Royal Andennais Sports Circle – Wikipedia


Full Name Royal Andennais Sports Circle
Nickname Bears
Previous names R. CS Andennais
R. CS Andenne ’60
R. US Andenne Seille COUTISE
Professional status amateur
Colors Red and black
Stadium Julien dad
Rue Brother Orban
5300 Andenne
(2 500 places)
Seat Rue Brother Orban, 72
5300 Andenne
Current championship P1 Namur (6th level)
President Philippe Rasquin
Coach Dominique Cuvelier
Site web



Last update: October 29, 2021.

The Royal Andennais Sports Circle is a Belgian football club located in Andenne in the province of Namur. He carries the number 307 And its colors are red and black.

Poorly in sporting and financially, the club must resort to two mergers, in the space of a few years, to manage to save the course. He thus becomes the R. USNENE-SEILLES (Rusas) then the Royal Andenne Seille COUTISE . The , it resumes its historical name of R. CS Andennais .

During his story, he played 45 seasons in national divisions, of which 2 On the second level, the highest division that the club has reached. It evolves in the second provincial in the 2018-2019 season, the seventh hierarchical level in Belgium.

The small Mosan city in Andenne is experiencing its first club, Andenne Football Club In 1907. Andenne FC joins the ubsfa on Like “adherent club”. For an uncertain reason, however, the .


Foundation and beginnings in national [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Andenne FC is reconstituted the under the name of Andennais sports circle . The leaders choose as official colors the Red and the Black , colors that have never been modified since … the club has only been affiliated with the Urbsfa that the . This date is long considered that of the club’s foundation that is already 7 years old! In 1924, the club inaugurated its new land located rue Frère Orban in Andenne. He always occupies the same site these days. In December 1926, CS Andennais was awarded the registration number 307 .

During the 1929-1930 season, the club entered its history for the first time in promotion, then third and last national level. He thus became the third club in the province of Namur to play in the national series, after the Tamines Entente (which has become R. Sambrevilloise Entente ) and Namur Sports (today Ur namur ). This first experience lasts only a season, but a year later, the club already dates back to the national level. This time, there are four seasons there, and left the promotion in 1936.

First “Golden Age” [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Working well and benefiting from a golden generation, the CS Andennais returned to promotion during the 1938-1939 season. During the Second World War, the course of the championships was disrupted, but that does not prevent the club from winning its series in 1942, and thus mount for the first time in Division 1, the second national level. It is relegated to this after a year, then the resumption of the fighting marking the end of the conflict stops the competitions.

At the end of the war, the Belgian Federation decides to reform the national series by canceling the relegations suffered during the three ” war championships “, While keeping the climbs obtained. Thus, CS Andennais is replaced in Division 1, and can take advantage of this new experience in peacetime. Although this season leaves great memories to the players and sympathizers of the club, it is also marked by several “scratch” suffered from the best teams, and sees a new relegation of the club on promotion. A year later, the club concedes a second consecutive relegation and had to return to the provincial series.

Double return to national [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The , the club is recognized ” Royal company », And becomes the Royal Andennais Sports Circle . Two years later, the club won the first Namur provincial, and dates back in 1953 in promotion, which since the previous season has become the fourth national level. For its return to national, the club has a convincing season, ending in fifth place. After two rather average seasons, the club finished vice-champion of its series in 1957, behind Aarschot Sport. Still fourth, then seventh, the following two seasons, the club finished last in 1960 and was relegated to the provincial first after seven seasons on promotion.

The Andennais RCS does not drag in provincials, and dates back to promotion after a year. He maintained his right in 1962, and finished the following four seasons in the “sub-top”, between third and seventh place. But in 1967, the club saw a catastrophic season, concluded in the last place, which returned it once again to the first provincial, where it remained until the end of the decade.

