Soul eaters – Wikipedia


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THE Eaters are fictitious characters in the literary series Chronicles of dark times . There are seven in number.


The eaters of souls were initially, a group of mages of seven different clans who called themselves the “healers”; They were not bad because they helped their clans. Their goals were “normally” to heal the patients and to hunt demons. They each had a particular gift. But, gradually the “healers” have become “soul eaters” because all of them were continuously looking for power.

All, have this power thanks to an opal of fire which has the power to rally and submit demons. They therefore sowed terror in the forest.
But, there are approximately 15 summers, there was the “big fire”, which broke the fire opal in three parts, killed one of the mages who wanted to recover the opal, and separated the eaters of souls for a while . The remaining soul eaters were hidden until their return.

List of soul eaters [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

It is the mage of the sea eagle clan. It remains masked and silent. It is surely the most powerful and frightening of soul eaters, some saying that she can invoke death. Wolf says that she feels “without breaths”. In the sixth volume, she recalls the tormented dead but her spell fails because of Narrander who kills her.
Many believed that he had died in the big fire but he survived. He wanted to rebel but he couldn’t. Wanting to take revenge on Eostra he will kill her and he is the only seven to survive.
She is the mage of the viper clan, and is also the mother of Renn which she tried to transform into Tokoroth. She is killed by Bale instead of Renn.
He is the mage of the Chène clan. He died, killed indirectly by Eostra.
She was the mage of the bat clan. When her son died, she wanted to commit suicide, but P’pa saved her. She committed suicide in the Far North, taking a piece of the fire opal with her. This mage had the power to control the bats (as if by chance) and had one in place of the fur of her clan creature, she saved her just before committing herself by launching her in the air as last act carried out during his lifetime.
At the time of his death, Tenris had about 39 summers. He is P’pa’s brother and is therefore Torak’s uncle. Tenris also knew End Kedudinn, about 28 summers, since they stayed (” P’pa “, Tenris, and end-Keninn) about 7 years together; within the wolf clan. Tenris, had an important defect, which will harm him later: he only thought of controlling others.
This is how there were 21, Tenris was not chosen to be the mage of the seal clan.
He then abandoned his clan and left for a lonely life. But, much later, he reappeared in the spotlight, with a group of mages, who called himself the “healers”.
Subsequently, the healers became the eaters of souls, they spread terror in the forest. But, the big fire separated the eaters of souls.
Tenris, to take revenge on his brother, invoked an elemental and placed him in the body of a bear thanks to the fire opal. He then ordered the demon to kill Torak’s father, but after having accomplished his fatal mission, he escaped the control of his “master”.
(Father of Torak) The former mage of the wolf clan, he turned on the big fire which stopped, for a time, the soul eaters when he left them. He was killed by a Bear Demon sent by his own brother.
Son of the Mage des Loups, he is the spirit-who-Marche. On the ice floe, Seshru affixed the mark of the trident making him a soul eater. To do this, he was forced to exile and sent to the head-of-the-heng. To prove that he was not one, he tore off the tattooing of the soul eaters as his father had done.

The Opal of Fire:
Ball coming from the Grand Auroch, was separated into three pieces during the big fire:

  • first is : was first possessed by tenris then by Thiazzi and finally by Eostra
  • 2 It is : Eostra and was destroyed by Nef when she committed suicide
  • 3 It is ; P’pa, Torak and finally was destroyed with Seshru when she died.
