Royal Guard (France) – Wikipedia


Under restoration, a Royal Guard is created to ensure, in addition to the military house, the protection of the King of France. She served Louis XVIII then Charles X , before being removed by Louis-Philippe.


The royal guard is considered an elite corps, made up of veteran soldiers and intended to serve as a reserve for the royal army during the battles.

First restoration [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Portrait of a king’s musketeer.

When Louis XVIII Returns to France in 1814, he intended to restore brilliance to his house. It is with this objective in mind that he created a ministry of the King’s house, entrusted to Pierre de Blacas. The latter, seconded by Pierre Denniée, then seeks to reconstruct the military house as it could have been under the old regime. The order of Elérine the creation of several units, some of which had already disappeared before the Revolution.

In 1814, the king’s military house was composed as follows:

The military house proper is thus formed by around 5,000 men, including 4,629 horsemen. It is also necessary to add, for the King’s guard, six regiments of royal body, composed of 2,758 infantrymen and 2,574 horsemen.


Louis XVIII uses his military house to enhance his prestige. For example, during the Louis remains translation ceremony XVI And Marie-Antoinette, the , the musketeers are used and are very noticed for their presence and the beauty of their uniform [ first ] .

Second restoration [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

After the hundred-days, the military house is reorganized and its workforce reduced. The order of , removes several units, including the door guards, musketeers, gendarmes and light horses. The provost guards are dismissed the [ 2 ] .

At the same time, Louis XVIII Decides the creation of a royal guard from the six royal body regiments. The theoretical mission of this guard is to watch, with the military house, to the protection of the king. In fact, it quickly becomes a fighting unit, like the imperial guard. Elite reserve of the army, the men of the guard must be impeccable.

The staff of the guard are set at 25,000 men, organized in eight infantry regiments – including two Swiss – with three battalions each and eight cavalry regiments with six squadrons each. Added to this an eight batteries’ artillery regiment (48 fireplaces).

The king retains the theoretical command of the guard and reserves the title of Colonel General . He placed at the head of the royal guard four marshals with the title of Majors General : The Duke of Reggio, the Duke of Belluna, the Duke of Taranto and the Duke of Ragusa.

The royal guard is set as a model of the army. In 1823 she participated in the Spanish expedition and was worthy of the rank assigned to her. Trocadéro’s taking is one of its glorious feats of arms. In 1830 the portion of the Royal Guard which was in Paris struggled heroically to defend the monarchy.

The royal guard is licensed, at the same time as the military house , following the three glorious and the expulsion of the elder branch of the Bourbon.

Being admitted to the Royal Guard is considered one of the most important military awards in the French army. Louis XVIII , who does not trust what remains of him, puts his command especially emigrants, as for the military house. The officers are at the choice of the king.

The uniform of these bodies is brighter than that of line troops, their stronger balance, their higher rank, their more extensive rights: the soldier is assimilated to the corporal, the corporal in the sergeant and so on until highest grades. This advantage was withdrawn from guard in 1826 but the officers were, after four years of grade, endowed with the upper rank and when they later obtained a job in this other grade, they take rank from the day they had exceeded these four years required.

The royal guard is made up of elite men chosen in the bodies of the army.

King’s house (6 companies) [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Captain of the King’s Bodyguards.

Infantry (8 regiments) [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • first is Guard infantry regiment.
  • 2 It is Guard infantry regiment.
  • 3 It is Guard infantry regiment.
  • 4 It is Guard infantry regiment.
  • 5 It is Guard infantry regiment.
  • 6 It is Guard infantry regiment.
  • 7 It is Swiss Guard Infantry Regiment.
  • 8 It is Swiss Guard Infantry Regiment.

Cavalry (8 regiments) [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Cavalry of the Royal Guard.
  • first is Grenadiers regiment de la Garde.
  • 2 d Grenadiers regiment de la Garde.
  • first is Guard cuirassiers regiment.
  • 2 d Guard cuirassiers regiment.
  • Regiment of guard dragons.
  • Regiment of Guard Hunters.
  • Regiment of Hussars de la Garde.
  • Regiment of lancers of the guard.

Artillery (1 regiment) [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Artillery of the royal guard.
