She and him (film, 1939) – Wikipedia


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She and him ( Love Affair ) is an American film directed by Leo McCarey, released in 1939. Leo McCarey will shoot in 1957 a color remake of his own film: She and him ( An Affair to Remember ) with Deborah Kerr and Cary Grant.

She is Terry McKay, a cabaret singer that a marriage must soon “save” her fate. He is Michel Marnay, famous French play-boy called to marry a rich American heiress. They meet on board the boat that leads them from Europe to the United States, where they must marry their respective fiancés. Michel runs to Terry and all the attractive women he meets, but is surprised by his resistance. During a stopover in Madeira, however, they go to Michel’s grandmother together. Terry then learns that Michel has many more talents, especially painter, that what his reputation appears in magazines, and this meeting with the grandmother, who suggests that she could be an excellent wife for Michel, the touches deeply.

Now the sea is strong and the ship is changing the course, like Michel and Terry who feel that their boad has become serious. Both are happy to maintain themselves by people who provide them with luxury life. They promise themselves to have been abandoned, each on their side, their wedding projects and to meet six months later, the first is July at five in the afternoon: by then Michel should have demonstrated that he is able to work, which he has never done. The meeting place is the 102 It is floor of the State Building Empire, “what is closer to paradise in New York”.

Six months go by. Michel, after difficult beginnings, begins to sell his paintings and may think of the future; Terry, for his part, spent this time singing in a cabaret. Everyone goes to the appointment, but, too enthusiastic, Terry is overthrown by a car at the foot of the Empire State Building without Michel, who is already waiting at the top, knowing him. Terry loses the use of her legs, and refuses to get back in touch with Michel as long as she does not work again. Michel takes up the boat to go to Madeira, where his grandmother has just died; He brings back a embroidered shawl that she had promised to Terry.

Six months are still going. Terry’s legs are still not better, but she now directs the choir of an orphanage. None manage to forget the other, nor enter a new sentimental relationship. Michel’s former fiancée takes her to the theater on Christmas Eve. When he got up at the end of the show, he sees Terry and his former fiancé sitting in the performance hall; She simply says “hello” and believing that she ended up marrying her fiancé, only replied “hello”.


The next day, Terry is about to spend the Christmas evening alone at her house. Michel burst into it by explaining that he had regained his address by chance in the directory. He claims to have missed the appointment at the Empire State Building, but it is a way of indirectly understanding the suffering he then felt. Terry, whose legs are covered with a blanket on a sofa, continues to hide his accident. Michel gives him the shawl of his grandmother and, about to leave, turns to tell him that he one day painted it with this shawl; The table having too much sentimental value for him, he did not want to sell it, but accepted that the merchant gives it to a young woman who lacked money and who, moreover, was disabled. However, he stops before pronouncing this word, because he understands at this moment that the young woman is Terry. Going around the small apartment, he finds the table hanging in the room; Upset, he returns to Terry and she promises her that she will certainly manage to walk again: “No need for a miracle, if you can paint, I can walk well. ».

Non -credited actors

The film received several Oscar nominations, including:

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