Sabbath sabater fosse — Wikipedia


The Sabatier pit or Maurice Sabatier From the Compagnie des Mines d’Anzin is a former coal of the Nord-Pas-de-Calais mining basin, located in Raismes. The wells n you 1 and 2 are started in , the pit began to extract in 1913, but it was destroyed during the First World War. Rebuilt similar to the Acache pit, it begins to extract the And quickly becomes very productive, despite the many water who hinders the smooth running of the work. That of Stop the extraction in most sites. Vast cities are built near the pit, as well as a church, a presbytery, a cemetery, and schools. The Terrils n you 174, 175 and 175A are built near the pit.


The Compagnie des Mines d’Anzin was nationalized in 1946, and joined the Valenciennes group. Housing plain-pied come to enlarge the cities, east of the pit, then high camus, and other post-nationalization models. The Sabatier pit was modernized in 1955. The most visible change is the installation of the horsepower of the well n O 1 of the pit n O 1 – 1 bis of the Mines of the Divion Clarence over the old horse of the well n O 2, which was barely exceeded from the building. In 1957, she concentrated the extraction of the pit n O 3 Vicoigne mines. The latter, with the pit n O 2, is used to return from air from the Sabatier seat. The La Grange pit was concentrated in 1974. The church, whose roof and the interior were destroyed in a fire in 1976, was rebuilt identically. The Sabatier headquarters ceased to extract in 1980. The wells were backfilled five years later, and the installations destroyed in 1986. Only the horsepower of the well n O 2 is preserved, without its misconception . The heap n O 174 is exploited, but it is finally saved, only its summit has disappeared.

The pit tile is converted into a natural space. High camus is destroyed. At the beginning of XXI It is century, Charbonnages de France materializes the heads of the Sabatier wells n you 1 and 2. The Sainte-Cécile church and its presbytery are registered in the Historical Monuments the , the horsepower of the well n O 2 is the . The horseling, the three terrils, the cities, the church, the presbytery and the school, were classified the UNESCO World Heritage.

Fonçage [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The Compagnie des Mines d’Anzin opens a new Raismes pit, 3,426 meters southwest [ note 2 ] From the pit the barn. Well n O 2 started on With a diameter of 3.65 meters, the well n O 1 started three days later in the diameter of five meters [ A 1 ] . Well n O 2 is located 36 meters northwest [ note 2 ] of Wells n O 1. The well n O 2 is also called northern wells, while the other is the southern well [ JD 1 ] . The two wells are undertaken at the altitude of 24 meters, the coal area is reached at the depth of 200 meters for the well n O 1, and 194 meters for the well n O 2 [ JD 1 ] .

The pit after the war.

The pit is baptized in honor of Maurice Sabatier, administrator of the company [ A 1 ] .


Exploitation [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The pit began to extract anthracite coals in 1913 [ A 1 ] . The pit was destroyed during the First World War. The pit is reconstructed in an identical way to the Fanain Agache pit, and starts to extract the . The chivalments are built by the Malissard Taza establishments in Anzin, the principal being placed above the well n O 1 dedicated to extraction, and supporting two bunk knobs of 6 m In diameter with Koepe pulley, in a typical style of the reconstructions of Anzin’s company in the 1920s [ first ] . We then found configurations almost identical in the other pits of the company, such as Audiffret-Pasquier, Arenberg, Casimir Perrier, La Grange, Agache, Vieux-Condé and Thiers. The only horses currently standing and representing a similar configuration is that located above the well n O 1 of the Arenberg pit and built in 1936 by the same establishments. The horsepower of the well n O 2 of the Sabatier pit, on the other hand, devoted to staff, was much smaller by barely exceeding the roof of the recipe building. Production reached 132,975 tonnes in 1923, and 283,763 tonnes three years later [ A 1 ] . Watercomers considerably hinder the work. That of Cause the end of the farm in a good part of the sites. The pit produced 409 3,58 tonnes in 1939 [ A 1 ] .

