Solar tracker – Wikipedia


image Tracker

Tracker in Toledo, Spain

Tracker solaire design 8m2 Lumioo

And solar tracker , solar tracker or Sun follower is a device allowing a heliographical telescope (having to observe the sun or some of its effects in the atmosphere [ first ] ), or a solar energy production installation to follow the sun according to the Heliostat principle. This motorized bearing structure guides solar panels to increase productivity.

Solar track (retractable by anemometer)

The system aims to orient the sensors in real time towards the sun, to place the panel in an optimal position in relation to the incidence of solar radiation (perpendicular to the radiation if possible), because throughout the day and the Year (depending on the seasons) The position of the sun varies constantly and in a different way depending on the latitude.
This real -time adaptation has the effect of substantially increase the capture and production of energy.


It can be done on two axes: in azimut (from east to west, as the day advances) and in height (depending on the season and, again, the advance of the day). The ideal is to use a two -axis tracker, but there are also with one (typically with follow -up only in azimut, the angle compared to the ground being fixed according to the local optimum, which depends on the latitude )) [ 2 ] .

In temperate zone, the increase in performance between correctly oriented fixed panels (facing south) and trackers varies from 30% to 45% depending on the type of tracker, or even more at times (helioslite announces +43% of energy produced , with a +57% point on a day for a two axis tracker; e.g. 45.6 kWh in one day, against 28.8 kWh for a fixed sensor of the same power (6 kWc) in Savoy)

It can be a watchmaking mechanism (in a given place, the best direction of orientation only depends on time and date) or an enslavement.
The necessary power is always very low (some watts) and does not constitute a drawback. There are two main ways to orient a solar panel optimally: an installation of four photoresistances whose tension at their terminals must be equal to be facing the sun, or the preliminary programming of the equation of the sun trajectory for properly direct the panel.

In theory, a tracker can wear solar modules of any type: photovoltaic modules (PV) “classic”, CPV (concentrated photovoltaic) or CSP (Thermal: Tour or Stirling). In practice, only a few trackers can because the costs induced are high and the drawbacks (maintenance, additional risks).

Each tracker can withstand 4 to 220 m 2 panels. In 2015-2016 appeared new lighter models ( ex. : 200 kg instead of 550 kg For 3.3 kW In ten photovoltaic modules) presented as robust, less expensive, more efficient, which can meet self -consumption needs and be installed on a flat roof.

The solar tracker is designed to supply a large energy area. In the agriculture sector, farms very often have large hangars where they store their machines and equipment. These buildings consume a lot of energy.

Agriculture professionals can use several solutions: photovoltaic hangar, agrivoltaism, photovoltaic greenhouses, soil power plants, solar shades.

This solar system has several advantages, including a productivity gain compared to a conventional solar installation, the possibility of combining it with all types of modules (photovoltaic and thermal), and low energy consumption.

However, even if the solar tracker saves energy, it is a very important financial investment. It has other drawbacks: regular maintenance of the structure, fragility of the sensors (compared to sensors installed in roofing), particularly in the event of a strong wind.

The main characteristics differentiating trackers are as follows:

  • gain in electricity production (compared to fixed solar panels);
  • mono or multi axial orientation;
  • the accuracy of the positioning towards the sun (type of enslavement), possibly in the presence of shadow [ 3 ] ;
  • Robustness (wind -up) and reliability;
  • the cost.

In 2015, the global market of 4 GW Installed is dominated by American companies, in the order Array Technologies, Sunpower, First Solar and NextRacker. The French Exosun and Optimum Tracker barely start their activity abroad [ 4 ] . The sector is consolidated in the following years, in parallel with growth leading to 14.5 GW Sold in 2017 [ 5 ] .

  1. Molodij, G., & Rayrole, J. (1998). Performance Analysis for Themis (*) Image Stabilizer Optical System-II. Anisoplanism Limits (*) Heliographic telescope for the study of magnetism and the instabilities of the solar atmosphere . Astronomy and Astrophysics Supplement Series, 128(1), 229-244.
  2. Noble, Grégoire (2016) New generation trackers to capture and concentrate the sun , Brief de Batiactu (2 pages), published on 03/17/2016, on 03/18/2016
  3. Sofiane, T. A. H. I. R. Contribution to the MPPT order based on the control of the current of a photovoltaic generator in the presence of partial shade (Doctoral dissertation, Tahar Moulay University of Saida)
  4. Solar trackers: a global market dominated by American manufacturers » , on , (consulted the ) .
  5. (in) Mike Munsell, Global Solar Tracker Shipments Grow 32% in 2017, NEXTracker Leads the Market » , on , (consulted the ) .

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