Siege of Milan (538-539) – Wikipedia


The siege of Milan It was one of the main episodes of the Gothic war.


Justinian I, Roman Emperor of the East, intent on recovering the western territories of the Empire ended up for more than half a century in the hands of the barbarians, decided to restore imperial domain in Italy, extinct in 476 with the deposition of the last emperor of West Romolo Augusto. In 535, therefore, the Kingdom of the Ostrogoths, which extended to Italy, Provence, Norico, Dalmatia and Panmazia, attacked the reconquest of General Belisario, who was appointed Strategos Autokrator (very general).

In a short time Belisario conquered Sicily and southern Italy, including Rome, but the counter -offensive Gota under their new Rear Vigius did not delay: they besieged Rome, where the Army of Belisario had been strengthened, for more than a year (537-538) without however being able to regain the eternal city.

During the siege, during the winter of 537-538, Belisario received the bishop of Milan in Rome, Dazio, with some of the most illustrious Milanese citizens: these asked the generalissimi to send in north-western Italy (province of Liguria ) a small army; If he had done it, they would have delivered not only Milan to the Empire, but the whole Roman province of Liguria . [first]

Belisario kept his promises: he sent an army of 1,000 men by sea, partly Isauri, partly traces, to undertake the conquest of Liguria; The Isauri were commanded by Enne, the traces by Paolo; In addition, the overall army command was entrusted to Mundila, escorted by some Pavesai of Belisario; The following were the ambassadors who came from Milan, and in particular Fidelio, prefect of the Praetorium of Italy. [2] The Byzantine army landed in Genoa and, once passed the Po, managed in a short time to occupy Milan, Bergamo, Como, Novara and all the other centers of Liguria with the exception of Pavia, which will soon become the headquarters of the Ostrogoth kingdom [3] . The Pavia garrison had tried to face them in battle, but had come out defeated and had just made time to repair within the walls. However, Fidelio, lingered in praying in a place of worship, fell from the horse just near the walls, and the garrison of Pavia took the opportunity to kill him. The reaction of vitige, however, did not wait: he sent Uraia with a substantial army to be awarded Milan, and urged the king of the Franks, Teodeberto, to intervene in his support. [2] Teodeberto, however, having tightened alliance treaties with Justinian (who had not respected), prudently decided not to intervene directly in the conflict, sending to handle the non -warrior groves but 10,000 Burgundi warriors, subjects of the francs. [2] The Byzantine garrison, in small number (300 only soldiers, as the rest had been detached to supervise Bergamo, Como and Novara), therefore found himself being besieged in very unfavorable conditions, not having made time to introduce many provisions in the city before the start of the siege, and therefore suffering from the deficiency of Annona; The citizens themselves were entrusted with the task of taking their walls in turn. [2]

Mappa di Milano nell'Alto Medioevo
Map of the urban development of Milan of the early Middle Ages [4]

The siege lasted from 538 until March 539.

Belisario had intended to send rescue to the Milanese, besieged by the Goths, but the arrival in Italy of General Narsete with reinforcements from Constantinople had caused him several problems: in fact Narsete had a different strategy from that of Belisario, so he was not willing to obey Upon the orders of Belisario when he did not agree with him, and moreover he enjoyed the trust of a large part of the army. The arrival of Narsete had divided the army into two factions, one on the side of Belisario and one on the side of Narsete. When he saw his authority undermined by the insubordination of Narsete, Belisario encepted his he urged them to maintain a prudent attitude, because the Goths were still powerful, and presenting them his future plans: he intended to send part of the army to help the Milanese, while Another part would have embarked on the siege of Osimo. [5] Norsete replied that instead he believed the submission of Emilia more priority, which would create big problems for the Goths. [5] Belisario, then, to completely resume control of the army, who had partially lost due to the charisma of Narsete, read a letter received by Justinian:

“We did not send in Italy Narsete prefect of the Erario, the assignment of leaving the army, being our wanting that the only Belisario regga and Valgasi of all the troops will judge of greater convenience. You all have to follow it by cooperating the advantages of our imperium. ”

( Procopio, Gothic war , II, 18. )

But Narsete interpreted the last words of the letter in this way: that when he believed that the orders of Belisario did not bring advantages to the empire, he could disobey him. [5] And during the siege of Urbino, wanted by Belisario, Narsete, considering the fortress impregnable while the conquest of Emilia would have been more advantageous, left the siege with that part of the army that supported him without the authorization of Belisario to go to subdue Emilia. [6]

In the meantime, Belisario had sent an army, conducted by Martino and Urier, to help Milan, but the two imperial commanders, who came near the Po river, to a day of the path of the besieged city, planted the curtains here and did not advance further. [7] Come to know Mundila, commander of the imperial garrison of Milan besieged by the enemy, he sent to the two commanders a Roman named Paolo who, crossed the Po with swimming as there were no boats, came in the presence of Martino and Urie, recalling them The damage that would have suffered Milan and the empire because of their inaction. [7] Paolo seemed to have convinced them to act; And, returned to Milan, the new hope will be infused by giving them the happy news that the armies of Martino and Urier would soon arrive to save Milan from the Goths. [7]

