Shaker — Wikipedia


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Shaker in engraved silver and its six timpani, oriental decoration (bamboo).

And shaker , shakeur [ first ] , [ 2 ] (Anglicism), also called cocktail mixer or coquetelier Au Canada [ 3 ] , is a bar utensil used for the preparation of certain cocktails.

Used when ingredients need to be strongly agitated to be mixed, it can be made up of fruit juices, syrups, alcohols, fatty body (cream, eggs, etc.), and/or solid bodies (ice cubes, Herbs, spices, pieces of fruit, etc.). Softery drinks are never agitated at the shaker.

Shaker “Three pieces” and its cut.

A shaker is made up of two parts, a high and one bass, and there are three types.

Shaker Boston

It consists of two elements: a high metal timpani generally 800 mL and a big glass.
The timpani has a larger opening diameter than that of the glass, so that the latter comes to receive it.
When we stir the shaker Boston , the metal of the timpani retracts slightly under the action of the cold generated by ice cubes, making the joint with the perfectly hermetic glass, without blocking the whole.
The glass of shaker Boston is thick and solid. It is designed to withstand thermal and physical shocks due to the use of ice in the preparation of cocktails.
To filter a mixture prepared with the shaker Boston , we use an ice cherries and/or a pulp colander.

The shaker Boston was the first model used in the United States by the bar pioneers, in the middle of the XIX It is century [Ref. necessary] . Today he is the shaker Favorite of professionals because it is more airtight, fast to handle and wash. [Personal interpretation?]

Shaker continental

It is similar to shaker Boston , but with two metal parts. It is used in the same way. THE shaker continental appeared in Europe at the start of XX It is century. It was the most used model, but it is less and less today, to the advantage of shaker Boston and “three pieces”.

Shaker with filter or “three rooms”

This shaker differs from the other two from its incorporated filter. This eliminates the need to have an ice cherries to filter the mixture. Its lower part is made up of a deep timpani in which the upper part is embedded. The latter is made up of two elements: the intermediate part (which includes the filter), and the cap, which overlooks the whole and ensures its hermeticism. The ingredients must be introduced into the lower part, then once closed, the shaker shaken according to the usual method. To pour the mixture, just remove the cap. This shaker appeared at the end of XIX It is century. It is the model most used by the general public, but not by professional barmen. It has the disadvantage of provoking a greater dilution of the drink, the ice cubes accumulating in a reduced space when it is poured.

Shaker tumbler [ 4 ]

Metal bottle with a large removable lid to intimately mix the ingredients making up a protein or fruit, like the famous shakesphere shaker [ 5 ] .

(Name 1) From English shaker , which derives from shake (“Shake, tremble”).
(Name 2) The names of the members of the sect, originally derived from shaking quakers (“Agitated trees”) to describe their rituals of tremor, cries, glossolalia and songs.

Its action is double: mix and refresh. In a homogeneous and often opaque appearance, a drink thus refreshing is called “struck”, it is traditionally served without ice in the glass (” straight up »).

Most common user manual:

  1. Fill the lower part half with ice cubes,
  2. Add the ingredients, the alcohols last,
  3. close it shaker With the upper part,
  4. firmly seize the shaker and shake it strongly for 8 to 10 seconds (the surface of shaker then takes on a frosty aspect),
  5. Pour the content into the service glass, holding the solid parts of the mixture using a colander or a filter.

A cocktail developed at shaker differs from a mixture with a mixture with mixture or directly in the glass. Some have very different and sometimes unexpected forms such as animal forms. Its use has become more democratic by the increase in frequentation of bars, the shaker is often associated with a “chic” lifestyle [ 6 ] .

In James Bond, it is customary that he asked for a Martini vodka at shaker , the sentence he uses has become famous: ” At shaker , not at the spoon. »» (in English, « Shaken, not stirred. » ). The recipe for this cocktail appreciated by the spy is made up of a glass in Martini, ice cubes, lemon, quality vodka, quality gin, white Lillet or Vermouth Noilly Prat. After refreshing the shaker , just mix alcohols, the strongest first. The preparation is poured into the glass to Martini by adding a lemon zest [ 7 ] .

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