Saintete — Wikipedia


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A sailon (In Spanish “treats” or “farce”) was a picturesque piece of the Spanish opera-comic. This small form, lively, humorous and social criticism, and made up of a single act divided into scenes, with music, was placed at the end of longer pieces, or even in the intermission. The duration does not exceed twenty to thirty minutes.

The sailon used the language of the people and generally showed realistic scenes of the life of the middle and lower class. These urban pranks, full of jokes and puns, met with a great popular success of XVIII It is At XX It is century, replacing the side dish (in) earlier, while being the zarzuelas embryo.

THE Sainetes started to be developed in Zarzuelas in Cuba around 1850 [ first ] .

The term is used from the XVII It is century to designate both side dish (in) and other minor genres that accompanied and completed the representation of the parts, especially those of Luis Quiñones de Benavente. But to XVIII It is century The genre has its own characteristics, developed by Ramón de la Cruz.

Among the most prolific of this comic kind in XVIII It is century are: Luis Moncín (is) , Juan Ignacio González of Castillo (in) , et les Madrid, Ramón de la Cruz, Antonio Soler et Sebastián Vázquez (is) . D’AUTERS Auteurs SONT Moinus Connus, Antonio Pablo Fernandez, Tello Pablo Fernandez, Antonio Furmento Bazo, Diego Vurtura rejón de Lucas, Antonio Vidaurre, José López de Seedano, Antonio Valadras de Sotomayor et gaspara Zamola de Zamora de Zamora, Antonio Benito Fandundiño Martínez [ 2 ] . To which are added a number of works that have remained anonymous.


Later, at XIX It is , Ricardo de la Vega, Rafael Delgado, the Brothers Serafin and Joaquin Alvarez Quintero are the most representative authors.

According to Ursula Voss, four steps can be observed in the history of the development of sailon :

  1. (1603-1750)-The culinary recipe is adapted in the artistic field. We prescribe the reduced size of the pieces, the mixture of humor and morality, a mixture of speech, song and dance.
  2. (1760-1868)-This is the moment when the sailon , inherited from side dish , has become a literary genre thanks to the works of Ramón de la Cruz.
  3. In 1868, Tomás Luceño développe la sailon Up to 45 minutes, it no longer has its place at the intermission.
  4. (1894-1915)-This is the decadence period. There sailon is increasingly moving towards other genres, in particular towards Zarzuela and melodrama. Finally there sailon is absorbed by the ” Asaineted comedy »

Blow in broth Chelat (1869), Sainete of Valence d’Eduardo Escalante.

The Sailon From Valence, in Catalonia, is a reflection of the social life of the city of the time. One of its characteristics is that it crunches the spoken of emblematic characters from the lower classes of Valence.

Among the most important authors of the genre are Eduardo Escalante (is) , Josep Bernat i Baldoví et Francisco Palanca Roca.

In Argentina, the Sailon is combined with the circus, which leads to the mode known as “Creole farce”. This reflects customs in conventillos (rental buildings) bathed in humor and emotional or tragic conflicts.

This form of theater was born in the 1920s. At that time it was carried by Carlos Pacheco and Alberto Vacarezza, or authors like Florencio Sánchez, Gregorio de Laferre and Roberto Payró.

  • (of) Ursula Voss, The Sainete. Studies on a genre of the Spanish folk theater with special consideration of the authors Ramon de la Cruz, Ricardo de la Vega and Carlos Arniches . Thesis, Berlin 1970.
  • Music in Cuba (1946)

    Posted in French under the title Music in Cuba , Paris, Gallimard, special issue knowledge, 1985

  1. Carpentier, Alejo 2001 [1945]. Music in Cuba . Minniapolis MN. p. 232.
  2. The matchmaker (1812) by Antonio Benito Fandiño (1779-1831). In Galicien for four characters.

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