Second “golden age” [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The Matricule 307 Returns in national in 1971, but was relegated to the end of the season. A year later, he went back to promotion again. This time, the club will experience a new golden period, under the presidency of the entrepreneur Émile Gilmar. Andenne has a thunderous season, and won the title in his series in 1974. The club is therefore promoted in Division 3, a level he had not reached since 1947. Following this climb, spectators flock to More and more numerous at the Julien Pappa stadium to see the local team evolve. The star of the time is Jean Dachelet, who will later join the Standard of Liège or Berchem Sport in particular. As is still the case at the time, in many clubs in lower divisions, the team’s framework is made up of players from its region, facilitating the identification of supporters to those who wear their colors.
The club lives a first season in the fairly quiet third division, concluded in sixth place. He then obtained his best ranking since the Second World War by finishing vice-champion of his series in 1975-1976, at only one point from the winner, Eupen. The following season, the club ends up again sixth, but it cannot then avoid relegation, and returned to promotion in 1978, after four seasons in division 3. Subsequently, the Andennais RCS plays three seasons for the climb, without reaching to win the coveted title. Finally, at the end of the 1981-1982 season, the last place obtained by the club ordered him to return to provincials, nine years after leaving them.

New stay in promotion and first merger [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

In 1983, the club celebrated its sixtieth anniversary, and took the name of Royal Circle Sportif Andenne 60 . It is under this name that he dates back to promotion in 1989. The club then finished three seasons in the middle of the classification, sheltered from the relegation zone. THE , he merges with the Union sportive seilloise , a club in the village of Seilles, which is part of Andenne since the merger of the communes, and carries the number 5822 . The new club takes the name of Royale Union Sportive Andenne-Seilles , and keeps the colors, the stadium, and the number 307 from R. CS Andennais.

The following season, the club ended a good season in fifth place in its series. The results later drop, and the club must go through the dams and the Interprotrovincial final round in 1994-1995 to ensure its maintenance. The players achieve it, but it is only to obtain a brief stay of a year, the club backwards in provincials at the end of the following season.

Last ephemeral passages in promotion in difficult conditions [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The club subsequently fell in the second provincial, and dates back among the elite of the province at the start of XXI It is century. Already, financial difficulties are undergoing the life of the club, handicapped by the lack of large companies in the Andenne region, likely to sponsor the team. In 2004, Andenne-Seilles participated in the Final Tour Interprevincial. He first eliminated the Brainois stadium, then the RCS Nivellois, thus obtaining a new climb at the national level. This new stay lasts two seasons, the club being relegated in 2006.

In 2008, the club celebrates sound 85 It is Birthday by a new accession to promotion. The joy is brief. Andenne is directly relegated to the first provincial.

Second merger, decline in the provincial hierarchy [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

After this relegation, the leaders of the Russians begin negotiations for a new merger, this time with the Sporting Club Petit-Warêt . The discussions do not succeed, and the club’s management plans a voluntary return to the fourth provincial, the lowest level of Belgian football, to start again on healthy bases. Finally, a merger still takes place, with the Football Club Coutisse , the club of a small village of less than 1000 inhabitants, Coutisse, located on the territory of the town of Andenne, and carrier of the number 7072 . The , the merger is ratified, and gives rise to the Royale Union Sportive Andenne-Seilles-Coutisse , commonly abridged in RUSASC . As during the merger with Seilles in 1992, the colors, the stadium and the number 307 of Andenne are preserved.

But if this merger seems to keep financial problems away, it does not solve sporting problems. After a very difficult season, the club was relegated to the second provincial in 2010. A year later, it underwent its third relegation in three years, and fell in the third provincial, the lowest level at which the club played. The club plays two years at this level and then, thanks to its victory in the final round, goes back in “P2” in 2013.

Union Sportive Seilloise [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

L’ Union Sportive Seilloise is founded in Seilles, at the end of 1954, among others, by several former players of the R. CS Andennais, including the Corneille Baudine coach. THE , the US Seilloise has collapsed at the Urbsfa, which attributes the number 5822 . The official colors are green and black.

