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The wrong , from his real name Ben Rabeh Mohamed Zamoum , born the and died in battle In M’chedallah, is an Algerian nationalist activist, ALN colonel and acting chief of the historic Wilaya IV during the Algerian War. He is Ali Zamoum’s brother, also a nationalist activist from the start.

If Salah was born in Aïn Taya, near Algiers, a teacher father. After reaching the level of the elementary patent, he held the post of secretary of the town hall of Ighil Imoula, in Kabylia. In 1953, he was convicted of theft and fraudulent use of official fees for the benefit of the special organization. Arrested by general information and imprisoned in Tizi Ouzou prison, he was torture for 22 days. Released at the beginning of the year in 1954, he participated alongside Krim Belkacem, Amar Ouamrane and Slimane Dehilès, in the uprising of the uprising first is November 1954. He was actively sought by French police and sentenced to death in absentia by the senior military court.

In 1957, he joined the Morocco-based border army, then he was appointed assistant to Colonel Boumédiene, head of the General Staff, but he could not join this position. In 1958, he succeeded Si Mohammed (alias Colonel Bouguerra) at the head of the historic Wilaya IV and at the same time member of the CNRA. He makes a trip to Tunisia, to send the maquis of weapons and ammunition from which he returned “disgusted with living room intrigues which poison the climate among the representatives of the GPRA in Tunis much more than the fate of the maquisards who are fighting in the maquis ”.

From April to , the Historical Wilaya IV is plagued by the maneuvers of poisoning and infiltration of the maquis orchestrated by the French army known as the “Bleuite”: 489 Officers of the ALN will be executed under its orders, the “purge Is led by his military assistant, if Mohamed, alias Djilali Bounaâma.

Secret meeting with de Gaulle [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

At the beginning of 1960, with the intensive military operations of the Challe plan, if Salah, convinced that the war was likely to be lost if no help came from outside, does not hide before his troops, his rancor vis- à-Vis du GPRA and the border army at its head Colonel Boumédiene. Following the call of General de Gaulle towards the leaders of the FLN for a ” Peace of the Braves », He instructs three of his officers to contact the French authorities of the metropolis to start peace talks without the agreement of the GPRA [ first ] . The discussions were carried out on the French side by Bernard Tricot and Colonel Mathon. They lead to an agreement on the delivery of arms and the destination of the combatants. To decide their interlocutors to get involved and to help them convince their comrades of neighboring wilayas, the French negotiators led if Salah and his assistants if Mohammed and if Lakhdar (the latter is very reluctant), at the Élysée . General de Gaulle receives them with kindness [ first ] , but announces their intention to launch a last call to the GPRA so that he accepts the “peace of the brave” . This one responds positively, sends a delegation to Melun from 25 to To prepare a meeting between the president of the GPRA, Ferhat Abbas and that of the French Republic. In the absence of a prior agreement on the delivery of arms, General de Gaulle puts an end to the interviews. If Salah is relegated to oblivion. Meanwhile, if Mohammed has executed if Lakhdar, then stops if Salah, who tried to join the historic wilaya III on his initiative. The two men perish a year later.

Dead [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

If Salah will be killed the , on a ridge of Djurdjura in Maillot (today M’chedallah), near Bouira. According to Pierre Montagnon [ first ] , he was killed by the Georges commando, a French army hunting commando, while for the historian Michèle Cointet, he was “executed” by the French special services [ 2 ] . Convened by the GPRA, he went to Tunisia, with a weak escort. His last words will be: ” De Gaulle betrayed us. He is the person responsible for my fate [ first ] , [ 3 ] . »

All the Algerian witnesses of the meeting of At the Elysée have disappeared. French witnesses would have received the order to be silent [ first ] .

A school, a boulevard and a street bear the name of Si Salah in Algeria since independence in Boghni, Bouira and Algiers.

  1. A B C D and E Pierre Montagnon, The case if Salah – State secret , Pygmalion Éditions, 1987, (ISBN  978-2-85704-226-6 )
  2. Cointet-Labrousse, Michèle. , De Gaulle and French Algeria: 1958-1962 , Perrin, (ISBN  2-262-03916-X And 978-2-262-03916-5 , OCLC  939654169, read online )
  3. Roger Faligott , Jean Guisnel and Rémi Kauffer , Political history of French secret services , Paris, La Découverte, (ISBN  978-2-7071-7771-1 , read online ) , ” The Algerian war “, p. 153-224

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