Tenzin Tsundue — Wikipedia


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Tenzin Places (Born in Manali in 1975) is a Tibetan poet and writer living in India. Former Tibetan political prisoner [ first ] , he militates for the independence of Tibet [ 2 ] .

Tenzin Tsundu was born on road sites in northern India where his parents work as a cantonniers after fled Tibet in 1959 [ 2 ] .

Studies [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

He was a student at the Indian University of Chennai and then that of Bombay.

Imprisonment [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Barely a graduate, he won the Ladakh and clandestinely crosses the Chinese border. Arrested, he was taken to Lhasa and imprisoned. He is released after three months [ 2 ] .


Activism [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

In 2002, when Zhu Rongji was in Bombay, Tsundu climbed the facade of the latter’s hotel and unrolled a huge banner: “Free Tibet!” China outside! »» [ 2 ] .

In 2002, the Indian edition of the International Fashion Magazine She , names it, at the same time as the 14 It is Dalai-Lama, among the 50 most elegant people in India [ 3 ] .

In 2005, he reoffended with the Chinese Head of Government, Wen Jiabao, and brandished the Chinese delegation the independent Tibet flag [ 2 ] .

Fearing that he will disrupt the official journey of President Hu Jintao in 2006, Indian police assign him [ 2 ] .

Testimony at the Office of Foreign Affairs and Commonwealth [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

As a former Tibetan political prisoner, he testified, the , at the Office of Foreign Affairs and Commonwealth, in England [ first ] , following the filing of a complaint by the Tibet Support Committee , the Tibet house it thubs wangle [ 4 ] , concerning the supposed involvement of seven former Chinese leaders, among others the former president Jiang Zemin and the former Prime Minister Li Peng, in an alleged genocide in Tibet [ 5 ] . However, the , the Spanish Senate has limited the law of universal jurisdiction, which should only apply to cases involving Spaniards or to suspects present in the territory of Spain [ 6 ] , [ 7 ] . However, one of the complainants, Thubten Wangchen, being a Tibetan in exile having Spanish nationality, the procedure is undergoing its course [ 8 ] .

Return to Tibet [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

In 2008, he participated in the “return march to Tibet” coordinated by Sherab Woeer and Lobsang Yeshi, Vice-President of Tyc [ 9 ] , [ ten ] , [ 11 ] . Tsundu compara to the “Salt Marche” initiated by Gandhi which he is inspired by [ twelfth ] .

He has published several books in English, including one translated into French:

  • (in) Crossing the Border , l’Author, 1999, 1999, 42 p.
  • (in) Kora: Stories and Poems , TCV Alumni Association, 2006, 46 p. ; edition in French: Kora: fight for Tibet ‘ , L’Harmattan, 2006, (ISBN  2296004296 And 9782296004290 )
  • (in) Semshook. Essays on the Tibetan Freedom Struggle , Tibet Writes, 2008, 86 p.
  • (in) Tsen-Göl: Stories and Poems of Resistance , l’Authors, 2012, 65 p.

Tsunde’s writings have also appeared in The International PEN , The Indian PEN , Sahitya Akademi’s Indian Literature , The Little Magazine , Outlook , The Times of India , The Indian Express , Hindustan Times , Better Photography , The Economic Times , Tehelka , The Daily Star (Bangladesh), Today (Singapore), Tibetan Review And Gandhi Marg.

In 2001, he won the price Outlook-Picador Award for Non-Fiction for his collection Crossing the Border .

  1. a et b (in) Clifford Coonan, Tibetan dissident to accuse Chinese of torture and genocide , The Independent , July 3, 2006.
  2. a b c d e and f Ursula Gauthier, The mangelrier of Tibetan independence , NEW OBS , January 23, 2008.
  3. (in) ‘India’s 50 Most Stylish People: The ELLE Hotlist!’ , Friendsofet.org
  4. Tibetan Genocide Victim to Testify before Spain’s National Court , Phayul.com, June 3, 2006
  5. Chinese leaders of accusation before Spanish justice , site of the International Federation for Justice in China, June 2, 2008.
  6. The universal competence of Spanish justice questioned , 7Sur7 , May 13, 2009.
  7. Sharon Weill, From Gaza to Madrid, the targeted assassination of Salah Shehadeh , The diplomatic world , September 2009.
  8. Tibet: Spanish justice will investigate Hu Jintao for “genocide” , AFP , October 11, 2013.
  9. Return to Tibet: Tsundu Tenzin Letter , May 15, 2008.
  10. (in) Juliet Macur and David Lague, Won’t Alter Olympic Torch Path , The New York Times , March 20, 2008.
  11. (in) Gregory Price Grieve, Daniel Veidlinger, the Internet, and Digital Media: The Pixel in the Lotus .
  12. (in) Jaideep Sarin, Fiery crusader plans to walk to Tibet , IANS , February 23, 2008.
