Saison 4 of PJ — Wikipedia


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This article presents the episodes guide for season 4 of the television series PJ .

  • Number : 25 (4.1)
  • Scriptwriters :
  • Director : Gérard Vergez
  • First broadcast :
  • Guests : Charlotte Maury, Isabal Peit-Jacques, Aid Briant, Josians Stolteru; Laurent Better, Jean-Pierre Lazzerini, PCHZILAY, LURIMN, Dalamp, Legon, Lemented Tragram, Nadim Lizes, Legon, Freir President, Legon Trenge
  • Résumé : A merchant attacked and injured by a shut -off knife, shot his attacker. After investigation, it appears that the man fell when the merchant fired and that he was no longer in a state of self-defense. Traders’ associations are pressure for him to be released. For their part, Bernard and Chloé take care of the complaint of a woman whose 20-year-old son killed himself by medication and who, she thinks, did not commit suicide alone. In addition Chloé is contacted by his uncle, who asks him to note his colleagues according to their political opinions.

Episode 2: No assistance to the person in danger [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Number : 26 (4.2)
  • Scriptwriters :
  • Director : Gérard Vergez
  • First broadcast :
  • Guests : Charlotte MAURY-SENTIER, Isabelle Petit-Jacques; Laurent Berthet, Fabien Thomann, Boris Napes, Jean-Luc Abel, Mikaël Chirinian, Jalil Naciri, Alain Cauchi, Benoit Bellal, Zoon, Gregor Clavreul, Sébastien Cotterot, Julia Pierrini, Danielle Lopes, Luc Palun
  • Résumé : Maud is injured during an intervention for burglary of a grocery store. Two masked men take damaged meat. One of the bandits is found by Bernard and Alain. It is absolutely necessary to find the second which risks poisoning all your family with its loot. Meanwhile, Vincent and Marie stop a client of a bar, who attacked the owner of the establishment. The defendant claims that the bistro’s boss is racist and did not stop insulting him.
  • Number : 27 (4.3)
  • Scriptwriters :
  • Director : Gérard Vergez
  • First broadcast :
  • Guests : Isabelle Petit-Jacques; Fabien Thomann, Antoine Scotto, Gérard Dournel, Chokuh Nadjma, Pierre Aussedat, Nanou Garcia, Alexandre Donders, Jean Alibert, Olivier Pierre, Kaya Guner, Raphaëlle Dalaine
  • Résumé : A woman was scalded in oil in a Turkish household. Following the testimony of a neighbor saying that the woman was continuously beaten, Maud and Vincent suspect that it is not an accident but an assault. The victim’s mother-in-law supports the accident thesis. You have to find the husband who left the marital home. On the other hand, Bernard and Alain take care of the complaint of a business manager, who accuses his accountant of diverting strong sums of money. The accused first denies in block, then argues that her boss owed him overtime. In addition Bernard and Alain set up a trap to take a couple in the act of grivlery in a restaurant. Bernard takes the opportunity to afford a busty meal at the expense of the Republic. Finally, following her injuries, Maud accuses a drop in vision that makes her unfit for service on the ground.
  • Noticed : This episode marks the arrival of Captain Agathe Monnier, interpreted by Emmanuelle Bach.
  • Number : 28 (4.4)
  • Scriptwriters :
  • Director : Gérard Vergez
  • First broadcast :
  • Guests : Charlotte MAURY-SENTIER, Isabelle Petit-Jacques, François FRAPIER, Michèle GRELLIER; Laurent Berthet, Fabien Thomann, Nadia Vadori, Didier Terron, Anthony Decadi, Barthelemy Goutet, Benoit Basset, Christophe Aquilon, Jocelyn Quivrin, Erwan Kawczinski, Philippe Risler
  • Résumé : A certain Pélissier whose telephone line was cut, attacked a telecoms employee and injured it. Vincent and Alain are responsible for the investigation. But at the sight of the two police officers, Pélissier threatens to throw himself out of the window. Vincent tries to reason, while Alain is looking for help. Pélissier made the two men promise not to stop him, because if he was condemned, he would definitively lose guard of his son. As for Bernard, Chloé and Agathe, they question a young thug aged 15, author of a weapon flight with a merchant. To make believe that he was the victim of violence, he knocks his nose against the table. Métes then decides to release him.
  • Number : 29 (4.5)
  • Scriptwriters :
  • Director : Benoît d’Aubert
  • First broadcast :
  • Guests : Isabelle Petit-Jacques; Fabien Thomann, Sa’adatu Balde, Félicité Wouassi, Olivier Lusse, Christophe Florian, Chantal Baroin, Volodia Serre, Nicolas Pignon, Jean-Christophe Folly, Jean-Yves Chatelais, Isabelle Gomez
  • Résumé : A young Malian, Zéphira, went through the window. In the hospital, Vincent and Bernard learn that the girl was struck before falling, that she is exhausted and poorly fed. Her aunt, with whom she lives, seems to mistreat her; She ends up admitting to having bought her from her father and struck him with an iron. Meanwhile, at the police station, Chloé, Alain and Agathe collect the complaint of a student in architecture victim of a hazing accompanied by rape made by an elder, a certain Rovet. The investigation reveals that the whole was orchestrated by a famous architect.
  • Number : 30 (4.6)
  • Scriptwriters :
  • Director : Benoît d’Aubert
  • First broadcast :
  • Guests : Charlotte Maury-Senier, Isabelle Petit-Jacques, Aladin Reibel, Élisabeth Commelin, Hélène Duc; Eric Bonicatto, André Chaumeau, Anne Le Ny, Jacques Marchand, Guy Lecluyse, Thomas Salsmann
