Saif al-adel — Wikipédia


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Saif Al-Edel (or Saïf al-aadel ) (Arabic: The sword of justice ), from his real name Mohamed Salah Al-Din Zaidan , born the /1963 [ first ] , is a member of Al-Qaeda, briefly head of the organization in spring 2011.

He succeeded this post at Osama bin Laden killed the [ 2 ] , [ 3 ] , [ 4 ] and only occupied it temporarily, until , enthronement date of Ayman al-Zawahiri [ 5 ] .

Formation [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Former colonel of Egyptian special forces [ 6 ] , he is suspected of having collaborated in the assassination of Anouar El-Sadate in 1981. He was arrested in 1987 before being released two years later, and joined Afghanistan, where he met Osama bin Laden [ 6 ] .

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He is wanted for his involvement in the attacks of American embassies in Africa in 1998 [ 7 ] . He is married to the daughter of Mustafa Hamid, with whom he has five children [ 8 ] , [ 9 ] , [ ten ] , [ 11 ] , [ twelfth ] , [ 13 ] , [ 14 ] , [ 15 ] , [ 16 ] , [ 17 ] , [ 18 ] , [ 19 ] .

Al-Qïda [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

In August 2022, Saif Al-Adel was expected to take the head of Al-Qaeda in the succession of his chief Ayman al-Zawahiri killed by a drone strike in Kabul the previous month [ 6 ] , but the jihadist network remains silent for several months on the death of his chief and his possible successor [ 20 ] . Among the hypotheses put forward to explain it, it is possible that the jihadist group failed to contact Saïf al-Adel because the latter, feeling threatened, prefers to be hidden, probably in Iran [ 20 ] . Another hypothesis is that the silence of Al-Qaeda on the death of its chief would be imposed by the Taliban in power in Afghanistan, to avoid attracting attention and that their territory is again struck by the American army [ 20 ] .


In Févier 2023, the UN and the United States indicate that Saif al-Adel is now the “de facto” leader of Al-Qaeda, even if the jihadist group has not publicly proclaimed it as such, and resides well in Iran [ 21 ] . The Iranian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Hossein Amir Abdollahian disputes this information, and recalls the historic role played by the United States in the growth of Al-Qaeda (probably referring to the Russian invasion of Afghanistan) [ 21 ] .

  1. al-Qaeda: Saïf al-Adel in the footsteps of bin Laden , Michelle Nougoum, , May 20, 2011 (accessed September 21, 2019).
  2. The Egyptian Saïf al Adel Provisional Chief of Al Qaeda , L’Express , May 18, 2011 (accessed September 21, 2019).
  3. (in) Egyptian Saif al-Adel now acting leader of al Qaeda, ex-militant says , Peter Bergen, , May 17, 2011 (accessed September 21, 2019).
  4. (in) Who’s who in al-Qaeda , BBC News, February 19, 2003 (accessed September 21, 2019).
  5. The
  6. A B and C Jihâd Gillon, Egypt: Who is Seif al-Adel, expected to take the head of Al-Qaeda? » , on Young Africa , (consulted the )
  7. FBI Most Wanted
  8. World News Connection, Al-Qa’ida member recalls US bombardment, accuses Taliban of betrayal , October 29, 2003
  9. Bergen, Peter, “The Osama bin Laden I Know’, 2006.
  10. Michelle Shephard , Guantanamo’s Child , John Wiley & Sons,
  11. Bergen, Peter. “The Osama bin Laden I Know”, 2006
  12. The Hindu, Taliban grants Osama citizenship , November 9, 2001
  13. Al-Qaeda’s new military chief , BBC, 19 December 2001
  14. Al-Qaida finds safe haven in Iran , MSNBC, 24 June 2005
  15. Bower, Amanda. TIME, More arrests, new threats in fight against terror , September 9, 2002
  16. Saif al-Adel wanted poster , Rewards for Justice, US Department of State
  17. National Post, “Al-Qaeda Urges Attacks On Canadians: Instructions In Manual: Advises Hitting ‘Easy Targets That Are Not Protected'”, March 31, 2004
  18. Verbatim Transcript of Combatant Status Review Tribunal Hearing for ISN 10013 , US Department of Defense
  19. Egyptian Saif al-Adel appointed acting leader of al Qaeda , CNN, May 17, 2011
  20. A B and C The strange silence of El-Qaëda on the successor of the deceased Zawahiri » , on The East day , (consulted the )
  21. a et b The Egyptian jihadist seized Al-Adl, based in Iran, is the new chief of El-Qaëda, according to Washington » , on The East day , (consulted the )
