Science and Life Micro – Wikipedia


Micro Science and Life
Pays Drapeau de la France France
Language French
Periodicity Monthly
Genre IT magazine
Price price 4.50 € € (2010)
Diffusion 84 998 ex. (2008)
Founding date 1983
Date of the last issue 2010
Editor Group 01

Editor Delphine Sabattier
ISSN 0760-6516 / 1634-426X
OCLC 932822603

Micro Science and Life , became SVM , is a French magazine [ first ] dealing with microcomputing, internet and new technologies, created in and disappeared in .

Initially launched by the Excelsior family press group publications as derived from their star magazine Science and life , he goes into In the hands of group 01 publisher, notably the monthly computer Individual computer . In , decision is made to merge the two titles under the name of The individual-SVM computer . Following a new merger in with Micro Hebdo , the magazine is arrested. A new magazine is launched under the brand 01net . Delphine Sabattier, former editor -in -chief of SVM , is recalled for this launch and directs the editorial staff alongside Jean-Joël Gurviez, ex-editor of the monthly Capital And Management .

Genesis [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Excelsior Publications is the publisher of the French popular scientific magazine Science and life the first number of which dates from 1913. The success of the Order [ 2 ] , a cardboard computer designed and directed by Joël de Rosnay, published in 1981 by Science and life , pushes Paul Dupuy to reflect on the opportunity of a variation of the magazine devoted to computer science. The decision was made in 1983. The objective is to translate the didactic spirit of Science and life In a magazine that would put micro-informatics within everyone’s reach. The first issue of the magazine is exhausted in a few days and must be recovered (220,000 copies sold). The average monthly broadcast was quickly around 120,000 copies, which ensures its success with advertisers. Over time, parentage Science and life is more discreet and disappears from the logo: Micro Science and Life , become SVM Quite short. A variation of the newspaper entirely devoted to Apple Macintosh, released in 1988 under the name of SVM Macintosh (Science et Vie Micro Macintosh) , who quickly becomes SVM Mac .

Positioning [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

On this press segment, the other magazines of the time, Individual computer , And Microsystems , are, at the time of the launch of SVM , magazines of hobbyists, rather technical, intended for a population of initiates. SVM , intended for the greatest number combines the discovery of the practice of the computer, the explanation of techniques, the monitoring of the news, the decoding of the changes of society that cause the development of computer science for all, tests software and hardware products, purchasing guides and a programs notebook.

The first team

Yves Heuillard is editor. Young engineer, he comes from Hewlett-Packard. He is passionate about popularization. Frédéric Dardel, a young polytechnician passionate about computers and role -playing games, is associated with the project from the first reflections on the title by the management of the Excelsior group. He is scientific advisor to the editorial staff and the author of a series of articles that masterfully combine popularization of science and learning programming. Frédéric Dardel is now president of Paris-Descartes University and advisor to the CNRS management. Petros Gondicas and Yann Garret, respectively deputy editor -in -chief and head of section, journalists by training, are the subtle and insightful decoders of a technical and economic news that changes the world. Seymour Dinnematin, computer scientist, trainer and former teacher at the School of Ponts, is the undisputed technical authority of the newspaper. Yvon Dargery directs the test laboratory, the first of the genre created by a newspaper in the world. The scriptwriter Philippe Bernalin and the designer Jacques Armand stage the character of Amélie Disquette, in a comic strip with Belgian style episodes, with a didactic and fun vocation. The premature disappearance of Philippe Bernalin remains engraved in the memory of the newspaper. Françoise Roux, secretary general of editorial staff ensures the miracle of the monthly manufacturing of a newspaper heckled by an explosive news. Michèle Grange, artistic director, and Thierry Morin, photographer, give SVM Its aesthetic dimension, completely innovative at the time for this type of press.

Editorial innovations

From the first issue, the newspaper does not make a difference between the so-called “family” microcomputers, represented at the time by the Commodore 64 and ZX Spectrum and the serious professional microcomputers represented by the IBM PC. The release of Macintosh at the beginning of 1984, and the arrival of IBM PC compatible microcomputers, always more powerful and always cheaper, will give reason to this positioning. The magazine is the first in the world to develop and publish tests and comparison of the power of computers. A telephone assistance service of readers, SVM Assistance is set up from the outset. He is hosted by Bruno Ferret. It is the feedback vehicle for readers that the newspaper shares in its columns. The program notebook is supervised by Frédéric Dardel, under the name of Plume by Frédéric Neuville, combines the art of programming with fun science.

Large files and special [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

SVM launched an original collection of specials that deepen the strong topics of the news high tech . The first of its kind appeared at the end of 2007 and is entirely devoted to the rise of consumer robotics; It is called “The big show of robots: they will make you crack!” »»

SVM Also publishes “practical” specials, which are intended to help readers to master the best use. These special numbers offer a panel of articles very close to user concerns: with educational subjects on technologies, consumer information on prices, and step by step to get into it.

Four numbers have appeared:

  • Windows survival guide (2007);
  • Easy Internet (2008);
  • Boost your PC (2008);
  • Special photo (2008).

Resale and fusion [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

On the occasion of the absorption of Excelsior by Mondadori in 1997, the newspaper was sold to the Dutch press group VNU (now Nielsen), then sold to Volnay Publication in 2007. Volnay was bought in 2009 by group 01 (Nextradiotv ), which announces the stopping the dissemination of SVM and its merger with Individual computer . The last issue ( n O 294) is dated from July- [ 3 ] . The magazine was also associated with a website [ 4 ] .

For the only time in its history, in , SVM engaged against a law, “creation and internet” (also known as Hadopi law), and launched a petition In order to challenge deputies on the dangers of cybersurveillance and the internet access cuts provided by this law. In , just before the passage of the law before the National Assembly, the petition collected more than 50,000 signatures including sixty from political, associative and net personalities. The list of all signatories is published on the Hadopi Special website of SVM [ 5 ] .

Broadcast paid in France of SVM (Source: Ojd) [ 6 ]
Year 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
NB. copies 113 159 116 984 127 882 130 901 127 337 120 044 115 755 84 998

external links [ modifier | Modifier and code ]