At the time of its creation, and until the late 1960s, the US Seilloise is sometimes in a funny situation due to its location, on the borders of two provinces. Seille was at the time a “large village”, located on the left bank of the Meuse, in the province of Liège. Opposite, on the other side of the river, is the small town of Andenne, in the province of Namur. I’ US Seilloise Starts in the Liège series and, according to the seasons, confronts teams like Saint-Nicolas/Liège, Ouye Union, the US Momaloise, Huy Sports, but also R. FC Malmundaria 1904 or the CS Stavelotain, located opposite from the province.

A resident of “P3” Liégeoise, the club obtains, during certain seasons, an administrative exemption to play in the Namur series. When it happens, he “goes back” in “P2”, for lack of “P3″ in this province at the time. Over time, the more we approach 1973, the year set for the merger of the municipalities, the more the club is considered to be Namur. Indeed, Seille was going to join the Grand-Andene after the merger. Before this, the last mayor of Seilles was Claude Eerdekens, an irremovable bourgmestre of Andenne since. Several times deputy, and even Minister of Sports in the French Community, the ” Mayor »Provides the help he can to the club (s) of his city.

Sometimes oscillating between P2 and P3 Namuroise, the US Seilloise Remains long at the third provincial level. When the R. CS Andennais had a delicate season, the “teasing” of the entity said: ” “Andenne (therefore CS Andennais) will soon play with Seilles” » [ 3 ] .

Finally this happens, but not following the relegation of one or the climb of the other. THE , the US Seilloise merges with R. CS Andenne ’60 to form the R. USNENE-SEILLES (or rusas) under the number 307.

Difficult funding [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

During the first decade of the XXI It is A century, the Matricule 307 returns to the fold of the national series but without succeeding in playing a major role. Conversely, its on -promise passages are most often tinged with a maintenance.

The city of Andenne, located between Namur and Huy, does not have an important economic park whose companies can provide large commercial sponsors, the life of the club is complicated. Recalling in the provincial hierarchy, he managed to return nevertheless on promotion. At the end of the 2003-2004 season, the “rusas” went up via the Interprotrovincial final round after victories against the Brainois stadium (3-1) and the CS Nivellois (1-0). This is the first time that a Namur club has risen via the TFI has created nine years earlier. Returning to provincial series, the club celebrates its 85th anniversary after a new provincial title and by making a last visit to “national”, during the 2008-2009 season. The group is not lacking in talents but of experience. But if the descent is a sporting disappointment, but is financially that the situation becomes critical.

Various negotiations with SC Petit-Waret fail. The Rusas hesitates to deliberately return to P4. Finally, an agreement is concluded with another entity club, the FC Coutisse , carrier of the number 7072. The bankruptcy for and simple and, above all, the disappearance of the number 307 is avoided. THE , a new fusion forms the Royal Andenne Seille COUTISE (or RASC), under the venerable number 307. Used by many, including the club itself, the Royal Andenne Seille Coutisse or Rusasc appellation has never been formalized by URBSFA.

Diving then start of recovery [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

After a very difficult season sportingly, in the first provincial, the club played in 2010-2011 in P2 ( 6 It is level at the time) but did not manage to stop the negative spiral. Finishing 15 It is From its series in 2011, the old club is relegated for the first time in its history on level 6, and plunges into 3 It is provincial.

The Matricule 307 loudly lifts two seasons in P3, but is reducing moral and financial health, with its commands, its former captain and coach, Philippe Rasquin (become PS municipal representative in 2012) . Classified fifth in 2012, the club finished 3 It is The following year behind Bossière and legs. Succeeding in his final turn, Andenne goes back in P2.

The anteroom of the provincial elite requires time to adapt to a nucleus remaining voluntarily local. In 2014, the Mosan circle ensured its rightly maintenance ( 13 It is ). He won two places the following year. At the end of the 2015-2016 season, the “bear” finished vice-champion behind Spy. With the reform creating division 3 amateur, Andenne is drafted to find the P1.

In 2016-2017, the club having regained its historical appellation: Royal Andennais Sports Circle , the Due to the change of name, the use of the term “royal” is subject to the approval of the “king’s house” succeeds in maintaining itself among the provincial elite. He avoids descent during the final day by winning ( 1-2 ) to R. FC Grand-Leez, future winner of the TF of P1 Namuroise a few days later.

