its crossing is often difficult during rush hour. A large western bypass of the city, carried by the State, is planned, and should lead to the road to Alès being planning at 2 × 2 -way [ 19 ] .

Exploitation [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The national road 106 is managed by two interdepartmental roads of roads (Dir):

Municipalities crossed [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

From Nîmes to Alès [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Outings and crosses:

  • Roundabout with A9 (Avignon, Montpellier), A54 (Arles, Marseille) and the RN 113 in Nîmes
  • Intersection with the avenue des arts
  • Roundabout with avenue Kennedy
  • Intersection with the Chemin du Mas de Lauze, rue Galliée and Chemin de Valdegour
  • Intersection with the D 999 (Rue de Sauve)
  • Sortie : Camplanier
  • Sortie: Bois des Espeisses, Partononton district
  • Sortie: Route d’Alès district (by the D 926 , historical route of the national road)
  • Intersection with the D 907 (towards Lédignan)
  • Sortie: Dions
  • Sortie 3 : Uzès, Saint-Chapts, Moussac, Saint-Geniès-de-Malgoirès, La Calmette, Saint-Mamer-du-Gard
  • Sortie 4 : Uzès, Moussac, Boucoiran-et-Nozières (half-seal oriented towards Alès)
  • Sortie 5 : Anduze, Sommières, Lédignan, Ners
  • Sortie 6 : Saint-Hilaire-de-Brethmas, Vézénobres

From Alès to Mende [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Montée du col de Montmirat

RN 106 in the rise of the Montmirat pass.

From Mende to Saint-Chély-d’Apcher (downgraded in D 806 ) [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Original route: from Nîmes to Saint-Gérand-le-Puy [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Old national road 106
Image illustrative de l’article Route nationale 106 (France)
Plate on Ernest-Grange avenue (current departmental route 400) in Thiers.
  • D 906 (Alès-Langogne, Saint-Paulien-Vichy, Magnet-Saint-Gérand-le-Puy)
  • D 907 (Creuzier-le-Neuf-Magnet)
  • N 88 (Langogne – Pradelles)
  • N 209 (Vichy-Creuzier-le-Neuf)
Length 329 km
Direction South North
South end Nîmes
Northern end Saint-Gérand-le-Puy
Network Former downgraded national road
Territory crossed
2 regions Occitanie, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes
6 departments Gard, Lozère, Ardèche, Haute-Loire, Puy-de-Dôme, Allier
Main towns Alès, Villefort, Langogne, La Chaise-Dieu, Ambert, Thiers, Vichy
Managers Departments
Original route (before 1972)
Current road numbering

The old national route 106 was longer and crossed six departments: Gard, Lozère, Ardèche, Haute-Loire, Puy-de-Dôme and Allier.

Quasi-integrality of the downgraded axis is now called D 906 .

Old road route [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Languedoc part [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Auvergne Party [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The old national route 106, downgraded largely in RD 906 In the departments of Haute-Loire, Puy-de-Dôme and Allier, follows the course of the La Dore d’Arlanc river until its confluence with the Allier, near Ris, while crossing it Three times (in Ambert, Courpière and on a rectified route at the southwest entrance to Thiers), then the Allier river to Vichy, as well as the Saint-Germain-des-Fossés line in Darsac (partially used For tourism traffic in Livradois and for goods traffic between Puy-Guillaume and Vichy).

Between Arlanc and Ambert, the road describes a rectilinear layout from south to north.

Between Ambert and Courpière, the route of the road includes a lot of turns as well as some surpassing slots, including a 2 × 2-way section between Giroux-Gare and Courpière. After this commune, the road does not present a significant elevation.

Modernizations of the old route [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

After the transfer of sections of the old national route 106 (between Alès and Saint-Gérand-le-Puy) to the general councils, they took care of the modernization of this axis, by the deviation of agglomerations or rectification of turns for example.

