Taskwarrior — Wikipédia


Taskwarrior is an open-source command line software allowing you to manage your tasks . He published under MIT license and is multiplate.


It allows you to create, modify, delete tasks; to assign them one or more projects, priorities and tags and to view them through various reports.

The commands allowing the use of Taskwarrior follow the following generic syntax:


Task management [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The orders add , modify And done Allow to add, modify and mark as a task respectively.

Each task has a description that it is compulsory to specify from the addition, as well as multiple attributes (such as a project, a priority, tags, a due date, a dependence …). Values ​​can be assigned to all or part of the attributes and its values ​​can be modified at any time.

Some of these attributes, however, have some specificities. The priority of a task can only be set at one of the following three values: H For high (high), M For medium (average) or L For low (low). The due date must be fixed according to certain rules, although many different ways allow it to be defined, among others:

  • The English equivalent of any day of the week: e. g. friday Indicates next Friday
  • English abbreviations to designate the start ( start ) or the end ( end ) of the week ( week ), of the month ( month ), of the year ( year ). e. g. as designates the beginning of the month ( start of month ); eoy designates the end of the year ( end of year ). Be careful however, the week designates the work week (which starts on Monday and finishes the Friday ). However, just use eocw To designate the calendar week ( calendar week ) which starts on Sunday or Monday and ends on Saturday or Sunday. So eow designates the end of the work week (Friday) and eocw , the end of the week of the calendar.
  • A date in the form MM/JJ/AAAA or in the form determined by the ISO 8601 standard.
$ task add Une tâche...
Created task first .
$ task add another task
Created Task 2 .
$ Task Add A third Priority task: L DEPEND: 1.2 +UNTAG
Created Task 3 . 

We first create several tasks by specifying a description and, sometimes, one or more attributes. Here, task 3 has a low priority, depends on tasks 1 and 2 and has a tag “UNTAG”.

$ task first -3 modify priority:M
  - Priority will be set to 'M' .
Modify task first  'A spot...' ? ( yes/no/all/quit ) a

Modifying task first  'A spot...' .
Modifying task 2  'Another task' .
Modifying task 3  'A third task' .
Modified 3 tasks.

$ task modify project:DécouverteDeTaskwarrior due:eocw
This command has no filter, and will modify all tasks.  Are you sure? ( yes/no ) y
  - Due will be set to 'November 8, 2012' .
  - Project will be set to 'Découvertaskwarrior' discovery .
Modify task first  'A spot...' ? ( yes/no/all/quit ) y

Modifying task first  'A spot...' .
  - Due will be set to 'November 8, 2012' .
  - Project will be set to 'Découvertaskwarrior' discovery .
Modify task 2  'Another task' ? ( yes/no/all/quit ) a

Modifying task 2  'Another task' .
Modifying task 3  'A third task' .
Modified 3 tasks.
The project 'Découvertaskwarrior' discovery has changed.  Project 'Découvertaskwarrior' discovery is 0 % complete  ( 3 of 3 tasks remaining ) . 

Once the tasks are created, they can be changed by specifying a filter that determines which task (s) is (are) to modify. A filter can be the ID of a task ( e. g. first will designate task 1: ‘A task …’), an enumeration of id ( e. g. 1.3 will designate tasks 1, ‘a task …’, and 3, ‘a third task’), an id beach, like here, where 1-3 Means tasks 1 and 2 and 3 (equivalent to 1.2,3; but is very useful if we designate an important beach: e. g. 9-34 ). A filter can also be any attribute: e. g. priority:H will only filter tasks with high priority. We can also combine filters with logical operators and , or And free .

In the absence of a filter, as during the second modification, the action affects all tasks. Here all the tasks are now part of the project Discovery ofTaskwarrior And have the end of the end of the calendar week.

$ task first  done Completed task first  'A spot...' .
Completed first task.
Project 'Découvertaskwarrior' discovery is 33 % complete  ( 2 of 3 tasks remaining ) . 

We finish by marking task 1 as done.

Tasks reports [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Among the predefined reports, we will note:

  • list (List all tasks with some additional information to each task such as their project, priority and deadline),
  • long (like list but with more details such as dependencies, tags),
  • next (List the most urgent tasks, determined by the software by calculating the “emergency” of a task using its priority, of its deadline [ 2 ] …),
  • summary (List all projects and indicates for each the number of tasks remaining to be carried out as well as the advancement of the project which corresponds to the percentage of tasks of the project carried out).

task allows you to view a report. For example, task list allows you to view the report list . It is however possible to visualize a report using a filter, for example task priority:H list .

In addition to the twenty predefined reports [ 3 ] , it is also possible to define your own reports by editing the configuration file .TASKRC [ 4 ] .


By continuing the example of the previous part, here is what the few reports mentioned above can be given:

$ task long

ID Project                  Pri Added    Started Due       Recur Countdown Age Deps Tags  Description first Discoverydetaskwarrior m 8 /4/2012 8 /11/2018 - -5 days 1D another task 2 Discoverydetaskwarrior m 8 /4/2012 8 /11/2012     -   -5 days  1d first UNTAG a third task 2 tasks 

The four reports cited all only listed unpleasant tasks, thus “a task …” is not listed. In addition, the IDs displayed here are not constant and can change when a task is marked as done. An identifier designating a task in a unique way exists under the name of Uuid and has a value in hexadecimal.

$ task summary

Project                 Remaining Avg age Complete 0 % 100 %
Discovery ofTaskwarrior 2  19 hrs 33 % |||||||||  first projects 

In the report summary , a progression bar (in reality more aesthetic than that of the example) makes it possible to assess the progress of each project.

$ task next

ID Project                  Pri Due       A Age Urgency Description first Discoverydetaskwarrior m 8 /11/2012 1D 19 .1 Another task 2 Discoverydetaskwarrior m 8 /11/2012 1D 6 .95 A third task 2 tasks 

Here, the tasks are classified by “emergency”, a parameter calculated among other things from priority and due date.

Note : In reality, the command task Only displays the report next and is therefore equivalent to task next .

Bibliography [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Related article [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

external links [ modifier | Modifier and code ]
