Rue de l’Ancienne-Comédie-Wikipedia


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The Rue de l’Ancienne-Comédie is a path located in the Mint district in the 6 It is district of Paris.

116 meters long, it begins at 67, rue Saint-André-des-Arts and at 1, rue de Buci and ends at 132, boulevard Saint-Germain.

The rue de l’Ancienne-Comedie is served by the lines (M) (4) (10)at the station Oddeon , as well as by the RATP bus lines 58 63 70 eighty six .

It bears this name due to the construction of the first French theater.

Present from the XV It is A century in the form of an old path along the enclosure of Philippe Auguste, which in 1560 became a street in 1560, it took the name of “rue des Fossés”, then “rue des Fossés-Saint-Germain-des-Prés”, and finally “Rue de la Comédie” around 1688 due to the construction of the first French theater in 1680.


It is cited under the name “rue Neufve des Fossez”, “rue des Fossez Saint Germain” and “rue des Jacobins reform” in a manuscript of 1636.

The street takes its current name by decree the After the relocation of the French at the Palais-Royal in 1799 [ first ] .

On June 27, 1918, during the First World War, three bombs exploded to n you 11, 17 and 21 rue de l’Ancienne-Comédie during a raid carried out by German aircraft [ 2 ] .

Remarkable buildings and places of memory [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • N O 3: The inventor Roland Moreno lived there from 1996 to 2006; A plaque pays tribute to him.
  • N O 4: House of 1585, reworked at XVIII It is century. Wrought iron window supports [ 3 ] .
  • N O 5: House of the first half of XVIII It is century. Support for wrought iron windows and female mascarons on the first floor [ 3 ] .
  • N O 8: Plaque recalling that the Dagneau restaurant was located here and that several personalities (Victor Hugo, George Sand, Henry Murger, Frédéric Chopin and Théophile Gautier) attended him. The writer Pierre Bourgeade lived in this building.
  • N O 12: Here lived the revolutionary Fabre d’Eglantine [ 4 ] .
  • N O 13: the oldest coffee in Paris, The Procope , founded in 1684 and registered in the historic monuments since 1962 [ 5 ] .
  • N O 14: place of the old palm game of the star converted into French theater known as “Hôtel des Comédiens ordinary du Roi”, whose facade has been registered in historic monuments since 1928 [ 6 ] .
  • N O 16: Hôtel de Cahors, where the revolutionary Jean-Paul Marat lived from 1790 to [ 4 ] .
  • The street also gives access to the Commerce-Saint-André court.
  • N O 18: Maison du Docteur Pierre Gérard Vassal (1769-1840), former secretary general of the Grand-East of France, member of several learned companies, author of a work, Full masonry or general history of initiation published in 1832.
  • N O 39: Here was the printing house where Jean-Paul Marat published The friend of the people (permanent exhibition at the current Café Procope ).
  1. Félix and Louis Lazare, Administrative and historical dictionary of the streets of Paris and its monuments , facsimile of the 1844 edition, p. 150 .
  2. Excelsior of January 8, 1919: official card and list of bombs of aircraft and zeppelins launched in Paris and the suburbs and numbered according to their order and their date of falling
  3. a et b Protections patrimoniales, 6 It is arrondissement , City of Paris, PLU regulations, volume 2, Annex VI, p. 153 at 219.
  4. a et b Morgane Bertrand, “tribunes of the people”, p. 19 , in “Your neighborhood under the Revolution”, The New Obs Paris ile de France, n O 2213, week from April 5 to 11, 2007, p. 12-21 .
  5. Restaurant The Procope » , notice n O PA00088496, Base Mérimée, French Ministry of Culture .
  6. Hotel of the King’s ordinary actors » , notice n O PA00088530, Mérimée Base, French Ministry of Culture .
