State action at sea – Wikipedia


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In France, we group under the term of State action at sea (AEM) All missions relating to the state of the State, with the exception of missions linked to national defense. The increase in maritime transport and risky loads, as well as the development of economic and leisure activities at sea led to an evolution of the role of the state at sea.

These missions include administration and management missions, but also police missions and operational missions.

The action of the state at sea therefore includes missions under several ministries, in particular:

  • the Ministry of the Armed Forces;
  • the Ministry of Finance;
  • the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs (maritime boundaries);
  • the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries (resource management, fisheries police, etc. );
  • The Ministry of the Interior (Security, Borders and Immigration Control, Civil Security, etc. );
  • The Ministry of Ecology, Energy, Sustainable Development and the Sea (Fighting Pollution, Protection of the Marine Middle, Maritime Navigation, etc. );
  • the Ministry of Overseas;
  • The Ministry of Culture (underwater heritage management, research in underwater archeology, etc. ).

The operational missions of action of the state at sea are ensured, by the means of one or more public administrations:

And if necessary by associations or private companies to which public service missions are, for example in terms of rescue and rescue at sea: the National Sample of Sample at sea.

Foundations [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The French state action system at sea (AEM) is based on two foundations:

  • coordination between administrations with skills and means at sea;
  • the involvement of the Ministry of Defense.

The AEM today covers more than forty-five missions and involves more than ten ministerial departments.

Missions [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Missions concern:

  • Maritime security and sea rescue;
  • maritime and port safety;
  • fight against illicit traffic;
  • State action against illegal discharges at sea (voluntary pollution);
  • fight against illegal immigration by sea;
  • Surveillance and control of peaches.

Interministerial in principle and inter-administer in its functioning, the action of the State at sea is led by the Prime Minister, through the General Secretariat of the Sea. More than ten ministries compete, to titles and to degrees Various, to the intervention of the State at sea. The rescue of persons and goods, the prevention of pollution and the fight against pollution exerted a strong motivation leading the State to structure its capacity for action at sea . The President of the Republic Nicolas Sarkozy announced in his speech on the maritime policy of France, in Le Havre, the , the creation of Coast guard function , implemented by the blue book, national strategy for the sea and the oceans ( ). It is not a question of creating a new service of the State, but of pooling the means of action of the various administrations which act at sea. Based on criteria of efficiency and economics of resources, this adaptation must facilitate A more efficient piloting of an organization that has proven itself in the field. It also makes a visible contribution to the development of the integrated policy of the European Union. The creation of this new function is accompanied by the creation of a steering committee of the “Coast Guard” function and an operational center dedicated to the holding of a reference maritime situation for the benefit of the authorities and all administrations or services.

The Ministries of Defense, Finance and Transport, which have naval means, are more specifically inserted into a coordination system, for the needs of the missions defined by the decree of the relating to the action of the state at sea: “The defense of the sovereign rights and the interests of the nation, the maintenance of public order, the safeguarding of people and goods, the protection of the environment and the coordination of the fight against illicit activities” .

The decentralized authority of the State is entrusted in this area in mainland France to maritime prefects. Overseas, it is entrusted to the government delegate (prefect or high commissioner of the Republic) assisted by the naval officer commanding the maritime zone.
On a daily basis, each administration exercises its own responsibilities at sea. The coordination of the various administrations is ensured by the maritime prefect (overseas, by the delegate of government assisted by the commander of the maritime zone), powerful and indisputed authority, responsible for operations department on the intervention area.

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