Super-family (biology)-Wikipedia



In biology, a great family is an intermediate level, immediately higher than the category family of the classic classification of living beings (see systematic).

The name of the superfamilles ends with the suffix -that In plants and algae
And -Oidea at mushrooms.


  • animal : APOIDEA , Platyrrhini

Taxonomic rows [ first ] Used in systematics for the hierarchical classification of the living world are as follows (in decreasing order):

  • Super-Entine, Empire, Domaine ( Superregnum , Imperium , Dominion )
  • Reign ( Kingdom )
  • Sub-shed ( Subregnum )
  • Rameau ( Ramus , “Branch” in English)
  • Infra-Entine ( Infraregnum )
    • Super-branch, super-division ( Superphylum , Superdivisio )
    • Branch , Division ( Phylum , Division ) [ 2 ]
    • Subsembling, subdivision ( Subphylum , Subdivision )
    • Infra-branch ( Infraphylum )
    • Micro-Embrannment ( Microphylum )
      • Super-class ( Superclassis )
      • Class ( Class )
      • Subclass ( Subclassis )
      • Infra-class ( Infraclassis )
        • Super-order ( Superorde )
        • Order ( Order )
        • Sub-order ( Subordo )
        • INFRA-order ( Infelord )
        • Micro-order ( Microordination )
          • Super-famille (Superfamilia)
          • Famille( Familia)
          • Sous-famille (Subfamilia)
          • Tribu (Tribus)
          • Sous-tribu (Subtribus)
            • Genre (Genus)
            • Sous-genre (Subgenus)
            • Section (Sectio)
            • Sous-section (Subsectio)
              • Espèce (Species)
              • sous-espèce (subspecies) – dernier rang zoologique officiel[3]
              • variété (varietas) – race étant un rang zoologique informel[3]
              • sous-variété (subvarietas) – sous-race étant un rang zoologique informel[3]
              • forme (forma) dernier rang en mycologie
              • sous-forme (subforma)
  • Classic classification, plant reign
  1. In bold the seven main rows (recofge, mnemotechnical acronym for reign/branch/class/order/family/kind), in lean secondary ranks. In Roman the vulgar names, in italics scientific names.
  2. A zoology branch, or division in botany, is traditionally characterized by a schematic description called “organization plan”.
  3. A B and C Taxa to the ranks of race and of sub-race (mainly domestic animals) have no scientific name. They are not governed by the International Zoological Nomenclature Code (Cinz).
  • icône décorative Biology portal
