Rue du 14-July-Wikipedia


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There are many odonyms in France ” Rue du 14-Juillet », Under various spellings, in reference to events that have occurred on this same date.

In France, the events concerned are:

Counts by old and new French regions [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

At , at least 151 odonymes Rue (du) 14-July »Are identified in the 27 old and 18 new regions [ Note 1 ] and in the 36,700 French municipalities [ Note 2 ] .

Number of occurrences
odonym [ N 1 ]
“Rue du 14-Juillet”
8 15 ? 2 6 18 0 3 6 ? ? 3 ten first 2 9 first 15 17 21 5 9 0 0 0 0 0
“N I” notes to read these tables:
Number of occurrences
odonym [ N 1 ]
“Rue du 14-Juillet”
23 2 6 18 0 9 3 ten 3 25 38 5 9 0 0 0 0 0
“N I” notes to read these tables:

Ex-region Auvergne [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Ex-Rhône-Alpes region [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Ex-region Burgundy [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Ex-Franche-Comté region [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Ex-region Alsace [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Ex-Champagne-Ardenne region [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Ex-Lorraine region [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Ex-region Nord-Pas-de-Calais [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Ex-Picardy region [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Ex-Lower Normandy region [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Ex-region Haute-Normandie [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Ex-region Aquitaine [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Ex-Limousin region [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Ex-Poitou-Charentes [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Ex-Languedoc-Roussillon region [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Ex-region Midi-Pyrénées [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Sources with geolocation
Sources without geolocation

Notes [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

References [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Geolocations [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The possible “not located” mention means that the Odonym concerned has been spotted in a list of tracks, but is not yet listed in the main geolocation sources used in this article, namely: Google Maps, Google Street, Viamichelin , Geoportail (France), Geoportail (Belgium) , Bing cartes, Here WeGo, Mappy et OpenStreetMap.

Main articles [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Related articles [ modifier | Modifier and code ]