In the late 1970s, the layout of D 906 is rectified between Saint-Yorre and Abrest, on both sides of the place called the Dollots. The lace-up lines located south of the locality, known as “cut-off”, 350 long m With a slope of 8%, and the one located in the north, known as “Dollots”, 300 long m With a slope of 7 to 9% [ 23 ] , are no longer used.

Between the Chaise-Dieu and Arlanc, the layout was rectified in 1987, abandoning the old tortuous route by Mayres by becoming D 907 in Puy-de-Dôme and D 706 In Haute-Loire [ 18 ] , [ 24 ] , [ 25 ] . The new D 906 Pass near Dore-l’Eglise.

In the 1990s, a rectification of a route to Mariol was arranged; The abandoned is downgraded D 906 D in Puy-de-Dôme.

Traffic [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Exploitation [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The old sections of the national route 106 downgraded are, in principle, managed by the departments.

In the Haute-Loire department, the RD 906 (before ranking in the national road area in 2021) is classified in high traffic only on the western deviation of Puy-en-Velay, between the RN 102 in Loudes and the RN 88 in Cussac-sur-Loire [ 26 ] .

In the Puy-de-Dôme department, the RD 906 is a category A route (large bond). It depends on the Departmental Road Division (DRD) Livradois-Forez between the limit of the Haute-Loire and Courpière department, then the DRD Clermont Limagne to the limit with the Allier [ 27 ] . It is classified in high circulation only between the RD 2089 and the A89 motorway, in the municipal territory of Thiers [ 26 ] . Exceptional transport can take the RD 906 south of Thiers [ 27 ] . The RD 400 (crossing Thiers) is a category C route (departmental service), RD 906 C , 906 D and 907 (historical routes) are category D roads (local service) [ 27 ] .

In the department of Allier, the RD 906 Depends on the territorial technical unit (UTT) of Lapalisse-Vichy for the municipalities crossed on the historical route (Mariol, Saint-Yorre, Abrest, Vichy and Saint-Gérand-le-Puy), except for Magnet, which depends on the ‘Utt de Saint-Pourçain-sur-Sioule. It is not classified with high traffic [ 28 ] .

Municipalities crossed [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

From Alès to Pradelles [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

From Saint-Paulien to Thiers [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The old N 106 become D 906 In Saint-Paulien, towards Vichy, in 2013.

The municipalities crossed were:

The national route 106 is in common trunk with the N 89 (Currently D 2089 ) out of 6 km .

From Thiers to Vichy [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The rue du Maréchal-Foch, in Vichy, was part of the Historic National Route 106.
  • Thiers ( D 400 ) (km 298)
  • La Chaupridrade, communes of Thiers and Paslières (the old route becomes the D 906 C and the D 85 )
  • Les Farreras, Community of Paslières
  • Paslières: crossing the places of Chabot, the Croix-Saint-Bonnet and Ferriers
  • Puy-Guillaume (km 313) [ Note 1 ]
  • Ris-gare-common of ris
  • Mariol
  • Saint-Yorre ( D 906 AND ) (km 326) : Avenue de Thiers , Then Avenue de Vichy
  • Les Dollots, commune of Abrest
  • Abrest (km 330) : Avenue de Thiers , Then Avenue de Vichy
  • Vichy (km 333) : Avenue Raymond-Poincaré [ Note 2 ] , Rue du Maréchal-Lyautey , Rue du Maréchal-Foch [ Note 3 ]

From Vichy to Saint-Gérand-le-Puy [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The national route 106 crosses the town of Vichy over a length of 3.7 kilometers and an area of ​​55,000 m 2 . The , the director general of roads and navigation at the Ministry of the Interior [ Note 4 ] Decides that the road passes through Vichy, Abrest, Saint-Yorre and the White House (hamlet located between Mariol, in Allier, and Ris, in Puy-de-Dôme). From Cusset, the road passed “By the mother’s bridge [ Note 5 ] , Mont Betton [ Note 6 ] , the barracks [ Note 7 ] , […] Presle [ Note 8 ] and the city-aux-juifs [ Note 9 ] And came to join, in Vichy, this Chemin de Cusset, at the current crossroads of rue de Paris, rue du Gros-Chêne and rue Dacher [ 33 ] » . She then continued on the streets of Paris and Nîmes [ Note 10 ] Until the cross of the mission (current Place Victor-Hugo) [ 33 ] .

