Soyouz Tma-20 — Wikipedia


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Soyouz TMA-20 (Union TMA-20)
Mission data
Vessel Soyouz
Crew 3
Release date , 19 h 09 utc
Launch site Baikonour Cosmodrome, LC-1
Landing date Le 24 May 2011, 02 h 27 UTC
Landing site Djezkazgan au Kazakhstan
Duration 159 j 7 h 17 min
Indicative Varangian (“Varègue”)
ORBITAL ALTITUDE Between 201 et 253 km
Orbital inclination 51.64 °
Crew photo
De gauche à droite : Coleman, Kondratyev et Nespoli.
From left to right : Coleman, Kondratyev et nespoli.

Soyouz TMA-20 is a space mission whose launch took place the From the Baikonour cosmodrome. She transported three crew members from shipment 26 to the international space station. It’s about 108 It is Theft of a Soyuz vessel since the first in 1967.

The main and rescue crews of Soyuz TMA-20 during their Red Square ceremonial tour on November 26, 2010.

The mission crew was confirmed by the . It is marked by the presence of astronauts from 3 major partner space agencies of the International Space Station (ISS) program: ROSCOSMOS, NASA and ESA.

The figure in parentheses indicates the number of space flights made by the astronaut, Soyuz TMA-20 included.

Replacement [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Damage during transport [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The , the Russian news agency Interfax reports that the Soyuz vessel has undergone damage during its Russian rail transport to Baikonour Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan. The descent module was damaged and had to be replaced by that of Soyuz TMA-21. However, the mission was neither canceled nor adjourned.

Lift-off [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

After assembly of the vessel to its launch rocket the , and routing to the launch pad in the morning of 13, the Soyuz Tma-20 takes off from Baikonour at 7:09 p.m. UTC (10:09 p.m., Moscow time) the . Ten minutes later, he reached his orbit.

Mooring [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Soyuz TMA-20 moored in Rassvet, the Russian module of the ISS, the at 8:12 p.m. UTC. After making sure that no flight was present between the TMA-20 and the ISS, the SAS was opened at 11:02 p.m. UTC, and a reception ceremony took place to mark the arrival of the crew .

Return to earth [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

After 157 days moored at the ISS, Soyuz TMA-20 won the At 9:35 p.m. UTC with the Russian cosmonaut Dmitri Kondratiev.

About fifteen minutes later, when Soyuz was behind the international space station, the amazement Paolo Nespoli took unique photographs of it and several minutes of high definition video, even though the American space shuttle Endeavour was moored During its last mission (STS-134). At 9:55 pm UTC, the space station even made a slow rotation of 129 degrees in order to show itself at Soyuz from the best possible angle in terms of lighting conditions for shots. At 10:15 p.m. UTC, the Soyuz capsule engaged in its propellants to move away from the ISS. As she flew over the south of the Atlantic Ocean, the maneuver of Demonbitation began at 01 h 36 UTC, the . The habitable descent capsule detached from the propellant at 02 h 01 UTC, and the module started its descent into the atmosphere. At 02 h 27 UTC, Soyuz TMA-20 landed in a desert region of Kazakhstan, close to the city of Djezkazgan.

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