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Augustine is originally a first name in several languages ​​including French and English.


Archeology [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

History [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Administration [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Cinema and television [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Music and performing arts [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Religions [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

First name [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Augustine is in French a female first name (male form: Augustin ), and in English a male first name (corresponding to the French ” Auguste “Or” Augustin “). It is notably worn by:

  • Augustine Ahinful (1974-), a Ghanaian international footballer;
  • Augustine Allix (1823-1901), a singer, pianist and professor of French music and song;
  • Augustine Aubertin (1876-1945), a figure of the Catholic unionist movement;
  • Augustine Awa Fonka (?-?), A senior Cameroonian official, governor of the West region;
  • Augustine Azuka Okocha (1973-), a Nigerian international footballer;
  • Augustine Birrell (1850-1933), a British politician, chief secretary for Ireland from 1907 to 1916;
  • Augustine Bourassa (1858-1941), a Canadian artist;
  • Augustine Brohan (1824-1893), a French actress and living room;
  • Augustine Bulteau (1860-1922), a French journalist, novelist and living room;
  • Augustine Dallemagne (1821-1875), a French painter;
  • Augustine d’Aragon (1786-1857), a Spanish heroine of the War of Independence;
  • Augustine Dunn (1993-), a French singer, actor and composer, leader of the Czech group The Silver Spoons;
  • Augustine Eguavoen (1965-), a Nigerian international footballer;
  • Augustine Ejangue (1989-), an international Cameroonian footballer;
  • Augustine excavated (1833-1923), born Augustine Tuillerie, a French woman of letters;
  • Augustine Choge (1987-), an athlete Kenyan, specialist in the half-distance;
  • Augustine Cochet (1792-1833), a French painter;
  • Augustine de Rothmaler (1859-1942), a Belgian pedagogue and feminist;
  • Augustine Figeac (1821-1883), a French actress;
  • Augustine Henry (1857–1930), an Irish sinologist, passionate about horticulture;
  • Augustine Kaiser (1845-1909), a French singer;
  • Augustine Le May (1915-2001), a French farmer and resistant, recognized just among nations;
  • Augustine Leriche (1860-1938), a French theater and singer actress;
  • Augustine ndzouli ndoumbe (?-), a Cameroonian judokate; [[]]
  • Augustine Ngom Jua (1924-1977), a Cameroonian politician;
  • Augustine Pagnol (1873-1910), Marcel Pagnol’s mother;
  • Augustine Phillips (? -1605), an English actor;
  • Augustine Pietrantoni (1864-1894), an Italian nun, dead murdered by one of the patients she was dealing with;
  • Augustine Prévost (1723-1786), a British general, known for his participation in the United States War of Independence;
  • Augustine Pulu (1990-), a New Zealand rugby player;
  • Augustine Rubit (1989-), an American basketball player;
  • Augustine Simo (1978-), a Cameroonian international footballer;
  • Augustine Soubeiran (1858-1933), a French school director and patriot;
  • Augustine Washington (v. 1694-1743), father of George Washington;
  • Augustine Françoise de Choiseul (1697-1728), a French aristocrat;
  • Augustine-Malvina Blanchecotte (1830-1897), a French poet;
  • Augustine-Suzanne Brohan (1807-1887), a French actress;
  • Blanche-Augustine-Angèle Soyer (1843-1911), a French writer;
  • Françoise-Augustine Duval d’Eprémesnil (1749-1794), executed as an accomplice of Baron de Batz;
  • Gerald Augustine REGAN (1928-2019), a Canadian politician, Prime Minister of Nova Scotia from 1970 to 1978;
  • John Augustine Zahm (1851-1921), an American scientist, explorer and writer;
  • Joseph Augustine di Noia (1943-), an American archbishop since 2009, assistant secretary of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith since 2013;
  • Louise Augustine Gleizes or simply Augustine (1861-1895), a patient by Jean-Martin Charcot;
  • Louise Augustine Salbigothon Crozat de Thiers (1733-1813), a French aristocrat;
  • Patrick Augustine Sheehan (1852-1913), a Catholic priest, Irish novelist and politician;
  • Theodore Augustine Mann (1735-1809), a monk Chartreux English, polygraph, naturalist and historian writer;
  • Thomas Augustine Arne (1710-1778), a British composer.

Surname [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Augustine is a surname in particular carried by:

  • Angelo de Augustine (?-), an American musician, composer and performer of folk music;
  • Brendan Augustine (1971-), a South African international footballer;
  • Henri-Gérard Augustine (1924-2014), a French footballer;
  • James Augustine (1984-), an American basketball player;
  • Jean Augustine (1937-), a Canadian politician, deputy for Etobicoke-Lakeshore from 1993 to 2005;
  • Noah Augustine (1971-2010), a Canadian writer and politician, Chief of the First Nation Nation in Metepenagiag;
  • Norman Augustine (1935-), an American businessman.

Augustine is a place name notably carried by:

Australia [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

UNITED STATES [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

France [ modifier | Modifier and code ]