Until 1972, the national route 106 passed through:

Road creations after downgrading [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Certain portions of the 906 departmental road were built after the downgrading of the national road 106 in 1972; They therefore have no connection with the historical route.

In the Haute-Loire department, the old national route 106 was downgraded in D 906 But a deviation to the west of Puy-en-Velay was built by the department of Haute-Loire in 1977, also ensuring a role of bypassing Puy-en-Velay by the Southwest and the continuity of a link Between Clermont-Ferrand and the Rhône valley by the national road 102 and part of the RN 88 [ 18 ] , [ 24 ] under this same number. Since , this portion of road is classified in the national road field and becomes the N 102 [ 34 ] .

West of Thiers, a bypass was carried out in 1977, connecting to the A89 motorway (currently D 906 ). The old route becomes the RD 906 A Then RD 400 [ 25 ] .

In the Allier department, following the commissioning of the southwest vichy bypass in early 2016 (named D 906 ), the sections of the D 906 Between Saint-Yorre and Vichy and between Magnet and Saint-Gérand-le-Puy are renowned D 906 AND .

There were two national road branches 106:

  • the RN 106 A , defined in 1933 as the Vichy annex [ 35 ] , corresponding to the avenue de Lyon, in Vichy. This road, parallel to the RN 106 , crossed the line of Saint-Germain-des-Fossés in Darsac by a bridge. This road becomes the RN 219 in 1978; it is donated to the municipal roads by decree of the April 22, 1986 [ 36 ] ;
  • the RN 106 B , route created following a modification of the original national route 106 route, which now goes through Creuzier-le-Neuf and no longer through the northeast districts of Cusset. The 12,162 km of the road are downgraded from the national road network after the 1972 reform [ 14 ] and are reclassified in the departmental roads of Allier under the number D 906 B .

Notes [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  1. A bypass of Puy-Guillaume, under the number D 343 , was carried out in 1996. Unwanted, it does not allow to divert transit trafficking [ 25 ] .
  2. The name of avenue Raymond-Poincaré, in Vichy, was given to the place of the road to Abrest by deliberation of the municipal council of the [ 29 ] . The avenue includes, since its renovation in 2022, a cycle path and green valleys [ 30 ] , [ thirty first ] .
  3. Rue du Maréchal-Foch, 250 long m , connects the Place de la Victoire in Place Victor-Hugo and meets rue Hubert-Colombier in an area with a rich architectural heritage. The street was renovated in 2016 with the participation of the department, manager of this route [ 32 ] .
  4. The Ministry of Public Works was created by a royal order of .
  5. Name of a bridge over the Sichon, portion of the current departmental road 126, in Cusset.
  6. Currently Montbeton, Montbeton or Mont-Béton, name of a current district of Cusset.
  7. Former locality of the communes of Vichy and Cusset.
  8. Location, currently a district of the town of Cusset.
  9. Former name of a Vichy district.
  10. Current Georges-Clemenceau, Marshal-Foch and Marshal-Lyautey streets.

