Savigny Bouhier hotel – Wikipedia


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L’ Bouhier de Savigny hotel is a mansion in the city of Dijon located in its safeguarded sector at 12 rue Vauban.
He has been registered as historic monuments since 1928 [ first ] .

Construction au XVII It is century [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

It was built around 1640 by a member of the Bouhier house in Savigny

The revolution [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Citizen André-Antoine Bernard dit Pioche Fer Bernard is sent on a mission to Dijon, by the Committee of Public Safety, he arrives there And immediately settles in the Bouhier de Savigny hotel owned by the president: Jean Vivant Micault de Corbeton, emigrant.
This last party with his wife in , returned between the and the , theoretically escaping the sanction of the double tax for the current year.
He moved to Luxeuil and provides residence certificates. Despite this, the Directorate of the Department confiscates its property (13 brumaire year II). The inventory of all his property is established

He is incarcerated in Luxeuil prison. The Minister of the Interior sends a letter to the Department of the Department to plead in his favor the , but will not get the case.
He is transferred to the Château de Dijon (25 pluviôse year II), on the requisition of Pioche iron Bernard. THE (4 Ventôse year II), it is transferred to the concierge under the indictment of having emigrated.


PIOCHE FER Bernard is quite happy with his installation in this building, as he writes: ” … my test was to take cottage in the house of Crésus Micault, president of the Parliament, and I had quite good nose, because besides that the cellar is furnished with very good wine, it is that There were some small coat of arms there that put me in the case of having this superb hotel confiscated for the benefit of the nation, much more richly furnished than the Montbéliard castle. So I made a good capture which, I hope will be followed by a few others, and in addition I send the Master of Luxeuil to have it judged emigrated. If this is, 4 000,000 annuity books will fall into the chests of the nation »»
After putting pressure on the court and required a quick judgment, he obtained the head of Corbeton Micault which is healed the on the Place du Morimont (now Place Émile Zola)
Some time after the death of Robespierre, the six revolutionary sections of Dijon sent to the national convention a denunciation for Pioche iron Bernard, accusing it: ” To have sent this old man to the scaffold and according to the inventory made after his 69 days spent in the Bouhier hotel in Savigny, to have stolen 537 bottles of great vintages, including 38 bottles of Chambertin and a play three quarters of Santenay, as well as the breakage of many dishes »

It is the very type of the classic stone hotel, including a courtyard and a garden on the back. Has windows crowned with alternating trains and tistering richly decorated with sculptures.
The portico of the building in the main courtyard was added around 1785 by Jean Vivant Micault de Corbeton. He also sculpt the cat in a medallion above the passage, on the left, thus recalling his coat of arms.

Library [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The splendid library that Jean Bouhier de Savigny inherited his ancestors and which he makes available to the poets and scholars he receives in Dijon in his hotel Bouhier de Savigny at 12 rue Vauban. At the end of his life, his library, which he had ceased to enrich, has some 35,000 works and 2,000 manuscripts. “It is said that by dint of scribbling in the margins of the books he annotated while reading them, Bouhier disfigured the most beautiful editions of Henri Estienne and Antoine Vérard. One of his hosts described the sober splendor of the rays of his library, in rosewood and silk draped, on which Rare editions and long rows of manuscripts rested [ 2 ] . » All his collections will be dispersed after his death and sold mainly at the Abbey of Clairvaux in 1784.

  • 1640 CA – Maison Bouhier de Savigny
  • 1673-1746 – Jean Bouhier de Savigny , President of mortar in parliament, famous bibliophile, member of the French Academy in 1727
  • 1790-1794 – Corbeton’s Living Micault (10/05/1725-17/03/1794), president in the Parliament of Burgundy, lord of Meilly-sur-Rouvres, Rouvres-sous-Meilly, Saligny, Liernolles, Maconge, Barbirey-sur-Ouche, Santenay, Pommard and Other places, last Marquis de Joncy, husband of Marie Françoise Trudaine. Owner of the Bouhier de Savigny hotel. Death decapitated
  • 2013 – The FRAC (Regional Fund for Contemporary Art)
  1. Notice n O  PA00112322 , Base Mérimée, French Ministry of Culture
  2. « Bouhier used to read his books and make notes upon them; and it is said that he carried the practice to such excess as to deface with marginal scribblings the finest work of Henri Estienne and Antoine Vérard. A visitor to his library described the sober magnificence of the rosewood shelves with silken hangings in which the rare editions and long rows of manuscripts were ranged. » Charles Isaac Elton & Mary Augusta Elton, The Great Book-Collectors , Chapter XV, 1893.

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