Teaching.be – Wikipedia


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Enseignons.be has been an ASBL active since 2004 in the teaching community. It notably manages the site teaching.be, an educational portal for French -speaking teachers as well as a set of Facebook pages and closed groups.

L'équipe d'Enseignons.be - 2021

From left to right: Elise, Gilles and Bérenger

Starting from the observation that it was difficult, for a young teacher (or an intern), to find examples of course preparations, a candidate for aggregation, Benjamin Nizet decides with four friends to found the site [ first ] . In August 2004, the non -profit association was founded [ first ] . The association Contact Libris Agora who agrees to finance a communication campaign [ first ] .

Educational documents [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

They are distributed by level (fundamental and secondary), by materials (in the fundamental, also by competence) and per year. In each party there are preparations (educational resources) specific to this discipline.


News [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

These are articles written by a teaching professional who decipher the news of education.

The community [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Our community is spread over our web platform which has 2000 to 7,000 visitors daily.

To this, we add our large, strong Facebook community of 160,000 likes as well as fifty closed groups for education professionals.

The association [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The Association teachingons.be was created in August 2004 [ first ] .

The aim of the association is “to improve the quality of teaching”. It can also provide continuous training, conferences, to promote the use of new technologies.

Teachers.be is currently managed by a team made up of 3 members spread over two educational detachments. For several years, the ASBL has received from the Wallonia-Brussels Federation a first job plan providing additional support to the small team.

School support [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

In September 2013, Teaching.Be set up a school support project in schools in Wallonia and Brussels. In 2017, the association had 40 school support centers. The courses are given by teachers in the form of two -hour weekly modules during a renewable quarter.

From 2004 to 2010 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Benjamin Nizet (President)
  • Olivier Alfieri (Trésorier)
  • Vanessa Fantinel (secretary)
  • Fransoise Houard
  • Jonathan Fischbach
  • Sébastien truyens

From 2010 to 2016 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Jonathan Fiunchbach (Present)
  • Benjamin Nizet (treasurer)
  • Françoise Houard (secretary)
  • Sébastien truyens
  • Morgane Folon (arrived in 2012)
  • Bérenger Buchet (arrival in 2010)
  • Aurélie Monhovalle (arrived in 2010)
  • Laurent Merenne (arrived in 2014)

2016 2018 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Laurent Merenne (President)
  • Aurélie Monhonvalle (secretary)
  • Jonathan Fischbach
  • Mélanie Goussot
  • Caroline Vanerwegen

From 2018 to 2020 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Bérenger Buchet (President)
  • Cédric Mainil (director responsible for the tribe chart)
  • Gilles Déom (Administrator)
  • Farinel Elise (employee)
  • Virginie Renard (volunteer responsible for DYS-TRIGS)

From 2021 to today [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Bérenger Buchet (administrator)
  • Gilles Déom (Administrator)
  • Farinel Elise (employee)
  • Noémie Tribolet (employee)
