sanglúcar of barrameda 2019-2022 — Wikipedia


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Sanlúcar de Barrameda 2019-2022 is a project aimed at the celebration of 5 It is centenary of the first re Circumnavigation of the earth, of At , the most important dates of this event. This commemoration, which aims to have a significant participation in young people, will be centered and based in Sanlúcar de Barrameda, province of Cadiz, in Spain.

The objectives of the commemoration of the Magellan-Elcano expedition, five centuries later, aims to:

  • The junction between the different cultures and sciences of all the peoples of the world.
  • Facilitate participation in this commemoration and the integration of initiatives from different countries and cities.
  • Giving to know throughout the world Sanlúcar as the city which saw the first round of the planet succeed, which was once the greatest feat achieved by humans.
  • Provide a universal city project in Sanlúcar de Barrameda from news that serves as a celebration of the city’s historic past, while constituting a legacy for the future.

Map of the first trip to the world’s circumnavigation, with departure and arrival in Sanlúcar de Barrameda.

Although the idea of ​​this initiative comes from Sanlucar de Barrameda in 2001, this idea was anchored a century earlier, in 1913, when Genaro Cavenly, owner of the property, promoted and asked for this city the celebration of 4 It is centenary of this first round, for having been the starting point [ first ] , [ 2 ] , [ 3 ] and return [ 4 ] of this expedition.

Replica of the Nao Victoira, the only one of the five ships which returned to Spain in 1522, thus becoming the first ship to go around the globe. Photographed in Nagoya, Japan, in June 2005

Monument “Legua zero” (Mile Zero) in Sanlúcar de Barrameda, Cádiz, España. Commemoration of the first world circmnavigation.

At the time, did not come to this conclusion to Sanlúcar de Barrameda, but yes in other Spanish cities. Since 2003, a group of people has been working to obtain what Alors was not possible, taking into account that today they have greater preparation, and that they have the support of a large number of historical studies which prove that the expedition had its departure and arrival in Sanlúcar, the starting point and arrival of the exploration, discovery and colonization trips which the Spaniards had made since the discovery of the Americas. Therefore, Sanlúcar is called “The door of America” .

In , a group of people from Sanlúcar began working for the celebration of the 5 It is centenary. They presented this one at the town hall and they started developing a roadmap in , with the support of the town hall and the Circle of craftsmen . Between 2008 and 2010, the first complaints for this event take place.
In 2010, the Foundation Eduardo Dominguez Lobato and the Circle of craftsmen , with the collaboration of the town hall and with the promoters of the idea, gave the Price First Circumnavigation to Culture and History , being the first winners The cities of Sabrosa, birthplace of Fernand de Magellan in Portugal, Getaria, birthplace of Juan Sebastián Elcano, and the own Sanlúcar , starting point and arrival of this trip. The prices will be awarded annually by country, cities and people who had had a strong relationship with this epic.

Some events that have already been carried out or that are in the project:

  • Cultural weeks of the circumnavigation, which have taken place since 2008.
  • Conferences, concerts and exhibitions.
  • Presentation of the centenary logo of the first circumnavigation of the earth [ 5 ] , [ 6 ] .
  • Signature of the cooperation agreement between the municipalities of Sabrosa, Getaria and Sanlucar de Barrameda for a common celebration of this event.
  • Ceremony Prize first Circumnavation Fernando de Magallanes and Juan Sebastian Elcano at culture and history , awarded to the cities of Sabrosa, Getaria and Sanlúcar [ 7 ] .
  • Development of Charte de Sanlúcar 2019-2022 [ 5 ] .

These events are organized by the municipality of Sanlúcar de Barrameda and various civil institutions such as the America Porte Foundation , the Circle of craftsmen and the Foundation Eduardo Dominguez Lobato .

  1. Course Page) False collection of the trips and discoveries that the Spaniards made by sea since the end of the 15th century: (Fausse collection des voyages et découverts that Forent les Espagnols for the end of the end du the end du XV It is siècle). Expeditions to Maluco, Viage de Magallanes and Elcano. Flight. 4 of the Travel and discoveries collection that made the Spaniards since the end of the 15th century: with several unpublished documents concerning the history of the Castilian Navy and Spanish establishments in Indies . Martín Fernández de Navarrete. Imprenta Nacional, 1837. Pág. Exhibition for the Molluchs, trip to Magellan and Elcano, many unpublished documents concerning the history of the Castillane Navy and Spanish establishments in the Indies; National edition. the falsified nation. streak
  2. The falsified nation . Jesús Laínz. Ediciones Encuent, 2006. (ISBN  8474908299 ) . Page 51. “From Sanlúcar de Barrameda, five ships left: (from San Lucar de Barrameda dent Cinq Navires, the Trinité Commandé Par Magellan) La Trinidad, commanded by Magallanes …”
  3. Vacnganada and America. Collections Mapfre 1492: Las Spain and America. Editorial Mapfre, (ISBN  8471004674 ) . They were made at sea on September 20, 1519 in Sanlúcar de Barrameda, in the direction of the Moluco. (they left by sea on September 20, 1519 to the Molluchs)
  4. First trip around the world . (First trip around the world) Antonio Pigafetta (Cronista del Viaje) (Red Ediciones travel chronicles, 2008. (ISBN  8498167892 ) . Pág. 9. This book is a Spanish translation of the original text, published in Italian in Venice, in 1536. The French version is: First trip around the world . Antocono.
    Comptor: J. J.Tjan, 1800
  5. a et b Presentation then circumnavigation. Sanlúcar Digital. 15 Novembre 2010. I consulted Le 4 Mai 2011.
  6. Presentation Logo Circunnoveration . Video in
  7. Delivering the awards of the First Cirunnagation Fernando de Maglarnes and Juan Sebastian Elcno to Culture and History. South Radio Bahía. 6 SEPTEMBRE 2010.
