Starsund — Wikipedia


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Stralsund [ ˈe sy t ʀ a ː l With ʊ n t ] is a city in Mecklembourg-Poméranie-Western, part of Pomerania, in northern Germany. It is the chief town of the arrondissement of Pomeranie-Western-Rügen.

It is one of the largest cities in the Poméranie region. She lives mainly from tourism. Among the best known attractions, the German Museum of the Sea, the Water Park, the Port of Pleasin, the Place du Vieux Marché ( old market ) with the Gothic town hall and the Saint-Nicolas church, the new market square, the Sainte-Marie church, etc.

Next to tourism, the sea always plays an important role in the local economy. The shipyard, port and fishing employ many inhabitants.

The city is on the Strelasund, an arm of the Baltic Sea between the island of Rügen and the continent. In view of its situation, the city is sometimes nicknamed “Le Port de Rügen” .

Warships in the port in 1922.

Straelsund was one of the cities of the Hanseatic League from the Middle Ages.

At the invitation of Jaromar II, the Dominicans founded the Sainte-Catherine convent ( Katharinenkloster ) In 1251 and the Franciscans Le Convent Saint-Jean ( Johanniskloster ) in 1254.

City-key seat during the Thirty Years War, the city was defended by officer Heinrich von Holk, veteran of the Thirty Years War, although only 29 years old.

In 1807, the then Swedish city was besieged and fell under the control of the first empire. Following the Vienna Congress in 1815 which put an end to the first empire, the city was integrated into Prussian Pomerania.

The bombing of October 6, 1944 destroyed almost 20% of the city and made more than 800 victims.
On May 1, 1945, the second Belarusian front took hold of the city.

The city has been listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 2002, jointly with that of Wismar.

Stelsund was a city-arrondissement until .

Angela Merkel has been a member of the Strelsund district since 1990. She obtained 56.2% of the vote in 2013 [ first ] .

Straelsund station connects the city to Berlin thanks to the Nordic line and Hamburg.

The shipyard Volkswerft .

The city of Stelsund is twinned with [ 2 ] :

Panoramic of Stelsund.

Panoramic of the port of Stelsund.

The Wulflam house, one of the best -preserved late Gothic residential buildings in northern Germany.

The Saint-Nicolas church of Stelsund. July 2019.

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  • (of) Harry Hardenberg (et al.), Stralsund: pictures of a city 1957-1992 , Hinstorff, Rostock, 2005, 141 p. (ISBN  3-356-01088-3 )
  • (of) Birgit at Kenu, Settlement history and port development in the Hanseatic city of Stralsund from the Middle Ages to the early modern period , Verlag M. Leidorf, Rahden (Westphaldie), 2005, 692 p. (ISBN  3-89646-303-9 ) (Reworked text of a sustained thesis at the University of Tubingen in 2003)
  • (of) Jörg Zapnik, Pest and war in the Baltic Sea area: The “Black Death” in Stralsund during the Great Nordic War (1700-1721) , D r Kovač, Hambourg, 2007, 339 p. (ISBN  978-3-8300-3118-5 ) (Reworked text of a sustained thesis at the University of Greifswald in 2004)
  • E. Cazales, From Stelsund to Lunebourg: episode of the campaign of 1813 , L. Fournier, 1911, 67 p.
  • Mémoches the Barthémetle Sail, Bourg CRESSSE THE STRALSUE , translated by Edouard Fick, published by J.-G. Fick, 1886

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