The Compagnie des Mines d’Anzin was nationalized in 1946, and joined the Valenciennes group [ B 1 ] . Initially, the Sabatier pit had to be focused on the La Grange pit, but it was ultimately modernized in 1955: recipes, clashes and sorting are mechanized, and the horses of the well of the well n O 2 is partially dismantled and replaced by that of the well n O 1 of the pit n O 1 – 1 bis of the Clarence mines [ B 1 ] , located in Divion, and closed the previous year. Two buckets are added to the rear of the horseling. In 1956, the winch of 250 horses is replaced by a koepe chicken of a thousand horses, coming from the well n O 1 of the Thiers of the Anzin Mines [ B 1 ] .

These modifications were completed in 1957. The Sabatier pit concentrated the extraction of the pit n O 3 Vicoigne mines [ B 1 ] , located in the same town 2,620 meters to the west [ note 2 ] . New clashes are put in place in the two wells in 1964. These ensure extraction and service. Pits n you 2 and 3 of the Vicoigne mines ensure the return of air [ B 1 ] . The La Grange pit was concentrated in 1974, while the reverse was planned for nationalization. The pit firm in 1980 after having extracted 21,920,000 tonnes of coal. The wells n you 1 and 2, respectively 744 and 585 meters, were backfilled in 1985, the installations were destroyed the following year [ B 1 ] .

Retraining [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The pit tile was converted into a natural space. At the beginning of XXI It is century, Charbonnages de France materializes the heads of the Sabatier wells n you 1 and 2. The BRGM makes inspections there every year [ 2 ] . The horsepower of the well n O 2 of the totality sabatier pit has been registered as historic monuments since the [ 3 ] . Nothing else remains of the pit [ 4 ] . The horseling is one of the 353 elements spread over 109 sites that have been classified the UNESCO World Heritage. It constitutes a part of the site n O 8 [ 5 ] .

The pit, with that of the Old Conde, served as a frame for the shooting of the mini-series without family in 1981, while the facilities stopped their activity. We see the main characters Rémi and Mattia discovering the pit around the terril n O 174.

Three terrils result from the exploitation of the pit [ 6 ] . All three are among the 353 elements spread over 109 sites that have been classified the UNESCO World Heritage. They constitute a part of the site n O 8 [ 5 ] .

Terril n O 174, Sabatier Sud [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The Terril Sabatier Nord flat.
50 ° 24 ′ 12 ″ n, 3 ° 30 ′ 01 ″ e

The heap n O 174, Sabatier Sud, is located in Raismes, south of the Sabatier pit, which has three terrils. It is an initially 80 -meter -high conical terril whose summit has been exploited, but there is still a large part of the volume of the terril. The terril is completely wooded [ 7 ] .

Terril n O 175, Sabatier Nord [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

50 ° 24 ′ 30 ″ n, 3 ° 29 ′ 59 ″ e

The heap n O 175, Sabatier Nord, is located in Raismes, north of the Sabatier pit. It is a 80 -meter -fully wooded conical heap [ 8 ] .

Terril n O 175a, Sabatier North Flat [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

50 ° 24 ′ 32 ″ n, 3 ° 30 ′ 06 ″ e

The heap n O 175a, Sabatier Nord Plat, is located in Raismes, north of the Sabatier pit. It is a fully wooded flat heap, contiguous to the terril n O 175 [ 9 ] .

Vast cities were built near the pit by the Anzin company. After nationalization, high camus was built. The latter were destroyed, while most of the cities were renovated. The Sabatier suburban city, the Jardin Cité du Pinson Ancienne and the Modern City of the New Pinson are among the 353 elements spread over 109 sites which have been classified the UNESCO World Heritage. They constitute a part of the site n O 8 [ 5 ] .

