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Partial suspension bondage scene.

The suspension bondage is a form of bondage in which a person is attached by a rope harness to a suspension point. This type of bondage is considered a more risky BDSM practice than standard bondage.

During the partial suspension , the partner is attached to such an extent that the weight of his body is suspended by attachment points, cables or chains. The most classic partial suspension position is to concentrate the largest of the weight of the partner attached to one of the legs and place his other leg in another direction. The suspensions by the feet or lying on the back also fall under partial bondage. During the complete suspension , the encordé (or the person who attaches himself in the case of a self-sulpension) completely leaves the ground. The body position and the duration of the suspension are of course limited by the endurance of the encordeed.

Suspension bondage is a form of technical leaping, it can note, for the remedyer as for the roped, of a desire for artistic and physical prowess. In a sexualized framework, the suspension can bring a feeling of vulnerability and consented helplessness. Being suspended, and especially in an adapted space, can create a feeling of objective and submission for the individual, which can be erotically stimulating for him and for the partner who observes it. The suspension point is a classic figure in demonstrations and performance organized in BDSM conventions.

The three basic suspension positions are vertical, horizontal and reversed suspensions.


Suspension verticale [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The verticlae suspension obliges the partner attached to being raised by the wrists, thighs and/or ankles. When using attachment points, damage can be caused to the tissues of the wrists, considerably reducing blood circulation. This position must therefore be brief. The suspension of the cuffs generally extends the body thus exposing the pelvis and the ribs. Often in fiction and films, an actor can be seen bearing normal or standard handcuffs. This is quite possible, although extremely painful and which can leave deep marks on the wrists. The so -called secure and “more comfortable” suspension method is the use of suspension handcuffs specially made to extend body weight around the wrists as much as possible.

Suspension horizontale [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Horizontal suspension, head at the top.

The horizontal suspension places the individual attached in the horizontal position, sometimes the head towards the sky, but often the head towards the ground. The body is raised in this position and attached by the bondage accessories holding the wrists and the ankles, or other parts of the body, or a combination of the two, thus distributing the weight of the individual. The ankles and wrists can be attached together or distant by a spacing bar. The attachment points as well as the specialized suspension handcuffs can be used.

Reverse suspension [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Preparation model for a bondage scene.

Suspending the head upside down, it is a position that can be very hard to maintain and in which the blood goes up quickly to the head. This means that this position cannot be maintained in the long term and that it can plunge the individual suspended in a coma. To be suspended in this position, the attachment points or the handcuffs specialized in bondage are used to maintain the ankles of the individual in the air.

The danger most often associated with the leaping of suspension, among the other major risks driven by bondage, is the fall; Often caused by a little solid suspension point or because of mediocre techniques and inexpensive equipment. The least obvious dangers include the compression of nerves and damage caused to blood circulation, or by the most recently recognized trauma of suspension of suspension [ first ] , [ 2 ] . This syndrome appears when an individual cannot bear to be suspended the ankles higher than the vital organs or the weight no longer supports the legs. Detaching an individual suspended in complete safety can be difficult if he is unconscious.
