Saint-Martin de Pompierre church-Wikipedia


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L’ Saint-Martin church of firefighter is a Vosges religious building in the neoromanian style of the XIX It is century with a Romanesque portal from XII It is century.

The first parish church [ 2 ] of the village of Pompierre is built at its southern end. It is known by a description of the architect Humbert (1854) and the plans of the architect Abel Mathey (1856). The church had been built at XII It is century, and rebuilt or enlarged XV It is century. At the beginning of XIX It is A century, the church has three faults: it is in poor condition, it is too small and it is too eccentric. The decision was then made to destroy it, which was made between 1854 and 1859.

A second parish church [ 3 ] was built between 1858 and 1862, further north, by Antoine Nitre, entrepreneur at Villars-Saint-Marcellin (now attached to Bourbonne-les-Bains), on the plans of the architect of Neufchâteau Abel Mathey. The Romanesque portal of the first church is carefully dismantled and raised Pierre by Pierre in the new building. The Saint-Martin church thus has with this portal the most fine example of Romanesque sculpture in Lorraine at the end of XII It is century. A wooden spanish is currently protecting it.

The church is partially classified as titles of historic monuments the (gate) [ 4 ] .

The bas-reliefs are in very good condition. The influence of Burgundy, a land renowned for its many Romance churches, is manifest.


The romantic semicircular arches of the portal are decorated with three zigzag, grooved and foliage areas. They are supported by six capitals and six columns. Four capitals are sculpted with monster heads, volatile or foliage bodies, and two capitals are historiated recalling the resurrection of thezar of Bethany by Christ under the eyes of Sisters Marie and Marthe and four apostles. The six finely worked columns have a decor of basketry, leaves and interlacing, or smooth. Under the will be the eardrum and its historiated lintel, supported by two columns and two naked men. At the base of certain columns, we distinguish salamanders or entwined sirens, characters making the round and headless lion bodies.

The tympanum has the central theme the worship of the Magi. Successively from left to right, an angel announces to the shepherds the birth of Christ, then the Magi kings bring present to the child Jesus seated on the lap of the Virgin Mary. First Balthazar with a ciborium filled with myrrh (to strengthen and protect the child); then Gaspard holding an abundance horn filled with gold (symbol of wealth and recognition of the divine nature of Christ); And finally Melchior with a ciborium lined with incense (symbol of spirituality). In the upper part of the tympanum are the massacre of the innocents on the orders of King Herod, the flight into Egypt of Jesus and his parents, and finally three characters that are difficult to identify (of which perhaps the Angel Gabriel).

The lintel represents a scene of the branches: The entrance of Jesus to Jerusalem . He reads from right to left with a procession made up of Christ sitting on his donkey, followed by his donkey and four apostles (including Saint-Pierre). The procession is greeted by residents of Jerusalem wearing branches to their hands, outside the city or perched on the crenellated ramparts. Finally, the Virgin gives the breast to the child Jesus to fill the remaining space of the lintel.

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