School programs – Wikipedia


And teaching program is a study program of different disciplines taught in an educational institution, whether public or private [ first ] . Develop the program, initiate consultations, organize the necessary support, all of this is a process spread over several years. The main steps are: the design and writing of programs, which include processes of rereading and approval, and the development of related systemic support [ 2 ] .

In France, schooling is not compulsory, it is the instruction that is. Parents can therefore choose to educate their child in a school establishment (public or private) or to ensure this instruction themselves. Instruction is compulsory from 3 years old until the age of 16 years, and training is compulsory from 16 to 18 years [ 3 ] .

France has a centralized education system, in which the national program is defined, applied and evaluated at the national level. The schooling of the nursery school at the end of college is organized in four successive educational cycles [ 4 ] :

1 ° Cycle 1 corresponds to the three levels of the nursery school called respectively: small section, medium section and large section;

2 ° Cycle 2 corresponds to the first three years of the elementary school called respectively: preparatory course (CP), elementary course first year (CE1) and elementary courses second year (CE2);

3 ° Cycle 3 corresponds to the two years of the elementary school according to the cycle of fundamental learning and the first year of the college called respectively: medium first year course (CM1), average second year course (CM2) and sixth class;

4 ° Cycle 4, cycle of deepening, corresponds to the last three years of the college called respectively: fifth, fourth and third classes.

In France, ECD/EDH is mainly provided through civic education, which is taught by history and geography teachers. The priorities are defined at the national level and implemented at the local level, by the adoption of key skills such as “civic and social skills” or the development of “a humanist culture”.

In France, the Civic Education Program includes practical learning in the form of case studies and the Ministry of Education encourages schools each year to provide for the integration of education activities for democratic citizenship and the human rights education in their annual action plans.

Nursery school [ 5 ] [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The nursery school constitutes cycle 1, or cycle of primary learning. The teaching program entering into force at the 2015 back to school was published at (Boen du ) [ 6 ] . It is organized in five areas of teaching:

  • Mobilize language in all its dimensions
  • Act, express, understand through physical activity
  • Act, express, understand through artistic activities
  • Build the first tools to structure your thought
  • Explore the world

Elementary school and college [ modifier | Modifier and code ]


The schooling of students aged 6 to 11 is now breaking into three cycles that cover elementary education and schooling in college:

-Cycle 2 , Cycle of fundamental learning , corresponds to the first three years of the elementary school called respectively: preparatory course, elementary course first year and elementary lessons second year (CP-CE1-CE2);

-Cycle 3, consolidation cycle , corresponds to the two years of the following elementary school and the first year of the college called respectively: average courses first year, average courses second year and sixth class (CM1-CM2- 6 It is );

– Cycle 4, Deepening cycle , corresponds to the classes of 5 It is , 4 It is And 3 It is of college.

The new ones programmes Cycles 2, 3 and 4 are published jointly at the boen of the and enter into force, in all levels of class, at the start of the 2020 school year [ 7 ] . They rely on the entry into force of the new common base of knowledge, skills and culture [ 8 ] that students must have acquired at the end of compulsory education.

Cycle 2 program [ 7 ] Includes the following lessons:

  • French
  • Living language (foreign or regional)
  • Artistic lessons
  • Plastic arts
  • Musical education
  • Physical education and sport
  • Moral and civic education
  • Question the world
  • Math

Cycle 3 program [ 7 ] includes the following lessons [ 9 ] , [ ten ] :

  • French
  • Modern languages ​​(foreign or regional)
  • Plastic arts
  • Musical education
  • History of art
  • Physical education and sport
  • Moral and civic education
  • History and Geography
  • Sciences and technology
  • Math

Cycle 4 program [ 11 ] , [ twelfth ] includes the following lessons [ 13 ] :

  • French
  • Modern languages ​​(foreign or regional)
  • Plastic arts
  • Musical education
  • History of art
  • Physical education and sport
  • Moral and civic education
  • History and Geography
  • Chemical Physics
  • Life and earth sciences
  • Technology
  • Math
  • Media and information education

Germany [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

There is no nursery school in Germany, but children can integrate (it’s optional) the “Kindergarten” kindergarten or the crèche ” day care center “Pending compulsory schooling at 6 years old [ 14 ] .

Italy [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The nursery school (Scuola Dell’infanzia) has a duration of 3 years (children of 3-6 years, possibly 2 and a half years) and it is not compulsory. It includes 3 classes, depending on the age of the children: “Piccoli”, “Medi” and “Grandi”. Children learn to live in a community and to respect the rules of social life; to become autonomous and to take care of their bodies to communicate with their comrades and adults through several
Languages: drawing, gestures, music, physical education [ 15 ] .

