Ruby (Alaska) – Wikipedia


Ruby is an Athabascan village of Alaska (United States) located in the Census region of Yukon-Koyukuk. Along the Yukon river, 300 km west of Fairbanks. In 2010, it included 166 inhabitants.


The city is in ATHABASCAN territory populated by nomads which establish their camp according to resources. At the beginning of XX It is century, the settlement by white settlers profoundly changed the region.

Nuggets were discovered in 1906 in Ruby Creek, which brought prospectors to the site. It is the gold rush, and the city of Ruby is founded in 1911, center of supplies and supplies for minors.

Rue principale de Ruby en 1916

Ruby main street in 1916

A post office was established in 1912, and Ruby joined as a municipality in 1913 [ first ] . When it was created, the city is self -managed by assembly of minors, then later by the Igloo des pioneers n O 5 Nowitna-Koyukuk ( Pioneer Igloo Number 5 ).

At its maximum population, there are almost 3,000 inhabitants. But in 1918, the city’s population began to decline. Many men leave the scene to go fight in Europe because of the First World War. Part of the businessmen and their families perish in the sinking of the SS Princess Sophia, the , near Juneau.

In 1929 a fire destroyed most of the business district, and in 1931, a flood won what remains of buildings on the banks of the river.


After the Second World War, the city died, there is no longer a single resident. Repeup intervenes when natives from the neighboring village of Kokrines settle in abandoned houses.

In 1973, Ruby was recognized as a second -plan city. A dispensary, a water network and schools were built in the 1970s. In the 1980s, telephone and television services were accessible [ 2 ] .

In 1998, a prospector discovered the biggest gold nugget never found in Alaska in the Swift stream, near Ruby. It weighs approximately 9 kilograms [ 3 ] .

Demographic evolution
1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970
128 132 138 132 179 145
1980 1990 2000 2010
197 170 188 166

The inhabitants of Ruby are Koyukon-speaking Athabascans from the Nowitna-Koyukukuk tribe, a nomadic group that followed game according to the seasons. There were 12 summer fishing camps located on the Yukon river between the Koyukuk river and the Nowitna river. The discovery of gold in Ruby Creek in 1907, and in Long Creek in 1911, attracted hundreds of prospectors in the region. Small villages grow like mushrooms, Placeville, Poorman, Sulatna Crossing, Kokrines and Long Creek.

Ruby is located on the southern shore of the Yukon river. The village is on the western border of the Nowitna National Natural Reserve ( Nowitna National Wildlife Refuge ) 6,000 km 2 And is one of the two villages with Tanana which serve as a stopover for expeditions.

Ruby is named after the red stones found on the banks of the river, which the first prospectors took for rubies.

The climate is cold and continental with extreme temperature differences. In July, the average daily maximum temperature is 21 ° C; In January, the average daily minimum temperature is –10 ° C. Minimums of –40 ° C are common in winter. Annual precipitation is on average 43 cm, including 170 cm of snow. The river is frozen from mid-October to mid-May.

Aérodrome de Ruby

Access to the village is only by boat in summer, snowmobile in winter, or by plane. There is no road.

Équipage de chiens de traineau en 1916, victorieuse à la 9e course de chiens de traineau

Shake dog crew in 1916, victorious at the 9th Alaska sled dog race

The village provides basic services to the inhabitants who sail on neighboring rivers and also serves as a stopover for the Iditarod Trail sled dog race. Every two years, the village of Ruby comes alive and the music, journalists and volunteers, revive the village during March

Ruby is the starting gateway to river excursions, stays of wild fishing, hunting, observation of wildlife and animal photography. A popular canoe expedition consists from SULATNA CROSSINGS, which we reach from Ruby by the way to Placeville, and to go up the SULATNA river to the Nowitna river. The Nowitna leads to Yukon, the trip is 370 long km .
