Stone Robinet – Wikipedia


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Tap stone , born in Paris on and died in the same city the , is a French sculptor.

Pierre-Marie-Nicolas Robinet, also known as Pierre-Alfred Robinet [ first ] , was born in Paris, the [ 2 ] .

Admitted to the sculpture school of the Academy of Fine Arts, he is a pupil of James Pradier and Pierre-Jean David d’Angers.


He began at the Salon of the Academy of Fine Arts in 1835 and he exhibited regularly until 1877.

His bust Attention is noticed during the 1839 head of expression competition [ 3 ] . In 1840, the Academy of Fine Arts, in its session of , awards him the second Grand Prix of Rome of sculpture for Ulysse Horny Arc , the first prize having not been awarded that year [ 4 ] , [ Notes 1 ] .

Between 1845 and 1846, he worked, under the direction of the architect Daniel Ramée, to restore the heads of the-column statues of the western portal of the Notre-Dame de Senlis cathedral, mutilated during the Revolution; The original plasters are kept at the Lapidary Museum of the Cathedral [ 5 ] .

Pierre Robinet obtained an honorable mention in the 1863 fair and a medal in 1870.

Between 1873 and 1876, he stayed on the island of Jersey.

He died the at his home at 90, rue Legendre, in the 17 It is district of Paris [ 6 ] .

  • Amiens, Picardy Museum: Bust of Doctor Dubois of Amiens , 1853, bronze, 87  cm , don de M me Dubois in 1898. The plaster model appeared in the 1853 fair [ 7 ] .
  • Bolbec, hospital courtyard: Jacques Fauquet [ 8 ] , bronze bust, inaugurated in the courtyard the [ 9 ] , then transferred to new premises in the 1990s [ ten ] .
  • Paris :
    • National Academy of Medicine [ 11 ] :
      • Baron Larrey , marble statue, presented at the Universal Exhibition of 1855 [ twelfth ] , entrance hall ;
      • The Baron Desgenettes , marble statue, entrance hall;
      • Louis-Benoit Guersant (1777-1848) [ 13 ] , bust, living room of 1859;
      • Jean-Baptiste Huzard , bust, living room of 1859;
      • Philippe Pinel , envelopes;
      • Denis Placide Bourat (1764-1853) [ 14 ] , envelopes;
      • Jean-Baptiste Nacquart (1780-1854) , envelopes.
    • Pere Lachaise Cemetery : Funeral monument of Edmond-Adolphe Gay [ 15 ] , 1844, marble tomb, 2.15 m , simulating a rock and a tree trunk [ 16 ] , [ 17 ] .
    • Palais du Louvre:
      • Jean-Balthazar Keller [ 18 ] , stone statue, at the level of first is Field of the facade of the Henri II wing [ 19 ] ;
      • Jean Bullant [ 20 ] , located in the wing in return Mollien ( first is stage) [ 21 ] ;
      • Frank warrior , stone statue, Marsan wing;
      • Roman warrior , Stone statue, Marsan wing.
  • Versailles, Museum of the History of France:
  1. If the Prix de Rome has been awarded to “Pierre-Marie-Nicolas Robinet”, all the documents and articles concerning him, as well as the notices of his works, are in the name of “Pierre-Alfred Robinet”.
  1. Stanislas Lami, Dictionary of sculptors of the French school in the nineteenth century. T. IV. N-z , 1914-1921 ( read online ) , p. 154 .
  2. Archives of Paris, reconstituted birth certificate, year 1811 (view 35/51) . This date is reinforced by the report of the session of the Academy of Fine Arts, in 1840, to award the second prize from Rome to Pierre-Marie-Robinet, aged 29 years.
  3. .
  4. French art archives on .
  5. .
  6. Paris Archives 17 It is , death certificate n O 155, year 1878 (view 5/31) .
  7. .
  8. Mayor of Bolbec, founder of the hospital.
  9. Norman bibliographer manual [Ref. incomplete] .
  10. .
  11. .
  12. Notice n O  AR313414 , Arcade base, French Ministry of Culture
  13. Children’s hospital doctor.
  14. Pharmacist.
  15. Lieutenant of cavalry, died in Africa on .
  16. New French art archives ynouvelles_archives_de_l%E2%80%99art_fran%C3%A7AIS._3E_S%C3%A9RIE,_TOME_13.DJVU/215
  17. .
  18. Orfèvre then inspector of the Arsenal foundry, of Swiss origin.
  19. .
  20. Architect and sculptor.
  21. .
  22. [first]
  23. « Westaway Monument » , notice on .
  24. General George Don (1756-1832) is a British army officer who was governor of the island of Jersey between 1805 and 1814.
  25. « Don monument – Jersey – St-Helier » , notice on .

Bibliography [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Stanislas Lami, Dictionary of sculptors of the French school in the nineteenth century. T. IV. N-z , 1914-1921 ( read online ) , p. 154-156 .

external links [ modifier | Modifier and code ]
