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Tiberius Julius Sauromatès (in modern Greek: Tiberius Julius Savromatis ), better known as Sauromatès IV (in modern Greek: SAVROMATIS D ‘ ) is a king of the Bosphorus of the Tiberian-Julian dynasty prevailing to IV It is century.

His reign period extends from 275 to 276, and perhaps also from 280 to 311.

Sauromatès IV [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Sauromatès IV , putative son of Rhescuporis IV Nodage of the water front to the year 572 de l’hall du pontard, isit 275-276 ap. J.-C., émise au nom de « ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΣΑΥΡΟΜΑΤΟΥ » avec à l’avers la tête diadémée de Sauromatès à droite et devant un trident et au revers l’effigie de l’empereur Tacite ou Probus [ 2 ] .

Sauromatès, son of Kriskoronos [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

According to Constantine Porphyrogenète [ 3 ] , at the time when Diocletian was an emperor in Rome and Themistos, son of Themistos the “Sarmate”, was “Stéphanophoros” [ 4 ] et “Protevon” [ 5 ] From the Autonomous Greek city of Dearonèse, “Sauromatès the Bosporian, son of Kriskoronos”, at the head of Sarmates who live near the Sea of ​​Azov, devastates the country of the Lazes then the bridge. Diocletian sends it to fight it the future César Constance Chlore which stops its progression on the Halys river and prevents it from advancing further in Asia Minor. At the same time, Constance Chore obtains from Chrestos, son of Papias, a new Protevon of Cherèse, which he performs a diversion maneuver by attacking Panticapé, the capital of the Bosphorus. The dearities besiege and take the city and grab the king’s family whom they deliver to Constance; The latter only releases them when the Bosphorians agree to conclude peace with Rome. The dearities obtain a tax exemption in return for their intervention. In his study, Benjamin Nadel places these events between 290 and 292 under the reign of King Thothorsès [ 6 ] .


In this context, the hypothesis has been put forward, if we agree to identify the name attributed to his father “Kriskoronos” with an alteration of that of “Rhescaporis ( IV ) “, That this Sauromatès would be the same as Sauromatès IV , brother (?) And competitor of Thothorsès, who, after being dismissed from the throne, would have tried in this adventure to find his authority between 280 and 311 [ 7 ] .

Posterity [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Constantine Porphyrogenète then evokes during the reign of Constantine I is , at the time when Bycus, son of Supolicus, had become Protevon and Stéphanophoros de Cherèse, the story of another Sauromatès IN , grandson of the Sauromatès, son of Kriskoronos, who declared war on the dear to avenge the insults that his grandfather had received in Lazique [ 3 ] .

Wedding and children [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

From his union with an unknown woman, he probably had:

Ascendance [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  1. a et b Or perhaps an anonymous son, father of Sauromatès IN .
  2. (in) Gallery of portraits on coins of the Northern Black Sea Region — Portraits of Kings » , on Odessa Numismatics Museum (consulted the ) .
  3. a et b Constantine Porphyrogenète, Of managing empire , chapter 53.
  4. I.E. Crown holder.
  5. I.E. Premier Municipal Magistrat.
  6. (in) Benjamin Nadel, « Literary Tradition and Epigraphical Evidence : Constantine Porphyrogenitus’ Information on the Bosporan Kingdom of Emperor Diocletian Reconsidered », dans Ancient history dialogues , vol. 3, 1977, p. 101-102.
  7. (in) John Mladjov, Bosporus (Bosporos) » (consulted the ) .