The following season, the number 307 cannot avoid tall, but under the leadership of Carmine Pacella, from the RFC Spy, the cubs remove the title of P2 in 2018-2019 and sign a double by winning the province’s cup.

The club is evolving at the Julien Pappa stadium, 6 rue Frère Orban. It has a synthetic lawn and 2,500 seats.

The Beehive [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

As was done in many clubs, a simple bistro served for a long time for the supporters and sympathizers of the club. In Andenne, the coffee “La Ruche”, now disappeared, is for several years the point of fall in “red and black”. A tradition will last a long time on match evenings: if the club had obtained or conceded a sharing, a large flag in the colors of the club was hung on the front, but it was knotted in the mast. If the Cubs had won, the standard floated in the wind.

  • Michel Arnold, trained in Andenne where, at the same time as Raymond Corbaye, he evolved into young teams and then in the first team, he played in the 1st national division at the Union Saint-Gilloise (1967-1971).
  • Corneille Baudine, player of the “Great Generation Andennaise” who knew the D2 during the Second World War, he was also a coach and took care of among others, the Seilloise Sports Union and the Tamines Entente, a locality where he was professionally asset.
  • Claudy Chauveheid, played R. CS Andennais at the end of the 70s. Among other things, he led to AS Eupen. His son Marc made a visit to the Liège Standard.
  • Raymond Corbaye (1943-299), trained in Andenne, where he evolved in youth teams then, in the early sixties, in the first team, he successfully played in first re National Division, between 1965 and 1971, in Tilleur, FC Liégeois and Antwerp.
  • Jean Dachelet, played in Andenne in 1974-1975, then went to Standard and Berchem Sport in the first division.
  • Marc Grosjean, former player of R. FC Séresien with whom he played in the first division, spent two seasons in Andenne at the end of his career.
  • Donatien Kimoni, former player of R. FC Liégeois, played in Andenne in 2004-2005.
  • Edgard Mathot, born in 1921, he was trained and played in Andenne before evolving in first re National Division, from 1947 to 1949, at the Union Saint-Gilloise, then, from 1949 to 1956, at Standard. He completed his career as a player-coach at the Hutoise Union.
  • Jean-Jacques Missé-Missé, already an international Cameroonian, he joined Andenne after an ugly injury in 1991. He then left two years later for the Sporting de Charleroi, in D1, where he exploded and then plays Sporting Portugal and Trabzonspor.
  • Philippe Rasquin Player and captain of R. CS Andennais in the 1970s, he also evolved at FC Le Lorrain. Having become a coach, in addition to Andenne, he directed not without success of many clubs ( Hannut, ur Namur, JS Taminoise, … ). In the early 2010s, he resumed the management of the club in his city, of which he also became one of the political representatives.

Updated statistics

Track record [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

With [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • TM Up = Test-Match to decide between equalities, or all forms of dams or final tower for a possible rise.
  • TM Down = Test-Match to decide between equality, or all forms of dams or final tower for maintenance.