Spain [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Early childhood education includes daycare (Guardería), child garden (Jardín de la Infancia) and kindergarten (Escuela Infantil), up to 6 years. The number of public and private schools varies considerably depending on the city and the region. During the last year of kindergarten, the basics of writing, reading and arithmetic are taught to prepare them for primary school [ 16 ] .

United Kingdom [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

There is no nursery school, the child enters primary school directly when he is 4 years old [ 17 ] .

Ireland [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

In Ireland, learning through activities, debates and actions is a major feature of civic, social and political education. The emphasis on active learning appears clearly in course documents, continuing education for teachers, timetable and evaluation.

Finland [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

In Finland, the decentralized implementation of the program ensures methodological flexibility in achieving the objectives of education for democratic citizenship and human rights education and encourages teachers to show creativity, to experiment And to share their ideas with others through a online structured platform created by the National Education Council. In Finland, education for democratic citizenship and human rights education is an important compulsory social science component, which is also integrated into all activities and school matters through themes transversal, such as participatory citizenship and entrepreneurship, cultural identity and internationalism and individual development [ 18 ] .

Costa Rica [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

In Costa Rica, the effort to reform school programs led to the modeling of a new form of stakeholders inclusive at all levels of project management and decision -making. In the past, these efforts were placed under the exclusive direction of the Ministry of Public Education (MEP). This time, within the framework of the reform of citizenship education, both the working groups and the steering committee – responsible at the highest level of project management, under the direction of the ministry – were made up of employees of the employees MEP, but also external consultants, including individual consultants, but also organizations [ 19 ] . One of the major innovations of Costa Rican Curritical Reform is the possibility for the community to participate in the development of educational projects. This advance is important, since it allows various institutions (both public and private) belonging to school communities to participate in the planning of activities aimed at encouraging local development. Contact with government bodies, the various public authorities, and even with the local private sector, allows students to integrate their educational projects into the dominant reality of their environment. It also offers other sectors to support and promote the development of activities that will be advantageous for their communities [ 20 ] .

Colombia [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The General Education Law provides that students receive education for “justice, peace, democracy, solidarity (…)” (article 14, d) and training “social, ethical, moral and [to ] Other values ​​of human development ”(Article 20, F). The law mentions “ethical education and human values” among the main matters of basic education (article 23, 4), whose compulsory nature it specifies, but does not indicate what meaning must be given to these matters , nor how should you educate with ethical and moral values.

It is therefore the responsibility of the Ministry of Education to bring clarification and provide directives to schools and teachers to allow the application of the law. However, this, however, gives freedom to the educational community at the local and school level of “participating in the design, execution and evaluation of their own proyecto Educativo Installing (PEI) [ 21 ] [Institutional educational project] and at the smooth running of the educational establishment concerned ”(article 6) [ 22 ] .

Denmark [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The Danish Institute of Human Rights has carried out a study of human rights education in primary education establishments and the first cycle of secondary education and teacher training programs in Denmark . It was based on an investigation by questionnaire, prepared in collaboration with the union of Danish teachers, and out of 16 interviews in a discussion group bringing together teachers and teacher trainers representing schools and training institutes throughout the country. The study also focused on Danish legislation in this area, common objectives, as well as the country’s obligations within the framework of the European Union and human rights treaties and the recommendations addressed to Denmark in matters human rights education.

The study shows that in Denmark, the learning of the rights of the child in primary education establishments and the first cycle of the secondary remains arbitrary. It makes a series of recommendations and suggestions to promote its implementation [ 23 ] .

Australia [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The development process aims to develop a curriculum containing, for each field or learning discipline, the following:

  • justification and goals schematically indicating the place and subject of the field, its contribution to the completion of the national declaration, and the main learning to be demonstrated by the students;
  • Content descriptions, specifying the knowledge, skills and fundamental skills to be taught and acquired by students, taking into account, if necessary, general capacities and transcurricular priorities;
  • Content development (from 1st to 10th year) by giving examples illustrating the descriptions of the content;
  • Standards of success, describing what the teaching provided must have transmitted to students at the various stages of their schooling;
  • Examples of annotated students’ work illustrating the standards of success [ 24 ] .