But Martino and Uilia did not move and lost further time by sending a letter to Belisario:

«You have directed us here to ensure the besiegers in Milan, and with a sum guard, just your orders, we have reached the Po river; But the army is less the courage to evaluate it, informed that immense ranks of Gotti clutches Liguria, though they lead great number of burgundations [Burgundi], with whom everyone is it does not seem to be able to try us alone. The why being in Emilia Giovanni and Giustino we ask you to order both to take part with us in this struggle. And in Fe ‘of God who helped by the arms we will be able to with all our salvation Menare massacre of the enemy. ”

( Procopio, Gothic war , II, 21. )

After reading the letter, Belisario ordered John and Giustino to reach Martino and Uliad, but they refused, declaring that they would follow his order only if Narsete had agreed. [7] Belisario therefore wrote a letter to Narsete:

“All the imperial troops are only a vain body, which if I do not show the foggia of the human members, but in itself want to operate, they will lead us, without doing anything about how much it is crafts, with a very sad end. So abandoned Emilia devoid of strong places, and now of no advantage to the Romans, immediately impose the Duci Giovanni and Giustino who promptly go to join the troops camped shortly from Milan, to move poscia with short forces to win the barbarians beams of that city; Nor did other people find here to send you here. I wander more than all to disconnect, if I do not comply, that I militi from here you start to help Milan, having to consume as many days in the street, as they want to make their arrival more late than need; also relevant could not use of horses, tired from the journey, to fight the enemy. But if with Martino and Uliament Giovanni and Giustino Muovano, they will triumph out of any doubt of the contrary faction concentrated there, and free from all the oppositions farannex again in Emilia. ”

( Procopio, Gothic war , II, 21. )

Narsete, who this time agreed with Belisario, ordered Giovanni and Giustino to follow the order of Belisario and so the two generals left for Milan; But a disease that hit Giovanni slowed down the operations. [7]

While the Byzantines lingered to reach Milan due to the discord between Generali, the hardships suffered by the awarded Milanese worsened to such an extent that:

“… those within the city were to such reduced for inopia of vetuaglia that many did not inspire dogs, sorcles and other animals affected in the first for man’s food.”

( Procopio, Gothic war , II, 21. )

In the meantime, Gothic speakers were sent to Mundila, promising him that in the event of a surrender and the imperial garrison would not have suffered any. [7] Mundila requested that the inhabitants were also spared but then, doubting that the Goths would keep the promises, proposed to his to launch against the enemies in a suicidal attack, because it was better to perish heroicly, than continuing to live seeing the inhabitants of Milan slaughtered by the enemy, thus seeming almost collaborators of the barbarians. [7]

But none of the soldiers agreed with Mundila and so the imperial garrison surrendered to the enemy and was spared, while 300,000 Milanese citizens (according to Procopio; reduced to 30,000 by modern historiography) were slaughtered by the enemy. [7] This is the description of Procopio of the massacre:

«Milan was therefore ambush on the ground, and massacred every male inhabitant of its own, not saving age anyway, and at least wander the number to three hundred thousand; The females kept in Ischiavitù shipped after the Burgundioni, guiding them with them of the rescue in this war. In addition to that found there within repaired prefect of the Praetorium, they made him pieces and Gittronne the meats in food to dogs. Gerbentino, although he was stationed, was able to move to the Venetian region and pe’c’c’c’c’cinfini in Dalmatia, and after visiting the emperor Nostrogli in his beautiful at ease those immense effusion of blood. So the Gotti, occupied by surrender all the other cities guilty with imperial weapons, dominated the whole of Liguria. Martino and Urie Coll ‘Army returned to Rome. ”

( Procopio, Gothic war , II, 21. )

In this way the Byzantines retorted the Liguria , while the former capital of the Western Roman Empire was razed to the ground and its defined male citizens, while the females became slaves of the Burgundi. Justinian I, seen how the rivalry between Belisario and Narsete had contributed to the destruction of Milan, attracted Narsete to Constantinople.

The Gothic war ended in 553 with the defeat of the Goths and the reduction of Italy to the Byzantine province. Milan was reconstructed by order of General Narsete at the end of the war, but struggled to recover from the devastation. On September 3, 569 was conquered by the Lombards of King Alboino.

  1. ^ Procopio, Gothic war , II, 7 .
  2. ^ a b c d Procopio, Gothic war , II, 12 .
  3. ^ Development and affirmation of an early medieval capital: Pavia in the Goth and Lombard age . are .
  4. ^ The table is part of the Thematic Atlas of Italy, created by the Cartographic Office of the Italian Touring Club with the CNR – National Research Council (1989-1992)
  5. ^ a b c Procopio, Gothic war , II, 18 .
  6. ^ Procopio, Gothic war , II, 19 .
  7. ^ a b c d It is f g h Procopio, Gothic war , II, 21 .