The Sainte-Cécile Church [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

50 ° 24 ′ 08 ″ n, 3 ° 31 ′ 22 ″ e

The Sainte-Cécile church was built with its presbytery in the city of the Pinson, by the Polish minors, in 1924. Destroyed by a fire in 1975, it was rebuilt identically. The facades and roofs of the church and its presbytery are the subject of an inscription under the historic monuments since the [ ten ] . The church and its presbytery are among the 353 elements spread over 109 sites which have been classified the UNESCO World Heritage. They constitute a part of the site n O 8 [ 5 ] .

Schools [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

50 ° 24 ′ 05 ″ n, 3 ° 30 ′ 51 ″ e

Schools have been built to welcome the children of minors. They are among the 353 elements spread over 109 sites that have been classified the UNESCO World Heritage. They constitute a part of the site n O 8 [ 5 ] .

  1. Inscriptions to Historic Monuments concern the horsepower of the Sabatier well n O 2 As well as the church and its presbytery, while the inscription on the UNESCO World Heritage List concerns the Sabatier suburban city, the Jardin Cité du Pinson Ancienne and the Modern Cité du Pinson Nouvel Sabatier n O 2, the terils n you 174, 175 and 175a, the church and its presbytery.
  2. A B and C The distances are measured thanks to Google Earth. In the case of wells, the distance is measured from axis in axis, and rounded the nearest ten meters. The materialized well heads allow you to find the location of the well on an aerial view.
  1. Pierre-Christian Guiollard, The chivalments of French coal mounted from 1830 to 1989, 2nd edition , P-C GUIOLLARD, (ISBN  295025036X ) , Compagnie des Mines d’Anzin
  2. [PDF] Geological and mining research office, Article 93 of the mining code – Decree of December 30, 2008 modifying the decree of April 2, 2008 fixing the list of installations and equipment for monitoring and prevention of mining risks managed by the BRGM – Heads of well materialized and not materialized in the North- Pas-de-Calais » , on ,
  3. Well of the well n O 2 of the Sabatier pit » , notice n O PA59000168, Base Mérimée, French Ministry of Culture
  4. (fr) Jean-Louis Huot, Mines du Nord-Pas-de-Calais-La Fosse Sabatier des Mines d’Anzin » ,
  5. A B C D and E Nord-Pas de Calais mining pool » , on , Unesco
  6. List of terrils from the Nord-Pas-de-Calais mining basin, provided by the mining basin mission, see terils from the Nord-Pas-de-Calais mining basin.
  7. Terril n O 174 » , on http://www. , The chain of terrils
  8. Terril n O 175 » , on http://www. , The chain of terrils
  9. Terril n O 175a » , on http://www. , The chain of terrils
  10. Sainte-Cécile church and its presbytery » , notice n O PA59000151, Mérimée Base, French Ministry of Culture
References to the BRGM sheets
References to Guy Dubois and Jean Marie Minot , History of the north and Pas-de-Calais mines. Volume I ,
References to Guy Dubois and Jean Marie Minot , History of the north and Pas-de-Calais mines. Volume II ,
References to Jules Gosselet , Cretacic and tertiary meetings in pits and surveys in northern France: Valenciennes region , vol. IV, DISPRESIRE NATIONAL, PARIIS,

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Bibliography [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Document utilisé pour la rédaction de l’article: document used as a source for writing this article.

  • Guy Dubois and Jean-Marie Minot , History of northern and Pas-de-Calais mines: origins to 1939-45 , t.  I, , 176 p. , p. 32 . Ouvrage utilisé pour la rédaction de l'article
  • Guy Dubois and Jean-Marie Minot , History of northern and Pas-de-Calais mines: from 1946 to 1992 , t.  II, . Ouvrage utilisé pour la rédaction de l'article
  • Jules Gosselet , Cretacic and tertiary meetings in pits and surveys in northern France: Valenciennes region , vol. IV, DISPRESIRE NATIONAL, PARIIS, , p. 170 . Ouvrage utilisé pour la rédaction de l'article
