Season 1 of Nick Cutter and the doors of time – Wikipedia


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This article presents the episodes from first season from the British television series Nick Cutter and the doors of time ( Primeval ).

Episode 1 : Anomalies [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Original title

Episode 1

Production number


1 (1-01)

First broadcast

Cilla Ware


Adrian Hodges


  • Drapeau du Royaume-Uni United Kingdom : 7.09 million viewers (first broadcast)

Detailed summary

Professor Nick Cutter forms a small research team to study a strange phenomenon: prehistoric animals appear in the present. Two of them, a Gorgonopsien and a Scutosaur, have actually crossed a temporal flaw called anomaly, leading to permien…

Episode 2: At the end of the tunnel [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Original title

Episode 2

Production number

2 (1-02)

First broadcast

Cilla Ware


Adrian Hodges


  • Drapeau du Royaume-Uni United Kingdom : 6.29 million viewers (first broadcast)

Detailed summary

A new anomaly opens in the disused tunnels of the London metro. Giant spiders and an arthropleura burst into our time, and attack passengers and deractors. The team must act.

Episode 3: The key of time [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Original title

Episode 3

Production number

3 (1-03)

First broadcast

Cilla Ware


Adrian Hodges


  • Drapeau du Royaume-Uni United Kingdom : 6.17 million viewers (first broadcast)

Detailed summary

A mosasaur appears in a swimming pool and then in a lake. A Hesperornis attacks a plumber in a cellar. Taking advantage of this new anomaly, Cutter is forced to face the icy waters of the Cretaceous to find his wife Helen, who disappeared eight years ago in one of these temporal flaws.

Episode 4: Epidemic [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Original title

Episode 4

Production number

4 (1-04)

First broadcast

Jamie Payne


Richard Kurti and Bev Doyle


  • Drapeau du Royaume-Uni United Kingdom : 5.81 million viewers (first broadcast)

Detailed summary

Helen, back in London, informs Cutter of the presence of an anomaly in a football stadium. The anomaly is precisely crossed by a group of Dodos, at first sight harmless. But they carry a parasitic of the lonely, deadly verge for humans.

Episode 5: O.v.n.i [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Original title

Episode 5

Production number

5 (1-05)

First broadcast

Jamie Payne


Chris Lang


  • Drapeau du Royaume-Uni United Kingdom : 6.46 million viewers (first broadcast)

Detailed summary

A Ptéranodon appears on a golf course. The troubles start when a golfer is killed. But everything seems to indicate that it is not the ptéranodon the culprit. Abby and Connor soon discover a cloud of carnivorous killers attracted by blood (maybe anurognathus).

Episode 6: The ultimate crossing [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Original title

Episode 6

Production number

6 (1-06)

First broadcast

Jamie Payne


Adrian Hodges


  • Drapeau du Royaume-Uni United Kingdom : 6.52 million viewers (first broadcast)

Detailed summary

The team must fight against a predator from the future. This is a future evolution of the bat, and is very fast and murderous. An expedition to the past will discover a terrible secret and turn to fiasco, and Claudia Brown will disappear, as if it had never existed. Only Nick and Helen remember her.