References [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  1. Louis Becquey, Ministry of the Interior – General Administration of Bridges and Roads and Mines, Statistics of the Royal Roads of France , Paris, Royal Imprimerie, ( read online ) , p. 256-257 .
  2. Becquey 1824, p. 58-59.
  3. Becquey 1824, p. 94-95.
  4. Becquey 1824, p. 12-13.
  5. Becquey 1824, p. 84-85.
  6. Becquey 1824, p. 124-125.
  7. Becquey 1824, p. 6-7.
  8. Mallat 1914, p. 654.
  9. Alain Carteret , History of Vichy » .
  10. Facsimile of the Official Journal of the French Republic noting the transfer of national roads to the Department of Gard, interministerial decree of the [PDF] , Official Journal of the French Republic, (consulted the ) , p. 13541.
  11. Facsimile of the Official Journal of the French Republic noting the transfer of national roads to the department of Lozère, interministerial decree of the [PDF] , Official Journal of the French Republic, (consulted the ) , p. 2331.
  12. Facsimile of the Official Journal of the French Republic noting the transfer of national roads to the department of Haute-Loire, interministerial decree of the [PDF] , Official Journal of the French Republic, (consulted the ) , p. 13884.
  13. Facsimile of the Official Journal of the French Republic noting the transfer of national roads to the Department of Puy-de-Dôme, interministerial decree of the [PDF] , Official Journal of the French Republic, (consulted the ) , p. 13886.
  14. a et b Facsimile of the Official Journal of the French Republic noting the transfer of national roads to the Department of Allier, interministerial decree of the [PDF] , Official Journal of the French Republic, (consulted the ) , p. 13540.
  15. Decree n O 2005-1499 of relating to the consistency of the national road network (NOR: EQUR0501219D) » , on Legifrance , Official Journal of the French Republic n O 283, text n O 22, (consulted the ) .
  16. a et b 2.5 km More fast between Alès and Nîmes » Accès libre, on , Midi Libre , (consulted the ) .
  17. A B and C J.L., Gard the connection to 2 times 2 lanes Alès-Nîmes earns ten kilometers » Accès libre, on The monitor , (consulted the ) .
  18. A B and C Wikisara
  19. Operation of displacements » , on , Dreal Occitanie (consulted the ) .
  20. Network » , on , Interdepartmental direction of the Mediterranean roads (consulted the ) .
  21. a et b Order of May 29, 2006 constituting the interdepartmental roads of roads », Official Journal of the French Republic , n O 124, text n O 30, ( read online , consulted the ) .
  22. Our network » , on Dir.Massif – , Interdepartmental Direction of Massif Central roads (consulted the ) .
  23. Poles indicators installed during 4 It is quarter of 1896 », Monthly Revue du Touring-Club de France , , p. 106 ( read online , consulted the ) .
  24. a et b French departmental road D906 (43) South of wikisara
  25. A B and C French departmental road D906 (63) South of wikisara
  26. a et b Decree n O 2009-615 of fixing the list of high -movement roads (NOR: DEVS0804222D) », Official Journal of the French Republic , n O 0128, . Version in force at .
  27. A B and C Puy-de-Dôme Departmental road regulations » [PDF] , on , Departmental Council of Puy-de-Dôme, (consulted the ) .
  28. Departmental road regulations » [PDF] , on , Departmental Council of Allier, (consulted the ) .
  29. Jean overflows, Vichy over its streets , Editions du Sign, (ISBN  2908938294 ) , p. 191 .
  30. Denis chervaux, Vichy – Work to St -Yorre until the summer of 2022 » Accès libre, Allier week , (consulted the ) .
  31. Large sites », It’s in Vichy , City of Vichy, n O 118, , p. 14-15 ( read online [PDF] , consulted the ) .
  32. Inauguration of Renovated Foch Street » , on , City of Vichy, (consulted the ) .
  33. a et b Anton’s malt, History of Vichy mineral waters , t. 2, booklet 3, Paris, Georges Steinheil editor, ( read online ) , p. 652-653 .
  34. The RD 906 becomes a national and part of the RN 102 turns into a departmental » Accès libre, Progress , (consulted the ) .
  35. Ministry of Public Works, Collection of laws, orders, decrees, regulations and circulars concerning the various services of the Ministry of Public Works drawn up by the Central Administration Care , t. XLI , 2 It is series, Paris, national printing, ( read online ) , p. 267 .
  36. French national road 106A on Wikisara

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