Responsibility for the definition of programs [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The efforts in the development and revision of curricula are naturally directed and coordinated by the Ministry or the Department of Education, or, in decentralized systems, by an educational authority exercising at the level of the region or the school . Governments are making their efforts in terms of developing the curriculum in different ways: by making decisions, coordinating technical tasks, performing these tasks, and taking care of relations with the public and communication [ 2 ] .

The stakeholders in this regard are those which are directly concerned by the implementation of Curricula, or who will be responsible for it, generally because of their direct link with schools. It is the education authorities who identify the stakeholders, their predictable points of view and interest, and those who will participate in the effort to reform programs and in what way. The establishment of a transparent and continuous process of consultations will demonstrate that the effort of education for democratic citizenship and human rights education

admits different opinions and that it is a reflection of democratic processes [ 22 ] .

After selection of people and teams responsible for technical work associated with the revision or development of skills and programs, managers in the first place of the curriculum reform efforts have often set up a process of strengthening the strengthening of capacities for working groups. Even local and national actors having a good knowledge of these areas can take advantage of training which helps them to develop a common understanding as to “the mission, the objectives, the tasks and the expected results” [ 25 ] .

In France [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

In the French education system, teaching programs are developed under the responsibility of the Ministry of National Education.

Since the adoption of the orientation and programming law for the refoundation of the School of the Republic, this responsibility is delegated to the Higher Program Council, which depends directly on the Minister of National Education [ 26 ] .

  1. Ministry of National Education, Youth and Sports, Charter relating to the development, implementation and monitoring of teaching programs as well as the methods of evaluating students in school education » , on , April 2014, updated in March 2021 (consulted the )
  2. a et b UNESCO, Development and revision of education programs for education for democratic citizenship and human rights , Paris, UNESCO, , 112 p. (ISBN  978-92-3-20088-0 , read online )
  3. Compulsory instruction »
  4. Teaching cycles at primary school and college » , on Education Code, Decree No. 2013-682 of July 24, 2013 relating to modified teaching cycles
  5. Organization of the nursery school (timetables, etc.) » , on Eduscol (consulted in )
  6. Nursery school program (boen of March 2, 2015) » , on Ministry of Education (consulted in )
  7. A B and C Pain, Boen primary and secondary lessons, teaching programs » , on ,
  8. Decree n ° 2015-372 of March 31, 2015 relating to the common foundation of knowledge, skills and culture » , on Legifrance , (consulted in )
  9. Teaching hours for CM1 and CM2 classes » , on Eduscol (consulted in )
  10. Teaching hours for the 6th grade » , on Eduscol (consulted in )
  11. Official cycle 4 program » , on Official National Education Bulletin , (consulted in )
  12. Modification to the Cycle 4 program in SVT and PC » , on Official National Education Bulletin , (consulted in )
  13. Cycle 4 teaching hours » , on Eduscol (consulted in )
  14. School system, education and training in Germany » , on (consulted the )
  15. The Italian school system » , on 2GYM-KALAM.MES.SCH.GR (consulted the )
  16. Education up to 6 years old. Children’s and kindergarten in Spain » , on (consulted the )
  17. Scholating her children in Great Britain: everything is played in college » , on (consulted the )
  18. Council of Europe, “Audit of teaching programs for citizenship and human rights in three countries in the first cycle of secondary education” ,, , 11 p. ( read online )
  19. (in) United Nations Development Program – Costa Rica, National Curriculum Reform Process of Costa Rica. Education for Citizenship and Human Rights Education » , Evaluation of Human Rights Education Study , , p. 11 – 12
  20. United Nations Development Program – Costa Rica, ” « National Curriculum Reform Process of Costa Rica. Education for Citizenship and Human Rights Education » », « Evaluation of Human Rights Education Study » , , p. 8
  21. (is) Ministry of National Education, Institutional educational project » , on ,
  22. a et b Jaramillo R. et Mesa J. A., « « Citizenship education as a response to Colombia’s social and political context » », Journal of Moral Education 38(4) , , p.  467-487, p. 484
  23. (in) Danish Institute for Human Rights, Mapping of Human Rights Education in Danish Schools » , , , p. 2 ( read online )
  24. (in) PROGRAM, « Curriculum Development Process, version 6 » » , , , p. 5 ( read online )
  25. (in) Georgescu D., « Zimbabwe Curriculum Review: Concept Paper » » , UNESCO, Beyrouth , , p. 24-25.
  26. Chapter devoted to the Higher Program Council in the education code, modified by article 32 of the law of refoundation of the School of the Republic
