Rugby Hope Cup at XV – Wikipedia


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The Hope Cup is a rugby competition in XV created by the Union of French Athletic Sports Societies in 1915 (it should not be confused with the Challenge of Hope). Due to the First World War, the championship could not be played. A large number of players were directly affected by the conflict. The Cup of Hope therefore concerned essentially young players, not yet called under the flags. U.S.F.S.A. had spoken on how the first game games were to be played. Eleven committees being engaged, she has instructed each of these committees to provide a winner for the date of , last time, in order to respect the established calendar. [ first ]

The Toulouse stadium of the 1915-1916 season, winner of the first Espérance Cup in 1916 (April 30, at the Vélodrome du Parc des Princes).
Date Winner Score Finalists Final places Spectators
1916 Toulouse stadium 8 – 0 [ 2 ] Stadium Princes Park
Paris [ 3 ]
1917 Nantes stadium UC 8 – 3 [ 4 ] Toulouse stadium Sainte-Germaine stadium
The Bouscat [ 5 ]
env. 2 000
1918 RC France 22 – 9 [ 6 ] FC Grenoble Morning stadium
env. 3 000 [ 7 ]
1919 Tarbais stadocest 4 – 3 [ 8 ] Aviron Bayonnais Sainte-Germaine stadium
The Bouscat [ 9 ]
April 28, 1940 Toulouse stadium [ ten ] thirty first – 0 [ 11 ] Saint-Girons SC
May 01 US Carmaux 23 – 3 Toulouse OEC Stade of twin bridges, Toulouse
May 26, 1957 SC Graulhet Saint-Girons SC Municipal stadium, Chambéry
May 11, 1958 In Saint-Sever 12 – 11 SC Graulhet Stade Léopold Gouiric, Saint-Girons
May 15, 1960 So Chambéry 9 – 9 Cahor Rugby Stade of twin bridges, Toulouse
1961 SC Graulhet
May 13, 1962 The Sports Voulte 9 – 6 Rochelais stadium
May 25, 1963 The Sports Voulte 11 – 11 Cahor Rugby Beablanc Municipal Park, Limoges
May 31, 1964 SC Tulle 16 – 9 The Sports Voulte Municipal Parc de Beaublanc, Limoges
May 9, 1965 SC Graulhet 17 – 3 Cahor Rugby Stadium municipal, white
May 15, 1966 SC Graulhet 14 – 5 US Quillan Stade Albert Domec, Carcassonne
1967 US MONTAUBAN 9 – 8 SC Graulhet Stadium municipal, white
May 07, 1970 Beaumontois stadium of Lomagne Rugby 6 – 0 In condoms Stade Ernest Duffer, Toulouse
1972 Toulouse stadium 13 – 3 Stado Tarbes
1990 Montchaninois stadium Bourgogne 24 – 16 Rochelais stadium
1992 SC Mazamet 26 – 17 Mialan
Rochelais stadium 20 – twelfth US Péage novels
US Vinay 42 – 37 Sc Albi
US Ussel 26 – 20 Union Sigean-Port-la-Nouvelle
RC Châteaurenard
MONTURE 21 – 7 Rodez Aveyron stadium
  1. Stade Toulousain beats Stade Français », Sporting , ( read online ) .
  2. Stade Toulousain beats Stade Français », Car , ( read online ) .
  3. The war years » , on (consulted the ) .
  4. Nantes is champion », Rugby , ( read online ) .
  5. [PDF] Sports Review – Football Rugby » , on (consulted the )
  6. Racing Bat Grenoble », Car , ( read online ) .
  7. [PDF] Football Rugby – Cup of Hope – Racing, French champion » , on (consulted the )
  8. Tarbes beaten from a point in 1914 … wins from a point in 1919! », Sports echo , ( read online ) .
  9. The History of the ABRP – The years 1910-1919 » , on (consulted the ) .
  10. Stade Toulousain wins the Cup of Hope », West-eclair , ( read online ) .
  11. The Toulousains have outlined the Ariégeois … », Car , ( read online ) .

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Bibliography [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Francis Meignan ( pref. Jo Maso), In the melee of the trenches , The bird step, , 164 p. (ISBN  291797141X )
