Sterling book tickets – Wikipedia


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THE Sterling book banknotes are currently in circulation in the United Kingdom and in the territories attached to it: Jersey, Guernsey, the Ile de Man, the Southern Georgia, the South Sandwich Islands and the territory of Sainte-Hélène, Ascension and Tristan Da Cunha .

Until the middle of XIX It is A century, private banks in Great Britain and Ireland were free to issue their own banknotes. This paper currency was issued by a wide range of provincial and municipal banking companies in England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland [ first ] . She was circulating freely as a means of payment.

Gold were missing to issue coins and printing powers of banknotes by banks are gradually limited by various laws of the Parliament with in particular the Bank Charter Act law of 1844 which gradually gives the monopoly for posting tickets at the Central Bank of England [ 2 ] . Under this, no new bank can start to print your own tickets and private banks with this right gradually disappear thanks to mergers and closures. The latest English detail banknotes were issued in 1921 by Fox, Fowler and Company, a Bank of the County of Somerset [ 2 ] .

On the other hand, some of the provisions on this monopoly of the Bank of England apply only in England and in the land of Wales. The Scottish Acts on Tickets was adopted the following year, and to date, three retail banks retain the right to issue their own sterling tickets in Scotland.

Following the partition of Ireland, the free state of Ireland created the Irish book in 1928, this new currency was attached to the Sterling book until 1979. The program of the Irish pound tickets Then passes under the authority of the Monetary Commission of the Republic of Ireland, which replaced the tickets of private banks by his family in 1928. The same year, a law of the Westminster Parliament reduced the limit of trustee for the tickets Irish bank traveling in Northern Ireland to take into account the reduction in the size of the territory. Finally, four banks can issue tickets to Northern Ireland.


While in most countries of the world the issue of tickets is exclusively managed by a central bank or directly a government, the United Kingdom authorizes seven retail banks to print their own banknotes [ 3 ] .

government = Tickets issued by the government or the public treasury
central bank = Tickets issued by the central bank
retail bank = Tickets issued by a retail bank

Bank of England series [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Scottish series [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

North Irish series [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Anglo-Norman series [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Series of the island of Man [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Series of overseas territories [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

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  1. (in) 19th Century 1 Guinea Banknote, Birmingham Bank » , Birmingham Museums & Art Gallery (consulted the )
  2. a et b (in) A brief history of banknotes » , Bank of England (consulted the )
  3. Sterling book, the oldest currency in circulation » , on , (consulted the )
  4. New £ 5 » , on One Change (consulted the )
  5. (in) The New Polymer £ 5 (the new £ 5) » , on bankfengland (consulted the )
  6. (in) £10 Note (Charles Darwin) – Design Features » , Bank of England (consulted the )
  7. (in) The New Polymer £ 10 note (new £ 10) » , on bankfengland (consulted the )
  8. (in) £20 Note (Adam Smith) – Design Features » , Bank of England (consulted the )
  9. (in) £50 Note – Design Features » , Bank of England (consulted the )