Seasonal rankings by season [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Order Season Club name Level Final classification Remarks
first 1929-30 CS Andennais Promotion (D3) series B 14 It is /14 Relegated!
provincial series
2 1931-32 CS Andennais Promotion (D3) series C 3 It is /14
3 1932-33 CS Andennais Promotion (D3) series C 8 It is /14
4 1933-34 CS Andennais Promotion (D3) series C 11 It is /14
5 1934-35 CS Andennais Promotion (D3) series C twelfth It is /14 Relegated!
provincial series
6 1937-38 CS Andennais Promotion (D3) series C ten It is /14
7 1938-39 CS Andennais Promotion (D3) series B 7 It is /14
X 1939-40 Arrested competitions
X 1940-41 Regional competitions
8 1941-42 CS Andennais Promotion (D3) series C first is /13 Champion and promoted!
9 1942-43 CS Andennais Division 1 (D2) series A 15 It is /16 Relegated!
ten 1943-44 CS Andennais Promotion (D3) series D ten It is /16 Two unpaid matches [ Seasons 1 ]
1944-45 Arrested competitions
11 1945-46 CS Andennais Division 1 (D2) series B 18 It is /18 Relegated! [ Seasons 2 ]
twelfth 1946-47 CS Andennais Promotion (D3) series C 14 It is /17 Relegated!
provincial series
13 1953-54 R. CS Andennais Promotion series A 5 It is /16
14 1954-55 R. CS Andennais Promotion series D twelfth It is /16
15 1955-56 R. CS Andennais Promotion series C 9 It is /16
16 1956-57 R. CS Andennais Promotion series C 2 It is /16
17 1957-58 R. CS Andennais Promotion series D 4 It is /16
18 1958-59 R. CS Andennais Promotion series C 7 It is /16
19 1959-60 R. CS Andennais Promotion series A 16 It is /16 Relegated!
provincial series
20 1961-62 R. CS Andennais Promotion series C 13 It is /16
21 1962-63 R. CS Andennais Promotion series A 7 It is /16
22 1963-64 R. CS Andennais Promotion series D 3 It is /16
23 1964-65 R. CS Andennais Promotion series A 4 It is /16
24 1965-66 R. CS Andennais Promotion series A 7 It is /16
25 1966-67 R. CS Andennais Promotion series D 16 It is /16 Relegated!
provincial series
26 1971-72 R. CS Andennais Promotion series B 15 It is /16 Relegated!
provincial series
27 1973-74 R. CS Andennais Promotion series B first is /16 Champion and promoted!
28 1974-75 R. CS Andennais Division 3 series B 6 It is /16
29 1975-76 R. CS Andennais Division 3 series B 2 It is /16 [ Seasons 3 ]
30 1976-77 R. CS Andennais Division 3 series B 6 It is /16
thirty first 1977-78 R. CS Andennais Division 3 series B 15 It is /16 Relegated!
32 1978-79 R. CS Andennais Promotion series D 4 It is /16
33 1979-80 R. CS Andennais Promotion series D 6 It is /16
34 1980-81 R. CS Andennais Promotion series C 4 It is /16
35 1981-82 R. CS Andennais Promotion series B 16 It is /16 Relegated!
provincial series
36 1989-90 R. CS Andenne ’60 Promotion series D 9 It is /16
37 1990-91 R. CS Andenne ’60 Promotion series C ten It is /16
38 1991-92 R. CS Andenne ’60 Promotion series D 9 It is /16
39 1992-93 R. USNENE-SEILLES Promotion series C 5 It is /16
40 1993-94 R. USNENE-SEILLES Promotion series D 9 It is /16
41 1994-95 R. USNENE-SEILLES Promotion series D 13 It is /16 Barrages [ Seasons 4 ]
42 1995-96 R. USNENE-SEILLES Promotion series D 14 It is /16 Relegated!
provincial series
43 2004-05 R. USNENE-SEILLES Promotion series D 8 It is /16
44 2005-06 R. USNENE-SEILLES Promotion series D 14 It is /16 Relegated!
provincial series
45 2008-09 R. USNENE-SEILLES Promotion series D 14 It is /16 Relegated!
provincial series

Notes [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Notes on the seasons played in national [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  1. The CS Andennais do not play Maasicker FC nor to R. FC Bressoux. Other clubs are also in the case of other series and in previous seasons. This is one of the reasons that pushed the Federation to recompose the series in the fall of 1945, by canceling the effects of relegation suffered during the conflict, but by maintaining the climbs obtained
  2. The CS Andennais obtains 4 successes for 30 defeats. THE Cubs score 43 goals but concede 173.
  3. The club ends at a champion point, Eupen.
  4. In the first round of the dams, the R. USNENE-SEILLES Included against CS Mechelen A/D Maas (0-0, then 3-5 on penalties). The club then maintains with successes against Comblain Sport (4-2) and Union Jemappes-Flénu (3-5).

References [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  1. Only the main titles in official competitions are indicated here.
  2. Familiar quote informed by a contributor who lived in Andenne and followed the football of the Andennaise entity.

External sources and links [ modifier | Modifier and code ]