  • Résumé : A woman files a complaint for the flight of her brother’s grave in a cemetery. On site, Agathe and Alain come up against the caretaker’s skepticism. The two police officers suspect the latter. On the other hand, a photographer brings to the P.J. Saint-Martin a series of photos taken by a pedophile whose name would be Choiseul. Vincent and Bernard, after research, arrive at a Choiseul, an academy inspector, who denies. But by examining his past, they learn that seven years ago, Choiseul has already been suspected of sexual abuse on a 12 -year -old minor. The latter is summoned.
  • Number : 31 (4.7)
  • Scriptwriters :
  • Director : Gérard Vergez
  • First broadcast :
  • Guests : Sophie de la Rochefoucauld (Marianne Pontardieux), Isabelle Petit-Jacques, Marina Moncade (Gisèle), Frédéric Quiring (Patrick), Didier Brice (Yvan), Melissa Maylee (Lucie); Laurent Berthet, Bernard Charnace, Jean-Michel Couegnas, Cédric Enimie, Grégory Galin, Nicolas Grandhomme, Vanessa Jarry, Abel Jeffri, Marc Lesage, Philippe Lellouche, Gérald Maillet, Katherina Marx, Pascal Perroz, Solo, Emmanuel Vieilly
  • Résumé : Chloé Mathieu was relieved of her savings following a false apartment rental contract which she naively paid in cash. A dealer arrested by Agathe and Alain reveals that a banking agency in the neighborhood will be attacked before little. Vincent and Alain go there, but it’s too late. Two gangsters take the staff and customers hostage – including the two police officers -, while a third accomplice fled by van. The thugs force the agency’s director to open the trunk. This one activates the alarm, which triggers the fury of the bandits: a young girl is seriously affected, one of the thugs is hit in the leg and Alain is injured in the arm. The P.J Saint-Martin brigade arrives on the scene, soon followed by the BRI and the director of the prefect.
  • Number : 32 (4.8)
  • Scriptwriters :
  • Director : Gérard Vergez
  • First broadcast :
  • Guests : Sophie de la Rochefoucauld, Marina Moncade, Frédéric Quiring, Didier Brice, Melissa Maylee
  • Résumé : Bernard and Chloé discovered the identity of the driver of the van of the robbers. It is a woman, mother of a little boy, companion of one of the bandits and sister of the other. In the bank, Vincent, whose thugs still ignored that he is a police officer and armed, is unmasked by the latter.
  • Number : 33 (4.9)
  • Scriptwriters :
  • Director : Gérard Vergez
  • First broadcast :
  • Guests : Philippe Polet, Hélène Foubert, Melissa Maylee, Isabelle Petit-Jacques
  • Résumé : Vincent, Bernard and Chloé investigate a burglary carried out in the premises of a sect and during which a woman was injured. The chief suspects the victim’s husband, a former follower described as aggressive, currently separated from his wife. Our police find that burglars were only interested in computer equipment. On the other hand, Agathe and Alain receive a woman who files a complaint for attempted rape. They quickly identify a suspect, but the man has an excellent alibi. Meanwhile Vincent, riddled with debts, is harassed by his creditor. He receives the complaint of a young woman concerning noisy work carried out at night by his neighbor above; Two women in the building would even have disappeared.
  • Number : 34 (4.10)
  • Scriptwriters :
  • Director : Gérard Vergez
  • First broadcast :
  • Guests : Emmanuelle Escourrou, Melissa Maylee, Marc Rioufol, Philippe Berodot, Sandra Ches, Isabelle Petit-Jacques
  • Résumé : The woman of a gangster imprisoned in Fleury-Mérogis is attacked in the street, but refuses to file a complaint. Vincent and Bernard discover that the husband, a dangerous thug, was incarcerated for a robbery which brought him a little fortune. The investigation leads to a revenge case, the woman with a lover. Agathe and Alain record the complaint of a young woman, an exchange agent, who accuses two of her colleagues of having raped her before the eyes of a third. Once arrested, the suspects deny everything in block.
  • Noticed : This episode marks the arrival of Commander Franck Lamougies, interpreted by Guillaume Cramoisan.
  • Number : 35 (4.11)
  • Scriptwriters :
  • Director  : Christian François
  • First broadcast :
  • Guests : Isabelle Petit-Jacques, Jules Sitruck, Xavier Montariol, Martine Maximin, Esse Lawson, Lydia Ewande
  • Résumé : Agathe and Ménouriteaux investigate the accident of which was a 12 -year -old boy, overthrown by a driver according to two young witnesses. Their rather suspect testimony questions a red car driver. At the same time, a black girl is an emergency in the hospital. She has just undergone excision. At first, his mother denies these accusations as a whole, but ended up admitting the facts, without however disclosing the identity of the excisor. But the girl dies as a result of her injuries, and her older sister, disgusted by this drama, delivers to the authorities the name of the culprit.
  • Number : 36 (4.12)
  • Scriptwriters :
  • Director  : Christian François
  • First broadcast :
  • Guests : Isabelle Petit-Jacques, Yves Beneyton, Christelle Labaude, Thierry Ragueneau, Jean-Baptiste Martin, Christophe Veillon, Alexandre Leauthaud, Denis Jousselin
  • Résumé : Bernard and Alain are investigating a flight doubled with an assault. The victim, a married man father, is very embarrassed. His attacker is indeed a man whom he had flooded at night, then introduced into his home for an unshavenable goal to his wife, taking advantage of the absence of it. During their investigations, the two inspectors are called urgently to challenge thieves who have just entered a restaurant. Agathe shoots an alleged thief, who is none other than a member of the anti-crime brigade, also present on the scene. The IGS investigation seriously challenges Agathe but Franck arranges the situation. We learn on this occasion (41 min 25 s) that he is a Freemason. Mathilde’s suicide upset Bernard who will start a slow descent into hell.
